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English 2XL / Shakely / 9.


PV Log: (circle one) Poem / Movie / Theater / Lyric / Photo

Date 10/25

Title Tank


Author / Director / Poet / Lyricist, etc. (if known) Jeff Widener

Context (Where Found / Viewed / Read . . . Variety of Sources, please, vis-a-vis Google Images only)

I learned about the Tank Man last year during Global Studies class. Found on LA times article about
Tiananmen Square.

Content / CD / Summary (Say? Plot? Setting / Situation? Key lines / Phrases, Scenes, etc? )

The Tank Man photo was taken in China during the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. The Chinese
government decided to send its military into the square to stop the protests. When the tanks were attempting
to enter the square, a man walked in front of the tanks to deny the militarys entrance.

Content / CM / Meaning? / Theme(s)?

The theme of this picture is might is not right. The mans actions prove that violence is not needed to prove a
point. By simply standing in front of the tanks, the man demonstrates that anyone can make an enormous
impact without the abuse of violence. The picture also demonstrates courage and selflessness. The Tank
Man was willing to sacrifice his own life to show that violence is not needed to fight the government.

Form (Diction? Construction Terms? Symbolism?) This section MUST be filled out for poems taken from the AP Poetry
packet provided prior to first library visit.

The man in the picture symbolizes peace and courage. The Tank Man is a symbol for people to fight for
peace and justice without the use of force or violence.

Commentary: Why like? Poetic Traits? Relevance / Connections / Allusions (Lit, Bib, Myth, Histor, Other) / Relevance
to personal experience, 20Qs? etc.)?

The photo of the Tank Man is extremely impactful to our everyday society. It shows how the people can
rebel and impact the government without using violence. One man was able to aid the change of Chinas
government to what it is today. Both peace and courage is poetic when it is used to positively impact the
world around us.


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