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Technology and Design January 8th

What we did this week:

This week, we questioned if we change the mass, amplitude, and the string
length of a pendulum, would it affect the number of swings that the pendulum
would have in a period of 30 seconds. The first test we conducted was changing
the mass of the pendulum. We changed the number of washers hanging from the
string but kept constant both the string length and the amplitude in which it was
Tuesday we changed the amplitude of a pendulum. We used a protractor to
measure the angle in which we dropped our pendulum. We measured dropping it
from 30, 60, and 90 degrees. Each time the pendulum had the same string length
and the same mass (amount of washers hanging from it).
Wednesday we kept the mass the same, as well as the amplitude. We
changed the length of the string it was hanging on to determine if the string
length made a difference. There is a picture on my blog of sample data we
collected. Thursday, we graphed all of our data to be able to analyze what
relationships we see and turned in our lab.
Friday, we will begin working with an application found on the Chromebooks
called, Screencastify. Students will be creating an informational video about a
STEM project they made in Technology and Design using the software. The
students will be instructed on how to use the software on Friday and they will be
creating their video most of next week.
Students have been continuing to earn Minion Bucks. Many students cashed in
some minion bucks for hot chocolate during Connect Time on Wednesday. If they
wanted to spend a little more of their Minion Bucks, they could get a handful of
marshmallows in their hot chocolate. Ask your child ways they have been earning
their Minion Bucks and how many they have earned so far.

Coming Up:
January 14 Exam Review Day (Applies to Algebra, Geometry, Spanish 1A,
Spanish 2A, Italian 1A, and French 2A) *if your child is not enrolled in
these classes, they will have a normal schedule and meet with all 7 periods.

January 15 Final Exams for students enrolled in: Spanish 1A, Italian 1A
January 19 Final Exams for students enrolled in: Spanish 2A, French 2A
January 20 Final Exams for students enrolled in: Algebra, Geometry

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