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Aim : To study the effect of pH on the growth of bacteria.

Problem statement : How does pH affect the growth of

Hypothesis : Bacteria grow well in neutral conditions but
not in acidic or alkaline conditions.
Variables : a) Constant : amount of nutrient agar
b) Manipulated : pH of nutrient agar
c) Responding : Number of bacterial colonies
Materials : Sterile nutrient agar, bacteria culture
(Bacillus Subtilis), dilute hydrochloric acid, dilute sodium
hydroxide and distilled water.
Apparatus : Sterile petri dishes with lids, sterile
measuring cylinders, sterile glass rod and cellophane

Procedure :
1) Three sterile petri were labelled A, B and C.
2) 10 cm3 of sterile nutrient agar was measured using
sterile measuring cylinder and was poured into each
sterile petri dish.
3) A few drops of dilute hydrochloric acid, dilute sodium
hydroxide and distilled water were added into petri dish
A, B, C respectively.
4)After the agar solidified, some bacteria cultures were
put onto the surface of the agar in each petri dish using
a sterile glass rod.
5) Petri dishes were covered with lids were sealed using
cellophane tape.
6) The three petri dishes were placed upside down in an
incubator at 35C.
7) Observation was recorded after two days.

Observation :
Petri dish Condition of the nutrient

Number of
bacterial colonies
many (banyak)

Discussion :
1) Based on the observation, give an inference about
the growth of bacteria in acidic and alkaline conditions.
Bacteria no suitable growth in acidic and alkaline
2) Why must the petri dishes were placed upside down?
To prevent water condensation from accumulating and
disturbing the bacteria cultures.
3) Based on this experiment, state the operational
definition for the growth of microorganisms?
The number of bacteria colonies present in the petri dish
4) Can your hypothesis be accepted?
Conclusion :
Bacteria grow well in neutral conditions but not in acidic
or alkaline conditions.

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