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Week 16

Happy New Year!!!

Welcome back to routines and business as usual! We hope you all
enjoyed some well-deserved time off and have re-charged your
batteries for the year 2016!
The students are transitioning back nicely and are happy to be
back with their friends. A big thank you goes out to Danijela who is
beginning our new round of Super Hero days. This time around we are
trying something new! When it is your childs Super Hero day, he/she is
invited to bring in a book to read to the class. It can be a very simple,
repetitive book or whatever your child chooses! They do not have to be
able to read the words, instead they may have it memorized or take us
for a picture walk. Danijela chose to read a few pages from the Lorax!
Well done lovey!!!

Language: This week we focussed on the letters Vv and Yy. We also

completed a Writers Workshop that invited students to share what
their New Years Resolutions were. The answers were interesting and
ranged from being a better big sister, to skating better and even
running better! We shall see how these go!
We also introduced 5 new Popcorn sight words: at, the, am, be, to
Last weeks words were again: I, it, a, in, is, me
To supplement learning these sight words I have introduced Heidi
songs to the students. It is songs and actions put together to teach a
sight word. You can find some of the songs on You tube. The children
seemed to really enjoy this kinesthetic learning approach and I hope to
continue using the DVDs to reinforce what we are already doing in class
in terms of sight word recognition.
We are also continuing our focus on beginning sounds, but are focussing
more greatly on ending sounds. Learning these sounds will assist in
reading and writing more efficiently! They enjoyed using white boards
to write down their thoughts on what sounds came at the end of a given
These areas will be a focus for some time in our language block.
Phys. Ed: We continue to work on gross motor skills in the gym.
Students enjoyed moving their bodies in ways that matched the song
tempo being played. They also enjoyed various large group cooperative
games such as Ship to Shore!

Arts: This week we have been playing music from other

countries/regions during work periods and during lunch. This week we
listened to Aboriginal music and music originating from Africa.
The students also engaged in painting number 8 snowmen, as well as
creating a cool colour stain glass.
Math: We finished up numbers 9 and 10, and will be having our final 1
to 10 culminating activities at the start of next week. The rhymes we
used to remember how to write a 9 and 10 are: Draw a circle and a line,
thats how you make the number 9. Draw a 1 and a 0 then, thats how
you make the number 10. We will also be starting 2D shapes next week
as well.
Science: We made bubble rainbows for National Bubble Day. We also
talked about the colours of the rainbow, and how all the colours are
made using red, yellow, and blue. Next week we will be looking at
Religion: After reading the Good Samaritan, we made love potion
number 9, to fill our hearts with love, and help us remember to be good
neighbours. We also celebrated the Epiphany, by giving special gifts to

House Keeping Items:

We would like to take this opportunity, to once again, ask that
your child come to school prepared with appropriate outdoor
attire. This includes warm boots, snowpants, jackets, mitts and
hat. You may want to send an extra pair of mitts to keep in your

childs backpack, just in case. Also a change of socks to be kept in

their cubbies is also appreciated!
Important Dates:
Wed January 13 School Mass 1:30pm
Fri January 15 PD Day No School
Fri January 29- Report Cards go home

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