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Halftime with Coach Cy Alexander

Season 2
Executive Producer:

March 24, 2015

WNAA 90.1 FM, Ricky Clemons
Shantelle Stotts, Chelsea Nnani
Jordynn Carlisle and Briana Hicks, co-host William Nicholson
30 minutes
Show Treatment
Show 206 March 24, 2015

Opening (2 minutes)
Introduce Guest/Break the ice (2 minutes)
Talking with our Senior (5 minutes)
Coach and Player Confession (5 minutes)
Talk back to our hosts (3 minutes)
Play or foul (3 minutes)
Short Break/ Switch guest (1-2 minutes)
Alumni Spotlight (3 minutes)
The future leader (5 minutes)
Words from the Producer (3 minutes)
Special surprise for Cy (2 minutes)
Final Goodbyes (2 minutes)
Closing (2 minutes)

Total Show Minutes: 30 (35)

Farewell Seniors edition of Halftime with Coach Cy Alexander.
Introduction/Breaking the Ice
Introduce all the guest on the show mention the surprise we have
Make everyone feel welcomed engage in small conversation
Talking with our Senior
introduce him with his bio
Ask him questions about his time at A&T, his proudest accomplishments, future plans
Player/Coach Confession
Things they wish they could change about the season and why
Talking back to the hosts
Anything they want to ask you
Play or foul
Short Break
We have to take a time out to put some subs in but don't go anywhere because we have more Halftime with Coach Cy
Alexander. (insert whistle) The Refs have blown their whistle, it's game time. (IF WE HAVE BRUCE OR AHMAD)
The future leader
introduce him with his bio
how it feels to on scholarship, words of encouragement for other walk-ons to get a scholarship, what we should
expect from him next season, goals/accomplishments before graduating
Alumni Spotlight
This week we have 2 Aggie alumni spotlights. Since it's the farewell senior show we have to talk about someone that
graduated from A&T as the Greatest of All Times, Mr. Alvin Al Attles. Mr. Attles who played basketball for A&T from
1957-1960 and is the first Aggie to ever have his jersey retired. Attles was a 6-foot tall point guard and a star on the Aggies'
back-to-back CIAA championship team in 1958 and 1959. He thought after graduating in 1960 he would go back home to
New Jersey and teach physical education. Instead, the Philadelphia Warriors drafted him. It began an unprecedented 55-year
relationship with the Warriors organizations, a relationship still going strong today.

Our next spotlight goes to a Lady Aggie, Shirley Felicia Hall. Shirley Felicia Hall who played basketball for A&T from
1977-1981 helped A&T establish its women's basketball program for her stellar play. She became one of the first great
superstars during the fledgling years of the program. Hall averaged a double-double over the last two years of her career.
She earned All-North Carolina Association of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women (NCAIAW) honors in each of those
seasons and had a career game with 31 points and 19 rebounds. She led the Aggies, referred to as the Aggiettes then, to a
second-place finish in the Division II State Championships. Hall was also a solid softball player, where she helped the
Aggies win the NCAIAWA Division Championship. Hall is now a correctional case analyst who resides in Spring Hope,
Words from the Producer
I'll take over Will's mic (lol)

Special Surprise for Cy

Present our gift for him
Final Goodbyes
last remarks to/by Cy and audience
It has been such a great season we are sad that we have to end. (You can insert what the show meant/did for you)
Thank you all for joining us for season two of Halftime with Coach Cy Alexander. It has truly been a great season. Special
thank you to everyone that has helped us with the production of the show; Chris Davis for the great alumni spotlights,
Mariah Walden for the great this week in aggie history segments, Paris Jackson for MEAC stats, and Micha Caldwell for the
player of the week. How could we forget to say our special thanks to those that made the show possible; WNAA 90.1 FM
the Voice, Mr. Ricky Clemons, Chelsea Nnani, and Shantelle Stotts. Tune in next season for another great Halftime with
Coach Cy Alexander with William Nicholson. Cy we can't talk you enough for giving us the opportunity to get inside the
Aggies' basketball program and get to know your style of Coaching. We will you must success in recruiting in next season.

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