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Technology is the application of knowledge to the practical aims of human life or to

changing and manipulating the human environment. Technology includes the use of materials,
tools, techniques, and sources of power to make life easier or more pleasant and work more
productive. Whereas science is concerned with how and why things happen, technology focuses
on making things happen. Technology began to influence human endeavor as soon as people
began using tools. It accelerated with the industrial revolution and the substitution of machines
for animal and human labor. Accelerated technological development has also had costs, in terms
of air and water pollution and other undesirable environmental effects.

Smartphones have never been more popular and powerful. Most smart phones nowadays
run through Android. Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google. A mobile
phone with an advanced mobile operating system which combines features of a computer
operating system with other features useful for mobile or handheld use. They typically combine
the features of a cell phone with those of other popular mobile devices, such as personal digital
assistant (PDA), media player and GPS navigation unit. Most smartphones can access
the Internet, have a touchscreen user interface, can run third-party apps, music players and
are camera phones. Most Smartphones produced from 2012 onwards also have high-speed

broadband 4G

LTE internet, motion


and mobile

payment mechanisms.

There is no denying that smartphone applications are taking the world by storm, as
consumers can find applications that meet their needs and desires. School applications is just one
of many categories of mobile applications that have appeared in the past few years, and not just
students but also teachers have taken them up eagerly. Implementing this android Java Tutorial
application will help students, who are enrolled in the course Computer Programming 1, to be
able to learn java programming faster and not being bound by different subject schedules.

STI CoPro 1 Mobile Application Tutorial (STI CoProMAT) for STI College Sta. Maria
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Android is getting and getting more popular than other mobile operating system these
days, everybody wants to have an Android smartphone in his/her pocket. Android also help us to
connect with the world of information in just a fingertip away. Android is a Linux-based
operating system designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and
tablets. Initially developed by Android, Inc., which Google backed financially and later bought in
2005, Android was unveiled in 2007 along with the founding of the OHA (Open Handset
Alliance). OHA is a consortium of hardware, software, and telecommunication companies
devoted to advancing open standards for mobile devices.
In the early nineties, Java was created by a team led by James Gosling for Sun
Microsystems, It was originally designed for use on digital mobile devices, such as cell phones.
However, when Java 1.1 was released to the public in 1996. its main focus had shifted for use on
the internet. It provided more interactivity with users by giving developers a way to produce
animated webpages. Over the years it has evolved as a successful language for use both on and
off the Internet. A decade later; its still an extremely popular language with over 6.5 million
developers worldwide.
Java is a computer programming language. It enables programmers to write computer
instructions using English based commands, instead of having to write in numeric codes. Its
known as a high-level language because it can be read and written easily by humans. Like
English, Java has a set of rules that determine how the instructions are written. These rules are
known as its syntax. Once a program has been written, the high-level instructions are
translated into numeric codes that computers can understand and execute. One example of using
technology in learning is reading tutorials. Tutorials are very helpful to anybody who wants to
learn something. If you want to learn about programming, you just search for a tutorial about
programming. The only things you need to do are read and understand it. [TECH2012]

STI CoPro 1 Mobile Application Tutorial (STI CoProMAT) for STI College Sta. Maria
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1.1 Statement of the Problem

1.1.1 General Problem
How will the proponents be able to create a mobile application that will serve as a
tutorial for the course Computer Programming 1 of STI Sta. Maria.
1.1.2 Specific Problems
How will the proponents be able to provide a user friendly interface that is easy to
The users will be having a hard time to navigate a mobile application if the
application contains complicated and complex environment. Once the system had been
designed in a complicated way the students can easily lose their interest and feel bored to
use it. It is very important that application should be easy to understand, its features,
since not all android phone users has the capability to understand different applications
in their android phones.

How will the proponents be able to create different levels for the quizzes.

Creating different levels for the quizzes is really needed because it can help the
user to know on which part of CoPro 1 he/she she is having difficulties.

How will the proponents be able to create different types of quiz.

Answering only one type of quiz will surely make the user bored. This will also
help the user to develop their skill in different areas of CoPro 1.

How will the proponents be able to ensure that a student learned.

Ensuring that a student had learned is really a problem because there are so
many factor that can affect the learning progress of a student.

