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Janet Adebiyi-Ojo
Location Report
For my A2 Film Studies portfolio, I have produced planning
materials in order to help with the development of a short film I
plan to create. Prior to this, I produced am extended essay that
incorporated my ideas and inspirations for my final production.
The topic in which I based my essay upon was how the
representation of black women has changed from the 1970s to
present day. Thus, I have produced a location report in which I
aim to locate my filming sessions at as I have chosen them to
be the most suitable locations for my production.
Location 1 A bedroom:
The main location that will be used in the making of my short
film is a bedroom. This location is easily accessible to me as it
is my own bedroom in my house so I do not have any
restrictions or need permission to use it. If the weather is not
suitable during the day of filming, it will not make a difference
to the film, which is an advantage. During the introduction of
the film, the main female protagonist, Isabella Nichols, is
revealed in the bedroom where the audience clearly see she is
sorting through a box of belongings as she has just moved into
a new house. To reinforce the idea of Isabella recently moving
into a new house, there will be a number of other props to
illustrate this in the scene for example: cardboard boxes with
things inside. The bedroom is an important location as it is used
quite a lot in the short film and it also has good lighting,
meaning I have the opportunity to adjust the lighting in the
room, using natural light from the outside surroundings or
closing the door/curtains and using a light switch for example. I
will be using a number of shots such as medium and close up
shots to highlight the characters emotions, as well as
establishing their facial expressions, body language and
reactions about how they are feeling at certain parts of the film.
In addition to that, I will be using non-diegetic sound all

throughout my short film to deliver Isabellas thoughts and

reflections through a monologue in which I will create further in
my planning and research. This will give the audience the
opportunity to relate to the character on an emotional and
intense level, as they will have a clearer understanding of her
thoughts in a more powerful form.
Location 2 An office:
Another location I will be using in my film production is an
office. This location is not easily accessible as it belongs to my
Head of Year. However, I have asked for her permission in
advance and she agreed to let me use the location as part of
my film project. It is best to use this location before and after
the school hours to minimise any interruptions and
disturbances. The office has enough space for filming with
different shots and angles for example wide shots and close
up shots; however it may be difficult to move equipment such
as tripods in and around the teachers desk and chairs. If the
weather isnt ideal, again this should not affect the shooting of
the film, as I am still able to use the location without the
weather disturbing the continuity of my production.
This location is quiet and clean before and after school hours so
noise levels should not be an issue. I decided that it was best to
not film during school hours for reasons such as other students
interrupting or the sound of the school bell that goes off at
various times of the day and would disrupt my production. The
windows in the office will provide a good source of natural
lighting for my film production that will be useful for me.
Location 3 A kitchen:
Furthermore, a kitchen is another location I will be using in my
short film production. This location is easily accessible to me as
it is in my own house and I do not need permission from anyone
to use it. It is another interior location so factors such as the
weather being bad will not cause any interruptions when
filming in this location. During the filming of this scene, I will be

using shots such as medium shots to show the main female

protagonists walking towards the fridge to take out a bottle of
wine, as well as a close up shot of the wine being poured into
the wine glass. There are a few health and safety issues to be
aware of when filming in the kitchen, for example, slipping on
spilled liquid, breaking glass bottles/cups. Essentially, I will
need to remind my character to wear appropriate footwear
during the film, and that if there are any possible dangers, the
actress must take extra care and caution when performing
different actions.
Location 4 A bathroom:
Furthermore, a bathroom will also be a location used in my
creative artefact. This is another easily accessible location as it
is in my own house and I will not need permission to use it. The
bathroom is spacious and big enough for the camera to fit into
easily. All sound that can disrupt the filming will be edited out,
as a monologue will be put over the footage. The lighting in the
bathroom I will be using will be from natural sources and I will
be filming during the day. The first flashback of my film will
take place in this room and I will be using a range of shots for
example close up shots, to illustrate the characters emotions
about how she feels and her reaction to what has happened. As
well as camera movement and different shots used, the
monologue throughout the film will allow the audience to relate
to my protagonist, understanding the experiences she has had
and her inner thoughts in a clear yet powerful form. There are a
number of possible hazards that could occur in this location
for example, the camera and equipment could be damaged
from water and/or chemicals spilling onto it. To take
precautions, I will make sure all chemicals and liquids will be
taken out of the bathroom and well away from the film

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