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2400 Penderbrooke Avenue

Ottawa, Ontario
K2G 7H4
(416) 233-0814
September 17, 2015

Mrs. Sue Arbour

St Joseph High School
3333 Greenbank Road
Ottawa, ON
K2J 4J1
Dear Mrs. Arbour:
RE: Grade 9 BTT1O1
I would like to use this opportunity to explain how we can use the security rules I learned in BTT1O1 for further internet safety and to
ensure not getting hacked. The 10 rules are; keep your patches updates, keep your virus scanner updated, be careful around all
attachments, install a personal firewall, check the essential system settings, test your defences, detect and remove SPYWARE,
consider other security issues, do not trust all Microsoft products, and lastly stay informed.
1. You can download all the recommended programs, such as; Zonealarm, Agnitum Outpost, Ad-aware, Spybot
Search & Destroy, ScriptSentry.
2. The quality programs you installed will prevent viruses or hackers and leave a clean/organised computer.
3. Your essential settings will be changed to the correct ones.
4. It will make you more cautious about everything on your computer.
5. You will not open unfamiliar emails or ones from recipients you do not recognize.
6. Dont trust things on your computer ex. microsoft products and others which could be potential problems.
7. The rules will help with staying informed by subscribing to newsletters or reading articles on safe computing.
This lesson taught me so much, and Im sure to remember the given information. It will definitely come in handy, especially for
passing it on to others.

Maria Mikulic

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