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How will the proponents be able to display different lessons of Computer

Programming 1 in a convenient way.
If the lessons of CoPro 1 are displayed without grouping it, it will make so much
confusions for the user because he/she will not know his/her progress.

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1.2 Overview Current State of the Technology

STI College Sta. Maria started its operation in March 1998 at triple A Building Poblacion
Sta. Maria, Bulacan. It was then known as education center occupying a total floor area of
322.39 square meters with three lecture rooms, one computer laboratory, admin office, clinic,
faculty room and library. The education center became STI College in 2004. During that year, it
was already to making a name in Sta. Maria. Affordable tuition fee but quality education; from
diploma course, they started offering baccalaureate course [STIE 2007].

Since then, until now, the President and CEO is Ms. Josefina Halili the President and
CEO of STI CSM. Ms. Jonnalyn Dela Cruz Lee took over the reigns as COO/ Administrator and
Mr. Denmark Mendoza as the Schools Academic Head and IT Dean. With regarded to facilities,
since its initial inception in 1998, STICSM has continued to progress. Boosting three (3)
departments to date, I.T, HRM, and BSAT. They have three faculty rooms, admissions office,
registrar, clinic, library, guidance office and an amphitheatre, add to that nineteen classrooms,
eight laboratories including the computer, technical, biology, chemistry and physics. There are
also fifty one employees including the administrator, dean of each department, faculty members,
staff and other school personnel.

In year 2006, STI-CSM has given, the Most Improved Facility Award at willys Resort,
Boracay Island, Malay. Aklan by Mr. Eusebio H. Tanco the President and CEO. In 17 th of May
2006, they were chosen as the School of the Year and also received the Leaps and Bounds Award
given at Regal Oriental Hotel, Hongkong by Mr. Monico Jacob. STI-CSM also has the Grand
Growth Award (OS), 14th day of July 2010 during 23rd leaders Convention at the Grand Park City
Hall, Singapore. These are some of the accomplishments achieved by the school, this only proves
that STI-CSM is one of the best institutes and can give quality education that students deserve.
This may not be possible without the hardworking faculty and staff that extend their full time and
effort to teach and share their knowledge to the students.

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In addition, the school also provides a projector in every classroom in order for the
instructor to present all the lessons that are in the acetates, LCD projector that can be used for
power point presentation. They also have computer laboratories that can be used for hands-on
activities and exercises of the students. Classes on Computer Programming 1 are being held
twice a week. Like a major classes, the students will go to their designated room and computer
laboratory and wait for the instructor to arrive.
At present, Mr. Ronel Ramos, Mr. Bryan Lawrence T. Asistin, and Mr. Reynaldo Mijares
are the instructors teaching the subject Computer Programming 1 in STI-CSM. A professor
checks the attendance which will be recorded in the students attendance record. Also conducts
series of lectures for the students to copy and review in their classes or at home. Discussions are
conducted within the period and they will then ask the students a question for clarification about
the topic; students are free to ask question and they will answer completely and clearly. Every
meeting the student must always participate with the discussion because class participation is ten
percent (10%) of the grade. This will be evaluated as the participation of students in a way when
instructor asks them to program in computer laboratory. They conduct weekly quizzes and seat
works/exercises for the students to answer. This serves as an assessment if the students are really
listening or even remember the previous discussion. The score of each quizzes and seatwork are
recorded and later evaluated. Quizzes are accumulated about twenty percent (20%) and
seatwork/ exercises are also (20%) of the overall grade of the students. All the lessons being
discussed are based on the schools curriculum. The Examination completes the remaining fifty
percent (50%) of the overall grade.
STI College uses Java as the language to be used in Computer Programming. They follow
the courseware that comes from the Head Office. Computer Programming 1 has two parts:
Lecture and Laboratory. In Lecture, they will discuss the basic fundamental about Java
programming by way of written and oral. In Laboratory, you will apply what you learned from
the lecture in terms of Programming hands-on and exercises.

