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The HENLEY College

Morgan Pye

Introduction........................................................................................................... 2
Usp........................................................................................................................ 2
Colours.................................................................................................................. 2
Sound.................................................................................................................... 3
Location................................................................................................................. 3
Analysing shot....................................................................................................... 4
Previous adverts.................................................................................................... 5
Target audience..................................................................................................... 6
.............................................................................................................................. 9
Market analysis.................................................................................................... 10
Product analysis................................................................................................... 11
Conclusion........................................................................................................... 12
Reference page.................................................................................................... 13

The product being sold is the IPhone 6, I decided to sell this amazing product as
it is the one of the best smart phones on the market to date and brings the
complexity of a computer and the iconic simplicity of an Apple product together
to make an incredible product which is able to have a target audience of anyone
and everyone.
For this advert I decided to focus on one of the best parts of the Apple IPhone 6,
the camera. The camera consist of not only an 8 megapixel camera and a 3
times zoom but also the astonishing feature of burst, which allows the user to
painlessly take 5 photos per second instead of the generic one per click which is
on offer with other smart phones on the market, as well as the ability to capture
film in a whole new way of filming in 3x slow motion or time lapse videos to
capture a video in 2 frames per second.

The unique selling point of my advert is the wide range of people that can be the
target audience, my advert will consist of a verity of shots of different people
living different lives, this I will make the advert be more relatable to a wider
range of people meaning there will be a higher number of people wanting to buy
this revolutionary product.

for this advert I wanted to keep to the identity of previous Apple adverts, by this
is mean I used bright colours, e.g. the opening shot of a girl with purple hair
taking a photo.

Similarly throughout my research I noticed that the music of in Apples adverts do
not drown out all of the diegetic sounds in the shot, for example in an advert
there maybe the music but there is still the faint sound of people talking or of
cars driving past. For my advert I wanted to use this as it makes the advert a bit
more realistic and relatable to the audience.

The locations I used in the were chosen to be the most relatable to the target
audience, one of which was at home, as I wanted to show the family side of the
brand and not just what it really is, which is a company which creates

Analysing shot
Very different location
from previous location,
this is to show diversity to
make it the as relatable as
possible to a wider range
of people.

Hand held to show its from his personal

prospective, this gives the audience an
insight into his life.

White tank top, this is to

stick to the Apple idea of
bright colours in their

Previous adverts

For my advert I decided to stick to the traditional very successful advert style of
Apple. Because of this I watched multiple adverts of Apple, specifically the
IPhone camera adverts. From these adverts I have noticed there are many shots
were the phone has been used, or at least a camera used instead of the phone,
to film pasts of the advert. Such as in the shot shown, there are three
skateboarders, however the third one is filming the other two from his phone,
this makes this sequence more relatable and personal to the viewer, I decided to
recreate this in my advert by getting a boy to film himself doing a backflip.

I then noticed there were many shots in on advert where there are POV angles
used to show what a person is doing on their IPhone, in this case taking a
picture. In my advert I wanted to stick to this idea as it is a good way of showing
how the phone can be used, so in my advert I used this idea of using POV angles
to show the editing features of the phone.


Another thing I noticed was that there were shots of people taking selfies, this is
a new occurrence in the adverts however they are growing in popularity.

Target audience


From this graph it is clear that the IPhone users mostly use the IPhone for talking
and texting, both of which are forms of communication, this means that the
IPhone users are wanting to be connected or at least feel connected, this means
that in Apples adverts there should be a big focus on people being social, for this
reason I decided to include multiple shots of people being together.

From my survey aimed at teenagers, it seems that 90% of the participants own
an IPhone which means that the publicising of the phone has worked.
Also through analysing the data collected from this survey it seems that from the
people that took part their overall favourite feature of the IPhone is the camera.
Using this data I decided to focus of the camera instead of any other feature as it
was the one feature which most people liked.

Teenager, 17
years old
Has a part time

In education

Group E, but parents

are in group C

Has a

Good group of

Market analysis
Though research it seems that android phones dominate the market with sales of
298,797,000 units during the third quarter of the year, this is through companies
like LG and Samsung. However Apple have sold a total of 6,062,000 units during
the same time. This is expected as android users have a wider range of products
to choose from as there are multiple companies on offer, were as ISO only have
Apple, so there are less choices and there for less sales. To increase sales it
seems the best way is to introduce a new type of phone made by Apple to concur
the market of people who do not like the IPhone product or introduce new
features which will appeal to a wider range of people that will make it seems that
the IPhone is a product which no one can live without.



Product analysis
The IPhone 6 is a smart phone designed by Apple and was released on the 4 th of
September 2014. The phone itself weighs 129 g and is 5.44 inches long with a
screen of 4.7 inches, the display is protected by an ion-strengthened glass and
an oleophobic coating.
The IPhone runs on IOS 8 and is upgradeable to the IOS 9.2.
The camera has an 8 megapixel camera, phase detection auto focus and a dualLED flash. As well as the amazing feature of face/smile detection and touch
focus. (5)



My advert brings together the best of the IPhone 6, focusing on the camera
allowed me to show the amazing features of the camera in more detail than if I
had tried to fit in all the information about the IPhone 6 into one advert. I believe
that the target audience will respond more to the idea of showing the features
rather than telling them a long list of facts and figures about the phone.
The teenage market want amazing quality and fast results, they do not really
care if the phone has NFC or not, all they care about is how they can use it and
how much they will enjoy themselves whilst using it, for this reason I wanted to
show teenagers being social and smiling to send a very clear message of, if you
own an IPhone 6 the camera will help you have fun and will make you happy.
I think that the idea of showing a verity of people using the IPhone 6 works, so I
wanted to stick to the rough outline of the previous adverts as they have worked
brilliantly in the past in creating awareness of the IPhone product as well as
increasing sales, so creating a whole new advert completely different from a
advert which is working really well seemed crazy, so I used the idea of a
montage of people using the camera of the IPhone in different situations from at
the gym to at home with family.


Reference page
(1) IPhone advert 2013
(2) Experian marking service


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