Opr 4 - Math

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Kaitlin Flatley, Student Teacher

Karen Bucci, Classroom Teacher

Math: Fractions to Decimals

Nancy Murphy
Henry Barnard School
April 1, 2015 10:20-11:15


Students will understand that fractions can be expressed as decimals and that both decimals and fractions
represent parts of one whole.
Students will accurately convert a fraction to a decimal and a decimal to a fraction.
Students will create and express equivalent fractions with 10 and 100s as denominators.
Students will place fractions and decimals on a number line accurately.
Express a fraction with denominator 10 as an equivalent fraction with denominator 100, and use this
technique to add two fractions with respective denominators 10 and 100. 2For example, express 3/10 as
30/100, and add 3/10 + 4/100 = 34/100.
Use decimal notation for fractions with denominators 10 or 100. For example, rewrite 0.62 as 62/100;
describe a length as 0.62 meters; locate 0.62 on a number line diagram.
Introduction (10 min):
1. Students are seated at their desks with their snack in front of them.
2. The paper passer hands back homework from the night before.
3. Students share answer and techniques on how they solved the problem.
Students correct and check homework as it is gone over.
4. Introduce Math Menu for today:
a. Group 1 will meet with the teacher first then complete individual work,
computer and fact practice.
b. Group 2 will complete fact practice, individual work, and computer.
c. Group 3 will complete computer, individual work, fact practice and
then meet with the teacher.
Math Menu Stations
Meet with the Teacher (20 min): Group 1 is an emerging group. They tend to
need simpler explanations and more practice with basic facts. I will:
1. Introduce decimals to them and explain:
a. A decimal uses place value and a decimal point
b. It is another way of expressing a fraction.
c. Review what we learned yesterday. For example, 7/10 names 7 tenths
of a whole (show on 10x10 grid). It is also equivalent to 70/100ths.
Explain that 7 tenths or 70 hundredths can also be expressed as a
decimal: 0.7. Review place value.

d. Use a number line to show the relationship between decimals and



















I will have the students draw a blank number line on their individual white boards
similar to the one above. Then, they will be given the numbers above in a random
order and asked to put them where they think they go on the number line. Students
will pair up and share their work with their partner and then share their work with
the whole group. Any incorrect answers will be corrected, and explained as to why
its incorrect. Then we will discuss hundredths and where they would fall on the
number line. I will also use the 10x10 graph as a visual as well if needed. I will
stress to them that the number line represents one whole and that the lines are
dividing the whole up into fractional amounts.
e. After the students understand that fractions and decimals are related,
we will take a fraction and turn it into a decimal. We will start by using
more basic numbers. For example, 2/10 = 0.2, 5/10 = 0.5. Then, we
will move on to examples such as 52/100 = 0.52, 8/100 = 0.08, etc.
They will individually practice converting fractions to decimals.
f. If time, the group will compare two decimals and decide which one is
bigger than, smaller than or equal to the other. For example: 0.29 is
bigger than 0.21.
Meet with the Teacher (20 min): Group 3 is a middle to middle high group of
math students. They tend to catch on to given concepts relatively easily and are on
or above grade level.
1. Introduce the concept of decimals in the same way as above in group 1,
except complete the number line together in a more condensed fashion.
2. Continue on with turning fractions into decimals. We will complete 1-2
examples as a group. Then, students will be given a number to convert, and
the child will convert it on their white boards. They will then all will share it
with the group.
3. Students will compare two decimals and decide which one is bigger than or
equal to another, just as in the last group. Questions will get progressively
4. If time, students will summarize the relationship between fractions and
decimals by writing it out on their white board. They will be encouraged to
use different strategies to show their reasoning.
Fact Practice: Student will practice triangle division cards individually and silently.

Computer: Students will go to ixl.com (Decimals: U.8) and practice graphing

fractions as decimals on a number line. http://www.ixl.com/math/grade-4/graphfractions-as-decimals-on-number-lines
Individual Work: Students will complete the attached hand out for individual work.
Assessment: Individual work will be used as a factor in assessing students
knowledge of concepts.

Name: ____________________________________________________


1. Place the following fractions and decimals in the following three

categories in your chart.
0.08 0.9 0.49 0.96 0.12 0.58 0.02 0.80 1.06 0.35 0.78 0.22 0.45
1/10 60/100
Near 0

5/10 8/100


Close to 1

2. Write one fraction and one decimals in each column.

3. Choose one decimal from each column and explain why you
placed it where you did on the chart.
Near 0:

About :
Close to 1:

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