6 Hats DMP Jan5

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Leadership Skills Development Class

Date: Jan.5, 2016

Unit V:
Decision Making / Problem Solving / Creative Thinking
Todays Learning Target: How are the Six Thinking Hats utilized in critical thinking? I can name and
describe the six hats.
Todays focus: How do Leaders
Encourage others to think outside the box or differently than they usually do. How can a leader use the
6 Hats methods to improve discussions and brainstorming during DMP process?
Before Lesson:
Quote(s) for your Journal: Copy this quote into your journal on a fresh page dedicated to today!
Many highly intelligent people are poor thinkers. Many people of average intelligence are skilled
thinkers. The power of the car is separate from the way the car is driven.Edward De Bono
Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you
try!"Theodor Seuss Geisel
Respond with your words, ideas, and opinions. What do you think about this quote? Is it true or not? Where have you seen this in
your life? What does it inspire you to do? Whats new here? Have you thought about this topic before? What are your thoughts,
prior experience with ________________ (topic)? Assess your current ability as a leader to do _____________ (todays topic/how do
leaders__________). How well can you do this now? When have you done this or been challenged by this concept, etc. (10)

Icebreaker: Whats your adjective? When it comes to making a decision or brainstorming a big project
with a group how do you usually react? Are you quiet? Introspective? Bossy? Do you have a lot of
1. Pick one adjective from this list to describe you, and in your journal explain why this is the case.
Informative Constructive
2. Share with your shoulder partner why this is your adjective. See if they
agree. (5)
Todays Lesson:
1. Notes in Journal about the What and Why for 6 Hats. Also include in journal the types of
questions one can ask for each hat.
2. Class Discussion trying on different hats. Model Example:
Topic is- All students should be given $20 every week to attend school.
Goal: Apply different hat thinking to this suggestion. Dont worry if you agree or disagree with
the statement.
By the end the year, they will have received $600. ( white hat )
I feel that they will waste the money on things not needed. ( red hat )
Giving money to them will allow them to become better adults as they will learn about money
management. ( yellow and green hats )
Schools will lose money for no reason. ( black hat )
Students could pool money and buy a new computer for their classroom. ( green hat )
Topic 2. All students should be given their own laptop.
Directions: In journal write down what you would say with the white hat on. Share with class.
Red hat. Share. Black hat. Share. Yellow. Share. Green. Share. Blue. Share.
Make up your own topic: On piece of paper now write a topic we can discuss as a class.
Pass these up, and as I share these I want you to formulate your own thought/ statement/
question with the red hat on first.
Pick a different color for each question as we carry on the discussion.
After Lesson Reflection in Journal:
How was the discussion you had using the Six Hats different from your typical discussions? How

might it help you discuss difficult topics or make decisions?

After todays lesson and our discussion write a paragraph reflection on what you learned today. Include the following:

Your opinion of a topic discussed in class

Your reaction to an activity or project

How you see a concept relating to leadership or your leadership philosophy

Your interpretation of the thought of the day

Things to keep in mind when writing:

You should be specific in your references to situations and/or points discussed and the people involved. Keep in mind; I
am the only one reading this. Your entries should be thorough and descriptive and should be neatly hand written. Each
entry should be dated, if you are absent, you should still have an entry with the date and indicate you were absent. In
addition, even if absent you can reflect on the thought of the day.

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