According to our survey from students enrolled in subject Computer Programming 1, the
students have two meetings per a week. The 1 st meeting is in the class room for
STI CoPro 1 Mobile Application Tutorial (STI CoProMAT) for STI College Sta. Maria
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lectures/discussions while the 2nd meeting is in the computer laboratory. Students have difficulty
with regard to Flow Chart. It is a graphical or symbolic representation of the process. The
students use shapes to create the Flow Chart. Oval for the start/end point, parallelogram for input
and output, rectangle for the process, diamond for decision, and arrows for the connectors line,
some students are having difficulty using it correctly. Students also have difficulty in memorizing
Codes and how to use them correctly. But they have chance to go to the computer laboratory to
practice their skills through hands-on activities and exercises. These are some problems that
learners encountered in computer programming 1.

The proposed system will focus in teaching Computer Programming 1 to be able to help
the professor deliver his lesson with ease and also to be able to enhance the students
understanding of the subject matter without time pressure. Through this system developed by the
students of STI College Sta. Maria and the beneficiary itself, it would make the learning part
much more interesting for students.

STI CoPro 1 Mobile Application Tutorial (STI CoProMAT) for STI College Sta. Maria
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1.3.1 General Objectives

To be able to develop a Mobile Application that will serve as a tutorial for the course
Computer Programming 1 of STI Sta. Maria.
1.3.2 Specific Objectives

To provide a user friendly interface that is easy to use.

The proponents will use graphics editor to design a user friendly
interface. This will help the user to use it easier and not feel bored.

To be able to create different levels for the quizzes.

The proponents will divide the quiz into three different difficulty levels
which are easy, medium and hard.

To be able to create different types of quiz.

The proponents will create three different types of quiz entitled: Identify
the Output, Identify the Missing Code, Right or Wrong.

To be able to ensure that a student learned.

The proponents will create a module where the user can answer different
questions about CoPro1

To be able to display different lessons of Computer Programming 1 in a

convenient way.
The proponents will group the lesson according to the courseware used by
STI Sta. Maria. In this way the user will know which lesson he/she is on.

STI CoPro 1 Mobile Application Tutorial (STI CoProMAT) for STI College Sta. Maria
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1.3.3 Scope and Limitation

The proponents will develop a STI CoPro 1 Mobile Application Tutorial (STI
CoProMAT) for STI College Sta. Maria. The proposed system will be helping the students to
enhance and develop their programming skills in Java Language. Proponents will develop,
create, and provide a system using todays technology. For the students, the focus of this study is
to tutor, and provide a guideline for a better instruction which is easier for them to understand.
The application will be developed using Android Studio for Mobile Developer because of
its flexibility, user-friendly application and several components which are fitted for the creation
of the Mobile Application. The proponents will also use Android System Development Kit
(SDK) its provides a great starting point for an individual developer of Android code. It is
missing features that another Android application, Android Development Tools (ADT) that
provides GUI access to many of the command line SDK tools as well as an UI design tool for
rapid prototyping, designing, and building of your applications user interface. Android Virtual
Device (AVD) is a device configuration for the Android emulator that allows you to model
different configuration of android-powered devices. The proponents will use adobe Photoshop
CS6 for creating the layout of the system. It will be used to design the system more effective and

STI CoPro 1 Mobile Application Tutorial (STI CoProMAT) for STI College Sta. Maria
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This is where to start the application and also the main form of the application that show
the logo. When the users start the application they will see all the navigation buttons such as
lessons about. They can use these buttons to use the application.
This module consists of all lessons that the Computer Programming 1 subject has. Every
lesson has its categories to be more organized.
This module will provide a set of questions that will test the user if they learned
something about the lesson.
This mobile consists of information such as about the Java Language, Developers and the
beneficiary of the proposed system.
This button will exit the application.

STI CoPro 1 Mobile Application Tutorial (STI CoProMAT) for STI College Sta. Maria
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However the system has its limitations. The limitation in the proposed system will
include the followings:

All the topics input in the application are based on the handouts being used by the
professors in teaching the subject.

The application has a tendency to stop running if theres any application running at the
same time.

The application will not run on android operating system lower than jelly bean 4.0. The
proponents decided to set this operating system because most of the user using this

The resolution of the application is best on smartphone that has 4 to 5.5 inches screen
size. In tablets, the appearance of the application is not sure will be fit on the screen, but
the application will surely run if the tablets have the operating system not lower than jelly

The application cannot be used to edit or delete lessons/topics by the user. Only the
proponents or developers can make changes within the application using Android Studio.

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