Why Was This Experiment A Failure?: Biosphere 2

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{Biology 2nd Edition}

Biosphere 2
Why was this experiment a

In 1991, An experiment called Biosphere 2, began in Oracle,
Arizona. This experiment was an attempt to recreate earths
ecosystem. But it failed and was shut down in 1994.

The Beginning [Tanner]

In 1987 construction started on a 200 million dollar project John P Allen called Biosphere 2.
John P Allen, the inventor, dreamed of a self- sustained , man-made, and enclosed world.
He mainly had the purpose of experiment for life on Mars or distant planets. He had his
eyes set on a place just outside Oracle, Arizona. It was a blank canvas of dessert perfect for
a large project. This world would be made of glass and completely shut off from the real
world or Biosphere 1.
Crew [Spencer]
The crew hired to live in this new world were these scientists and
researchers: Roy Walford, Jane Poynter, Taber MacCallum, Mark
Nelson, Sally Silverstone, Abigail Alling , Mark Van Thillo, and Linda
Leigh. They were set with job of assessing the state of the Biosphere
2 at all times and being the guinea pigs to test the livability of this venture.
Sections {or biomes} [Tanner]
The Biosphere 2 is made up of 5 sections
or biomes. These are a 20,000 square foot
rain forest, a 9,000 square foot ocean
complete with its own coral reef, a 4,000
square foot swamp/ mangrove wetlands, a
14,000 square foot savannah. and lastly a
15,000 square foot fog desert. In addition
to that, living quarters and a farm system.
The walls of each biome are made of glass to let sun in and are held up by steel frames.

Why It Failed [Spencer]

Man attempted to recreate something that was divinely created. So obviously something is
going to fail. Man has a limit to knowledge. He has to learn by trial and error.
Unfortunately, in the case of the biosphere 2, the trial and error cost $200 million dollars.
As mentioned in our book this world was missing quite a few aspects to succeed as the
earth does. Fungi were a huge factor. Biosphere was missing decomposers! The trees didnt
have the nutrients provide by fungi. Also the trees didnt have wind stress on their bark like
they would outside the shielded glass of the sphere. The trees would fall down before they
had matured because they had not been strengthened by winds. What does loss of trees
cause? It causes an equal amount of oxygen loss. The biospherians had to have air pumped
in be able to breath right. Air is the most crucial on this earth and sustains us. Without air a
world breaks apart. In conclusion, world without divine Creator equals failure. A hard
lesson hopefully learned by scientists.

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