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E: Good evening, everyone!

Tonight we have two special guests, the owners of the

new club opened in Manhattan. They are two young girls, who were determined to
achieve the success with something that all teenagers would love. Felicia and
Nicoleta have opened their minds and with all their imagination they create a
wonderful place. So now I invite the girls on the stage.
E:-Have a seat please!
F:-Hello everybody! Its nice to have this huge opportunity to promote our local right
before the opening.
E:-Its our pleasure to help young people like you, because the future of our country
depends on you. So lets jump into the subject. Whats the name of the club?
N:-The club is named HOLLYWOOD EXTRAVAGANZA and its inspired from movies
and celebrities from Hollywood.
E:-How about the theme? Its an usual club or you thought for a certain theme?
F:-We thought of choosing every night a specific topic related to the Hollywood
world. For example, tomorrow night when is the opening, we have chosen the
theme of the new movie with James Bond. Well offer some prizes too but thats a
E:-That sounds interesting. I think that the type of music depends on the theme,
isnt it?
N:-Yes, youre right. Of course, well have all sorts of music, but we want to maintain
as much as possible the specific atmosphere. It wont be an usual street club. Itll be
a place where every social class would be satisfaied.
E:-Which are the opening hours?
F:-Well, the club will be on between 7pm and 4am.
E:-Whats the age limit and what other rules youve made?
N:-Between 7pm and 10pm could come people of any age but after 10pm only
major people have acces. Its not allowed entry of animals or bringing any kind of
weapons. We have a very advanced protection system for our people safety.
E:-Im glad to hear this. Now its coming the last question. Whats the cost of entry?
F:-Well, the entry costs 20 but there also are some big offerts for drinks or
E:-Oh excellent. We are very excited to see your work so will see you again

N: -Thank you for inviting us here tonight. Dont forget to check our facebook page
Hollywood Extravaganza club for more details.
F: -Thank you again.

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