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This proposal would not be possible if not for the help of the people who had
took part to accomplish all what we needed.
Our greatest thanks to our family, for their patience, support and understanding
during our crucial and restless days. Knowing that we have more difficulties at hand,
they never overlook at our studies and despite the burden they still lend their hands
with a smile on their faces.
Our deepest gratitude to our professor, Engr. Geffren R. Bernardo, for his
unwavering patience in teaching us and for sharing with us his knowledge within the
subject matter despite our attitude towards this subject, to the extent of letting us
digest his words piece by piece and not just by storing it to mind. Knowing that we
have brought our own misfortune, he never ceased to inspire and educate us with all
his effort the knowledge he has acquired within years of experience.
A special thanks to our classmates and friends who bore the same difficulty as
we are, for their patience, presence and laughter despite the stress that we all have to
Last but never been the least of all, our whole heartedly thanks to our Almighty
God for the never ending courage, determination and guidance He is giving which
made us believe that we can do all what we can and have to do.

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