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Chaos. disrupts -the. galaxy. ‘After the destruction..of the Death Star by a et eee ees ce Ur eee me amen hi ee) M7 aa Be eee ry Emperor - Se Wi eae oye ae ae fae ir Dstt ee Cem etsr meter tte Vader enlisted ‘the .assistance of the bounty hunter BOBA ia and Said ta 9 we DOCTOR APHRA. In. an attempt to find the Pts who. ' destroyed the Death cel Vader returned cd the desert Planet of Tatooine only to find an empty husk of a hut, scorched with Pt cm eM Mt aly Ls aC te Meaty infamous bounty hunter. Elsewhere on ‘the Corn tg iL Meld Son-Tuul, a gathering of bounty. hunters Clit Mute re ee ae VAC em tele et sum of a lifetime from an Imperial ship.... SUL SE ay rel) 3 ase KIERON A aa a bits g SUVA) EL tle Pc DELGADO ea NS peti Das pes cnias cg ; A:3 : ; DAN eit (1 Ata yi BUCKLEY Seneca SUC eg rg er 3 em ae pec a HL ame cL OTA NL as eM TRU) Vcr) Pha De OARS HIN ec aT) Ks eee STAR WARS and related text and illustrations are trademarks and/or co} United States and other countries, of Lucasfilm Ltd..and/or its affiliates. CMO esa am ee ce ot eee omc a RUT SAUL Te C-rda NAR le Oe Rel el ORL rol RaSh CoM MIA Cele Uo) SO eUA Ouest eco Crem eau orca UN En CT oie a aA Vem ff The ‘I vA oe = a: sO. Soo : ‘= = Ed Ou (“Won OL -( aNoAwaIa INU T NORMALLY DO THIS SORT ‘oF DROID | a? je IN TEN MINUTES TIME, YOU'LL BE ABLE 10. MAKE A HOUSE OUT OF ‘CREDIT INGOTS, EVEN TF YOU WERE AS TALL AS THE WOOKIEE, ‘QUARTERS. KEEP SEALED. MAKE SURE KE A ‘ORDER ME UKE euYs--ceT_ READY. Expect CONTACT witH AULT ) ‘SECURITY IN THREE, TWO. THE MMPERIAL é STORMTROOPER PENSION I ISN'T EXACTLY MARKET THE LOOT, Anthan WV) OYE a es ROOTING OUT INSURGENTS. FOLLOWED BY A FULL MILITARY DEPLOMMENT? THE TWINS HAVE VERY LITTLE EXPERIENCE IN RUNNING ‘A CAMPAIGN, rT SHOULD ‘BE ME, YOUWERE A GENERAL, KARIN, EVEN IF YOU STILL HELD THAT RANK, I All GRAND GENERAL, DO NOT THINK TO QUESTION ME, THE EMPEROR THINKS YOU A USEFUL TOOL. You HAVE MUCH TO PROVE ‘BEFORE T CONSIDER YOU A PEER. PROVE TALSO HAVE SOMETHING IN MIND FOR WE'RE STILL ORKING IN T SHADOW OF THE DEATH STAR’S DESTRUCTION, IT WAS A MAJOR STRATEGIC AND PROPAGANDA VICTORY FOR THE REBELS. WE NEED ’A COUP OF OUR OWN. WE HAVE CERTAIN LEADS ~ Twat POINT us __V” wisi HIM TOWARDS THE REBEL CAPTURED OR, PILOT RESPONSIBLE FAILING THAT, FOR ITs KILLED. DESTRUCTION i ( T BELIEVE THE sl MOON. LoRD VADER. T'M NOT A SYCOPHANT, TRAITOR OR--WORST OF ALL AN INCOMPETENT LIKE OON-A IMA PROFESSIC INVESTIGI iT IONIZATION OF ‘SURFACE DUST ON YOUR ARMOR 1§ CHARACTERISTIC OF THAT PARTICULAR WITHIN 24 HOURS, IT'D HAVE BEEN LOST, BUT FOR A DAY OR SO.MS QUITE ISTINCTIVE. LARCENY IS, THE LEAST OF THE GREAT CRIMES. MARK. my WORDS, WE'LL HAVE TIDIED THIS AWAY WITHIN DAYS, : SHALL SEE \rHaNoTH WE SHALL. SEE. i ee | Ceo Pee ee cd Ome Ld ee ed Re ey exercise in stacking the. deck against him in ee ee Eee eT oa oR Omer a about hoi reptiles are dumb arid awful was Just no fun at a CR eee ce od CR ee ue ees ee ok a profession: of hunting down living beings ee ee ee er ee ae ed Ses ae ‘the Executar next to the other big bads (who Pere ret) Cars R.C. Killian aS eee a {done great justice on the bookin general, but oer ti geal) Pier ais So mR coor to great lengths to get inside the cranium of Cea ee eer ear Wookie dressing gow arid-me hunting her around the hause) and trying to-remember to See ee ree rms ne a ee Cr Cocnt ese na er De de eat er uy ‘éels consistent arid they have a film-like Cee tet ue erg eR ff prequelera content is cool and ties the overall saga together nicely. After reading. Pan or ay es might-be showing'the iicident: involving the. bounty hunter on Ord Mantell that Han Solo Py tat ae ed involved, but I'm having to keep guessing at Eee eR not Ce Cou cea ek to integrate the varidus bits of carign ag ee eh a Ce eet) the two figures relate is much of wht wets ee ce! Caran tee pee enn Re ee ee Ee a eee a Ree a ae ere a ea nets’ eck Seed SOA Ce ee aed you seeing what ‘hapnens in #8, though eR eee! broke his stieak of entertaining you, | hate ee a ae SR ACR ans id Cer eee ee eas Pn ee cd een Reto De \who didnt feel any pain survived because fe Pewee eas ee a stl holding their own against Vader. Ica’ Ce ey ee ead Se Christian ee Re ed Ce ee cn! ee ed cs Cer ae ae es Ceara te eek ‘he letters page frst 2) their names are Aiolin ee eta ee wrong. Read’ the issue! Evéryone. involved Pee Cena ee ee ed peer aa Ge ee Marvel ee ee a a ec ee cee ees ae ee ete ee sy Petes i Old, familiar characters are_interwove Cee ay sseem to on the silver screen, ee omie nae ce Cheers, nt Le a eee ey ee eee ad Oe ee Rey eet eral ag ee es Pree en a Vadeit Keep us the good work! And! can tell Pres Cree ag Ce eee , Ce a aay acc eR re ee ea Lari concentrate, What A riame, Hulighe! | hai SO eC cored eee Ram CA ee Ce ee eee month:is definitely Darth Vadert From issu #1 all the way to the: current issue we have! been enthused to continue to follow this re ter a emt The new charaéters such as Dr. Aphra, BT, Oe cee ee ey ta Vader's Story as well as the old facés and Poe en ray eer ued See a and incredibly. spine chilling with his arrival Pra ean Retr uke een Pec ka ae ers Kéep up the amazing work, guys, and Kieron ee cua CO oa ema ee ee Pa ere ace Opening thesecond are with Vader's visit ethene a Re ae meg He'd want to go there. And when you've Ce a ee Ss aR eee a was, really excited abqut getting to write it, ewe eee Pe nto Cenc The World's DEADLIEST FIGHTING SECRETS Can Be Yours

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