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SPES assignment

This is such a timeless novel because it shows and teaches us many

important life lessons. As it is telling Jem and Scout the right and wrongs in life, we
(the readers) are also processing this in our minds. In chapter 22 Bob Ewell spits in
Atticus face but do you see him react? No, this is an example of self-control. Also,
when Atticus is explaining to Scout in chapter 3 that some people are as blessed
and privileged as others doesnt mean it is ethical to judge them, only off their
finical estate. Last but not last least, everyone who has read this book knows that
the whole Maycomb County as looked down upon Atticus and called him names for
representing Tom in his case, but Atticus still does was he believes is right; which is
representing Tom Robinson. This shows us to do what is right even in the toughest
times. So overall I believe this novel is timeless because of the rich, relevant lessons
it teaches its audience.

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