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BSU Tutor Name _Kelly Rose________________________ Grade ___1__________

Lesson Plan for Session

Tutor read aloud: __The Ghost in the Classroom__________________________________
Include 2-3 sections of the following for 2-3 different pillars.
Student objective: The students will be able to answer questions about the read aloud.
The students use different emotions when reading to show their reading with expression.
1.RF.5 Orally read grade-level appropriate or higher texts smoothly and accurately, with expression that connotes comprehension at the
independent level.
1.RL.2.1Ask and answer questions about main idea and key details in a text.
Books Needed: The Ghost in the Classroom
Materials Needed: Short reading slips, expression slips, short reading, pencils, paper
Reading or Assessment
(HOW) Taught:
Objectives (WHY am I doing Taught or Assessed:
Describe your entire plan step-by-step:
(Specific Strategies/Skills)
1. The teacher will review what we were reading on Monday.
So the student will
- Ask questions about what is happening in the story so far.
Recall/ comprehension
- Who are the main characters?
Read with expression to
- What is happening in the story?
enhance their reading
Reading with expression for
- Where is the story taking place?
2. Read aloud
- Students will answer questions about the read aloud
Correctly answer questions
- What do you think will happen next?
about the characters and
- Explain what is happening so far.
setting of the read aloud
- Predict what may happen later in the story.
story to help deepen
3. Teacher will ask students what we did on Monday for the activity.
- Students will explain that they read using expression/emotions by
picking emotions/reading slips out to read.
- Teacher will reinforce: Reading with expression is reading how the
character in the book feels. To read with expression means you are
reading with feeling.
4. Students will then break apart a short reading to decide what feelings the
character may portray and read using these expressions.
5. Student will read this short reading 2-3 times, or until they read using the
emotions decided on.
6. Students will begin to write a short collaborative story together.

The students will decide together what emotions the characters are
- The students will then read the short story they have come up with
using expression reading with feeling.
7. Teacher will finish read aloud book if time permits.
Assessment: (How do I know how my student did on the objective(s)?
I will know my student did the objective when each student is able to read the short story with expression. I will also know that the student has
reached the objective when they are able to explain define what the character is feeling in the longer passage.

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