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For use by Stonewall Democrats of Dallas 2016 Judicial Candidate Questionnaire (Wote: Judicial candidstes are asked to ONLY answer the Judicial Candidate questionnaire, and NOT the County or State Level questionnaire!) [Why are you seeking the endorsement fom Stonewall Democrats of Dallas? The Stonewall Democrats ‘of Dalla ae the most ative and well-informed group of Democrats in the Dallas community. My beliefs and values mirorthose of the cub, I whole-heartedly believe in equal rights for ALL people and strive every day to promote those values in my business, my practice, my relationships, and with 1m actions. To have the endorsement ofthe Stonewall Democrats of Dallas would be an honor. t ‘would also serve to show those who may not know me that I stand for equality and Ido not tolerate liserimination for any reson. \what are your plans to partlpate in a coordinated campaign inthe general election? Absolutely, without hesitation, | wllparticpate Ina coordinated campaign. Its important fr those that share the same ideological vales to advocate for those values together. thave always identified mysolt 35 ' Democrat and during the general election would be honored to participate with other Democrats In keeping Dallas County blue Wil you use the Stonewal Democrats of Dallas endorsement in or on: 9) your website Yes 1b) your campaign erature and mailers Ves 9. your social media assets (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) Yes <4) your campaign advertisements Yes When elected, how wil you recruit, retain, and crete a friendly envionment for LGBT and LGBT: friendly staff? do not and would not tolerate anything other than afrendly envionment. From the direct court staff to the irdiect court staff and attorneys whe practice in the cout, there would be no ‘question as to how | expect people tobe treated. 5. Would you be willing to appoint aliason to meet withthe LGBT community on an ongelng base? If not, why? I would not hesitate to appoint a alson to meet with the LGBT community on an ongoing bass {tis also my intention tobe involved on a personal level and have ongoing communication and contact with the LGBT community and the Stonewall Democrats. 6. Understanding that administrative matters can take up a significant percentage of your workday, what are some ideas for polices or procedures that you think you can improve court operations fr the court which you are seeking ofice? What are the most important policies or procedure you've lentiied as needing improvement? Ibelieve itis imperative to enforce limitations on how many times attorneys (both prosecutors and defense attorneys) reset cases. Setting 2 policy to do thsi one thing, actually ‘enforcing tis another. Without enforcement, cases can bein limbo for years. This canbe stressful forall ofthe parties, defendants and complainant, but also financially draining on them and the ‘county. believe enforcing a policy to lit this will make the court more efficent ‘Upon taking the bench, in addition to my everyday docket, | would also identity the cases that have bbeen pending the longest an focus on getting those cases disposed of in cooperation with defense ‘attorneys and prosecutos. | do not believe that everyone who violates probation should be automatically revoked and sent to prison. Theres such a wide range of violations that judges should consider a wide range of sanctions to deal with those violations. Asa judge its imperative todo your best In determining when someone needs help and when they need punishment. Some people may need both. Automatically revoking people that violate probation, although efficient, is not always effective. Ris alo important tome te communicate and dlcuse with other ludges, the Sherif, the Criminal ustice Director, the Distict Attorney, and the County Commissioners regarding the mental health Issues in the Dallas Coury Justice System, I believe the programs we currently have in place to deal ‘with these issues are helpful. | also believe we can expand our assistance, asa county, to those who are affected by these issues everyday. Specialy, we need to decrease the number of nonviolent Inmates who languish in jl wth mental healt issues that are not geting the help they need. | believe this can be done 3 looking at other counties and resources to see whats working for them and implement some of those procedures in Dallas. Because | practice all over North Texas and Texas, {have sen firsthand how some ofthese programs have been successful. 7. How would you handle a situation in which you ar an employee under you fet the need to not ful al your lal work duties de to “deeply held religious beliefs"? As jude, itis my duty i to uphold the law, [believe in the law and believe in equality under the lave. Theres no room an my staf for ‘those who cannot perform ther awful duties. We live ina society governed by laws. We do not live ina theocracy. |, Naney Kennedy, am seeking an endorsement from the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas forthe 2016 elections. atex2/27/2015

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