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Nombre: ___________________________________________

Espaol 2 El examen final

La parte de hablar
A. Despus del da escolar You will be shown a picture of 3 students (one involved in a musical
activity, one involved in a sports team, and one involved in an academic extracurricular activity). You
may choose which student to describe but you should be prepared to thoroughly describe one of the
students participation in his/her activity, using verb constructions such as the verb gustar, present
tense conjugations to describe what that student does in that club or sport, and use rich vocabulary
related to the activity to describe the club/sport and the student that participates in that club/sport.
B. La ropa You will be shown an advertisement from a clothing store and you should be prepared to
describe what clothing is in the ad, give information to describe details about the clothing (such as
colors, fit, reaction, etc.), and tell the prices for several items.
C. Cmo se va? You will be shown a map and asked to give directions from point A to point B. You
should include t commands in your response when telling where to turn and stop and also landmarks
on the map, such as turn left at the museum.

La parte de escribir

Las instrucciones: Your teacher will randomly assign you one of the 3 prompts below. You must answer
the essay question that was assigned to you. Your response should include at least 10 complete
sentences and at least 50 words.
A. Cmo te preparas? - Describe your daily routine. You should include information about what you do
in the morning to get ready, at what time you do each activity, and the items you use to get ready.
Remember to use reflexive verbs!
B. Mi niez - Describe your childhood, including information such as what you were like as a child, the
names of your best friends and pets, what you liked to do, and your favorite toys to play with. Use the
imperfect tense.
C. Pobrecito! Describe a trip to the hospital, either true or imaginary. Tell what accident happened
that resulted in the trip to the hospital and the treatment that the patient was given. Use the preterit

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