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For use by Stonewall Democrats of Dallas

2016 State Level Candidate Questionnaire

1. Why are you seeking the endorsement from Stonewall Democrats of Dallas?
Ive always been impressed with the work of Stonewall Democrats of Dallas, and I would like
your endorsement in order to show everyone my commitment to the rights of LGBT Texans.
2. What are your plans to support or participate in a coordinated campaign in the general
election in Dallas County?
I havent been asked to support or participate in the coordinated campaign in the general
election and I dont have any details of what this would entail, so I cannot answer this.
3. Will you use the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas endorsement in or on:
a) your website
b) your campaign literature and mailers
c) your social media assets (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
d) your campaign advertisements
A, B, C, and D.
4. When elected, how will you recruit, retain, and create a friendly environment for LGBT and
LGBT-friendly staff?
I would reach out to LGBT organizations for recruitment purposes, and I would create a
friendly environment by making sure that all employees know that respect for each other is of
paramount importance, including using an employees preferred pronouns. Also, I would
make sure that all LGBT staff get the same benefits as non-LGBT staff.
5. Would you be willing to appoint a liaison to meet with the LGBT community on a ongoing
basis? If not, why?
Of course!
6. Will you be willing to lead or support efforts to develop a LGBT Taskforce, similar to the
structure and mission the Dallas City Council developed?
Yes. Outreach to the LGBT community is very important.
7. How would you lead or support state legislation and/or constitutional amendments
pertaining to:
a) LGBT Couples adopting?
b) LGBT Couples providing foster care?
c) Supporting the repeal of the sodomy law that was ruled unconstitutional by the
United States Supreme Court?
d) Supporting safe schools for LGBT students?

e) Supporting the repeal of the Texas Marriage/Civil Union Amendment

I would support equal rights bills that would allow LGBT Texans to have all the rights and
privileges that all Texans should enjoy. I would lead an effort to ban any type of
discrimination in employment, housing, family law, or any other area of life.
8. How would you address the recent trend of state government adding medically
unnecessary procedures to the course of treatments pertaining to women's health (e.g.
the requirement to have a witnessed sonogram prior to the legal termination of a
I would oppose bills that seek to add additional and unnecessary medical procedures in order
to burden a womans right to obtain health care, including reproductive health care.
9. What would you do to support and assist people with mental illness who must rely on the
public system for care in or out of incarceration?
I would like the increase the funding for diversion courts that treat the mentally ill instead of
jailing them. Additionally, Id like to increase funding for mental health care in general. Id
also like to increase enforcement of anti-discrimination laws so that people with mental
illnesses are not discriminated against in employment and housing. With greater
understanding of mental illness and a removal of the stigma, more people can keep their jobs
and housing and will never need to rely on the public system.
How would you lead or support efforts to provide better funding for health care and
better health care options for all Texas residents?
I owe my ability to start my own business to the fact that I could obtain health insurance first
through the ACAs PCIP program and then through the exchange. I want all Texans to have
access to health care in order to be able to achieve their own goals. I would encourage the
expansion of Medicaid and increase funding for health care while also ensuring that the
money isnt spent on high administrative costs.

Would you support an ACA Medicaid expansion in Texas?

How would you lead or support the efforts to teach comprehensive sexual education
in Texas?
I have long believed in comprehensive sex education, starting in sixth grade when I asked my
teacher about a condom and she told me that under the law she wasnt allowed to tell me
anything about contraceptives. I knew that it was not right that kids couldnt learn how
things worked. Later, in college, I often had to teach basic reproductive biology to incoming
freshman at Texas A&M by showing them (while fully clothed) where the uterus and ovaries
are located. I remember that during my senior year of college there were women who still
didnt know how their period worked. Its unacceptable that college students are forced into
ignorance about their own bodies. I would support any legislation to require (or at least not
forbid!) comprehensive sex education.

How would you lead or support legislation to comparable to a proposed federal
Equality Act providing employment and residence non-discrimination protections for LGBT
citizens by the Texas State Legislature?
I would support all non-discrimination protections for LGBT Texans. In the 2016 legislature, I
think it will also be important to oppose all proposed bills that seek to turn back the
protections that cities such as Dallas, Plano, and Austin have passed.
What specific ideas do you have and/or what current legislation would you support
to improve our state economy and address the wealth disparity in Texas?
I would like to introduce legislation that would require all companies with state contracts to
pay a minimum wage of at least $10.10 in rural areas and $15 in more populated counties.
Additionally, Id offer tax incentives to companies that open their records to the state and
show that they have equal pay for workers doing the same job. As a business owner, I know
that if a state offers a good tax incentive for personnel matters, the information will be
disseminated by payroll and HR companies who will offer to help the business apply for the
tax incentives. That means that the government can increase the pay of workers with little
burden (either monetarily or administratively) on small businesses. Its a win-win-win
situation, which is needed in this current climate where business owners often believe that
any increase in wages will be a losing situation for them.
How would you handle a situation in which you or an employee under you felt the
need to not fulfill all your lawful work duties due to deeply held religious beliefs?
Im not sure if this question is LGBT-specific or not. In general, if an employee requests
accommodation based on religious belief, I would follow federal law and do my best to
accommodate the request as long as it does not pose an undue burden on the office. For
example, if I have a staff member who is an observant Jew, I would accommodate any request
to not work on the Sabbath and various religious holidays. In the context of a Kim Davis like
employee who refuses to perform her duties as they relate specifically to the LGBT
community, my response would be much the same. I highly disagree with any religious belief
against homosexuality, but I would still accommodate any employees request for
accommodation due to religious belief as long as it did not pose an undue burden on the
office. If there is another employee available to handle any LGBT concerns, that employee
would do it instead of the objecting employee. I dont believe in discriminating against
employees based on their sexual orientation, gender identity, or religious belief (no matter
how much I may disagree with the belief).
How would you lead or support legislation restoring public education funding in
Texas that was dramatically cut after the 2008 recession?
We need to increase funding not only for our K-12 schools, but for vocational training and our
public colleges. As a business owner, I have often said that the one thing that I never minded
my tax dollars going to pay for was educating my future employees. If we are to keep
attracting some of the biggest companies in America to either move here or open here, we
need to make sure that there are Texans qualified to fill those jobs, and that requires a robust
and healthy public education system.

How would you lead or support legislation restoring previous funding for HIV
prevention in Texas?
Id work to restore HIV prevention in Texas, including increased sex education so people can
understand how the virus is transmitted.
I, Dorotha M. Ocker, am seeking an endorsement from the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas for the
2016 elections.

Signed_/s/ Dorotha M. Ocker____XX_______


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