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How does one become president

of the U.S.? (and what barriers

still exist?)

Constitutional qualifications to become president

Natural born citizen
35 years of age
U.S. resident for 14 consecutive years

Unwritten qualifications?

physically attractive?

What does it mean for a president to be electable?

Demographic Characteristics of US Presidents

Male - 100%
Caucasian - 97%
British ancestry - 82%
College education - 77%
Politicians - 69%
Lawyers - 62%
Top 3% wealth and social class - at least 50%
Elected from large states - 69%

Similar to indictment - bringing formal charges against a president (or
other civil officers) for treason, bribery, or other high crimes and
Very difficult to impeach a president due to separation of powers (unlike
in a parliamentary system) - the presidents office is not subject to the
whimsy of the legislature (separate, powerful, independent body)
1) The House of Rep can pass articles of impeachment (formal allegations)
via simple majority vote
2) The Senate tries the accused - need vote in the Senate to convict a the
accused of charges

Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton
were Impeached but acquitted by
the Senate
Richard Nixon was going to be
impeached, but resigned before it
happened, then was pardoned
from criminal charges by Pres.

The Presidential Nomination Process

1. Declare candidacy and form a campaign team
manager, fundraiser, speechwriters, travel coordinator,
volunteers, etc. etc.

2. File paperwork with the FEC to officially become a candidate

after which time, candidates are subject to campaign finance
regulations (ie. have to submit financial reports, etc. to the FEC)

3. Engage in campaign activities

collect donations, canvas, shake hands, made advertisements,
pose for pictures, kiss babies

4. Strive to win delegates to send to the partys convention

Done through primary elections (most states) and caucuses (a few
Voters choose preferred candidate through state election, which determines how many delegates from that state will
attend the convention
Meetings in which party members divide into groups based on who they support and convince those undecided to
join; they then take a vote and delegates are awarded
*Extra delegates are chosen by the party itself (ie. most distinguished party member, former presidents, etc)

5. Party holds nominating convention (July 2016) during which

time delegates vote to choose the partys official nominee for

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