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Welcome to the latest edition of the newsletter!

At the start of 2016 we would like to welcome 2

new children, Grace and Jack Dennis to St Oswalds. Both Grace and Jack have joined the
Goldfinches class. The first awards for 2016 are as follows

Alfie Mann super number bond to 10
Hollie Baker excellent story writing
Victoria Blackhurst a beautiful creative
book on the ipad
Holly Joshua a beautiful and fluent
handwriting style
Georgia Mansfield for fantastic French
Erinna Anthony and Scarlett Nicholson
being great team players and donating
their boat for burning!





Connie Tooke for showing love

Any Wright for showing respect
Dorothy Fielding for showing kindness

Samuel Holroyd for showing love and

Ben Thompson and Ellis Challinor for
showing kindness, selflessness and


All clubs start next week with the following exceptions:

Choir and Year 3/4 football will start the week beginning 18 January 2016

Handball club will not run as there was insufficient interest any money submitted will be returned

It is not too late to sign up for any clubs if you have missed the deadline. Please speak to the office if this
applies to you.

Spring Newsletter 01

Its been a really busy week back with some very exciting work in school. The children have been starting
their new Learning Challenges. The Learning Challenges for this term are:
Wrens and Y1 Robins


Is the Wii more fun than Grandma and Granddads

What was it like when the Queen came to the

old toys?

throne in 1953?



What makes the earth angry?

Will you ever see the rainwater you drink again?

Parking / Traffic outside school

Just before the Christmas break I received a letter from the Parish council stating their concerns about
the traffic and the parking issues outside school. To summarise, their concerns are as follows:

Blocked access for emergency vehicles

Potential for a serious accident

Impact of congestion on local residents

Whilst I understand that parking is not always easy outside school at busy times, and the vast majority of
parents do park considerately, I can only once again request that all parents prioritise the safety of all the
community when visiting school, and ensure that any parking is done legally and not blocking any access at
all. Thank you for your support in keeping everyone safe.

All clubs start next week with the following exceptions:

Choir and Year 3/4 football will start the week beginning 18 January 2016

Handball club will not run as there was insufficient interest any money submitted will be returned

It is not too late to sign up for any clubs if you have missed the deadline. Please speak to the office if this
applies to you.

Diary dates for the next 2 weeks:

Monday 11 January all clubs start this week except Y3/4 football and choir

Tuesday 12 January 7pm PTA meeting in school, all are welcome

Friday 15 January Y4 swimming

Monday 18 January Andy Avery leading worship

Friday 22 January - Y4 swimming

Spring Newsletter 01

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