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English 2XL / Shakely / 9.


PV Log: (circle one) Poem / Movie / Theater / Lyric / Photo

Date 12/6

Title Shawshank


Author / Director / Poet / Lyricist, etc. (if known)

Frank Darabont

Context (Where Found / Viewed / Read . . . Variety of Sources, please, vis-a-vis Google Images only)

Found on Mr. Shakelys movies list.

Content / CD / Summary (Say? Plot? Setting / Situation? Key lines / Phrases, Scenes, etc? )

The movie revolves around the story of a banker, Andy Dufresne, getting falsely accused of murdering his
own wife and getting sentenced to Shawshank Prison in 1947. In prison, the man befriends another inmate,
Red, and together try to find redemption and satisfaction by bettering their environment. Eventually Andy
escapes prison in order to get redemption and moves to Mexico. Once Andy escapes he got revenge on all of
the corrupt prison guards and made sure they all went to jail for their greedy actions.
Content / CM / Meaning? / Theme(s)?

The theme of confinement is relevant in most prison movies, and is especially relevant to this movie.
Throughout the entire movie Andy is always confined within the walls of the prison, until he escapes. The
theme shows how confinement can play a major role on ones psyche. Another important theme in this
movies is redemption. At the end of the movie, the audience finds out that Andy has been planning to get
redemption for himself all along by breaking out of Shawshank Prison. Once he escaped he was finally able
to achieve salvation and freedom. Andy was finally able to finally redeem himself for a crime that he did not
commit by finding the salvation within himself.
Form (Diction? Construction Terms? Symbolism?) This section MUST be filled out for poems taken from the AP Poetry
packet provided prior to first library visit.

This film has many important symbols that are quite subtle. For instance, Andys poster of Rita symbolizes
the world outside of Shawshank Prison. It also represents Andys desire for escaping and becoming a free
man again. Another major symbol is the walls and bars in the prison. The cold brick walls and the cell bars
symbolize the confinement and restriction for any goals or aspirations in the movie. The last symbol I noticed
was the bible. The bible symbolized any hope or faith for freedom by the characters.

Commentary: Why like? Poetic Traits? Relevance / Connections / Allusions (Lit, Bib, Myth, Histor, Other) / Relevance
to personal experience, 20Qs? etc.)?

I really enjoyed this film because it was a new take on prison movies. I have never experienced a prison
movie so symbolic nor profounding as The Shawshank Redemption. The movie dove into every character and
how their life was like in the prison. They each had an interesting story about them and the characters made
the movie more enjoyable. I find this movie to be poetic because it resembles aspects of hope and finding the
courage within.


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