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For use by Stonewall Democrats of Dallas

2016 State Level Candidate Questionnaire

1. Why are you seeking the endorsement from Stonewall Democrats of Dallas?
I am seeking endorsement from the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas because I believe in
the fair treatment and equality of all citizens and further believe that all men and women,
whether gay, straight or transgender should be treated as equals, under the law.
2. What are your plans to support or participate in a coordinated campaign in the general
election in Dallas County?
Leading up to the general election, I will be working with the DCDP on volunteer
recruitment, team building, GOTV (phone banking/canvassing), voter registration events
and vote by mail campaigns. As well as, reaching out to other organizations within
Rowlett, Mesquite, Garland and the surrounding area.
3. Will you use the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas endorsement in or on:
a) your website - yes
b) your campaign literature and mailers yes
c) your social media assets (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) yes
d) your campaign advertisements yes
4. When elected, how will you recruit, retain, and create a friendly environment for LGBT and
LGBT-friendly staff?
I will reach out to LGBT community leaders when seeking quality candidates and create a
healthy work environment where volunteers and staffers can freely work side by side and
feel appreciated and valued. With that being said, I currently have two volunteers that I
seek counsel from on a regular basis, that are a part of the LGBT community.
5. Would you be willing to appoint a liaison to meet with the LGBT community on a ongoing
basis? If not, why? Yes
6. Will you be willing to lead or support efforts to develop a LGBT Taskforce, similar to the
structure and mission the Dallas City Council developed?
7. How would you lead or support state legislation and/or constitutional amendments
pertaining to:
a) LGBT Couples adopting? I will stand up and support LGBT adoption because I
believe that every child deserves a home filled with love where they can be
nurtured and reared in a way that they become a viable, non-judging, productive
b) LGBT Couples providing foster care? Yes, I believe that LGBT couples are capable of
providing a healthy, stable and loving home for the foster children within their care.

c) Supporting the repeal of the sodomy law that was ruled unconstitutional by the
United States Supreme Court? I would support the repeal of the sodomy law by
working to create legislation that does not intrude on anyones sexual conduct nor
d) Supporting safe schools for LGBT students? As an educator, and someone that has
worked in the classroom and with children and youth for many years, I support safe
schools for LGBT students because I know that all students need a safe environment
that is conducive to learning where they do not feel judged, bullied nor ostracized to
e) Supporting the repeal of the Texas Marriage/Civil Union Amendment? I believe that
all marriages truly should be equal under the law and that we should allow
marriages gay or straight to be validated to allow any spouse full participation in
their loved ones lives.
8. How would you address the recent trend of state government adding medically
unnecessary procedures to the course of treatments pertaining to women's health (e.g.
the requirement to have a witnessed sonogram prior to the legal termination of a
pregnancy)? I dont agree with unnecessary medical procedures because in such cases a
womans health and that of the child are all that should be of concern. I work on
legislation that would prevent insurance companies from merely making money on
9. What would you do to support and assist people with mental illness who must rely on the
public system for care in or out of incarceration? I would work to create laws that would
support patients with mental illness that would provide them with quality healthcare and
keep them protected from ill-treatment in or out of incarceration.
How would you lead or support efforts to provide better funding for health care and
better health care options for all Texas residents? I would push for legislation that would
support patients in need of quality healthcare by providing them with the means to attain
that whether it be by Medicaid or Medicare. As a daughter of a general practitioner, I
believe that everyone should have the right to quality healthcare regardless of income or
economic status.
Would you support an ACA Medicaid expansion in Texas? Yes, I most definitely
How would you lead or support the efforts to teach comprehensive sexual education
in Texas? I would write sexual education curriculum that would help to provide youths of
today with the necessary skills and tools to protect and conduct themselves.
How would you lead or support legislation to comparable to a proposed federal
Equality Act providing employment and residence non-discrimination protections for LGBT
citizens by the Texas State Legislature? I would support legislation that would make sure
that LGBT citizens are not discriminated against in the workplace nor in their place of
dwelling and that all employees or applicants are not judged based on their sexual
preference or conduct.

What specific ideas do you have and/or what current legislation would you support
to improve our state economy and address the wealth disparity in Texas? I would work to
make sure the pay between men and women is equalized and that wages are increased to
a higher rate so that hard working citizens can support their families and live comfortably
without just trying to make ends meet.
How would you handle a situation in which you or an employee under you felt the
need to not fulfill all your lawful work duties due to deeply held religious beliefs?
I believe that people with deeply held religious beliefs should not be allowed to work in
positions that require them to follow laws and they are not prepared to follow and uphold
the laws set in place
How would you lead or support legislation restoring public education funding in
Texas that was dramatically cut after the 2008 recession? I would work hard to make sure
that legislation restores the public education by finding ways to cut unnecessary spending
in other areas. The funding that would cut after the 2008 recession has hurt the students
and teachers ability to provide quality educational instruction in the classroom.
How would you lead or support legislation restoring previous funding for HIV
prevention in Texas? I would work diligently with other legislators to find monies within
the budget and then reach out to other organizations to acquire public funding.

I, __Rhetta Bowers_____________________________, am seeking an endorsement from the Stonewall

Democrats of Dallas for the 2016 elections.

Signed_____________XX______________________ Date_______12/28/15___________________

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