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IELTS Session 04

Part One

Do you work, or are you a student? What job do you do/ would you like to do?
How many hours a week do you/would you like to work?
What is your ideal job? (Why?)

Topic 1
Lets talk about you name

What is the meaning of your name?

How common is it for peoples names to have meaning in your language?
Does your name affect your personality?
Would you ever change your name?

Topic 2
Now Id like to ask you a few questions about your language

What different languages are spoken in your country?

How does the pronunciation on your countrys national news differ from own?
What problems do people from different areas in your country have
How do you think your language will change in the future?

Copyright 2007 English 1 on 1 Corp. All rights reserved. No reproduction without expressed written permission of English 1 on 1.

Part Two
Candidate Task Card

Describe a restaurant that you enjoy eating in.

You should say:
where the restaurant is
what kind of menu it has
how it is decorated
and explain why you like to eat there.

You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes.

You have one minute to think about what you're going to say.
You can make some notes to help you if you wish.
Rounding off questions

What do you usually order there?

Is it a very popular restaurant?

Copyright 2007 English 1 on 1 Corp. All rights reserved. No reproduction without expressed written permission of English 1 on 1.

Part Three
Lets talk about the food service industry

What types of restaurants are popular in your country?

What types of people generally work at fast food restaurants in your country?
How does working at a restaurant compare with other jobs in your country?
What can someone learn about a country from eating its food?

Finally lets talk about health

Do you think you eat healthy food? (Why / Why not?)

What types of food are not healthy?
What impact do fast food restaurants have on societys health?
What are some ways to improve health with food?

Copyright 2007 English 1 on 1 Corp. All rights reserved. No reproduction without expressed written permission of English 1 on 1.

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