January 10 2016

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Franciscan Friars

Father William McIntyre, OFM


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Extraordinary Jubilee: Merciful Like the Father:

Father Francis Critch, OFM

December 8, 2015
2015--November 20, 2016

Parochial Vicar

The Bap sm of the Lord

Brother Paul Santoro, OFM

In Residence

Deacon James Hubbard
Deacon David Hayden

School Principal
Sr. Cheryl Ann Hillig, DC

Hispanic Coordinator
Sr. Grace Calvisi, DC

Coordinator of Religious Educa on (CRE)

Be ye Middlebrooks

Hispanic Ministry Oce Assistant/Webmaster

Leslie Miller

Administra ve Assistant/Bookkeeper
Marilyn Robinson


8:00 am4:30 pm


All daily masses in the Convent Chapel
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 7:00 am
Wednesday: Spanish Mass at 7:00 pm
No Mass


January 10, 2016

Dear Friends in Christ,
Each me you enter a Catholic church you look for a
Holy Water Font to bless yourself. This signing with Holy
Water recalls our Bap sm. Most Catholics were bap zed as
babies so we dont remember our actual bap sm. Our
parents and godparents spoke on our behalf. Blessing
yourself with bap smal water (Holy Water) as we enter a
church recalls our bap sm and we recommit ourselves to our
bap smal promises made long ago.
Today the Church celebrates the Bap sm of the Lord. This Feast recalls
Jesus Bap sm and it also ends the liturgical season of Christmas. Today you may
say Merry Christmas one more me. A er his bap sm, Jesus begins his mission
and ministry. The li le child Jesus has now grown up and taken up his role as our
Savior. While our bap sm makes us Chris an and erases sin-- Original Sin in the
case of infants, Jesus was sinless. His Bap sm is one of example to us and marks
the beginning of his Public Ministry.
As the Christmas Seasons ends, again many thanks to all who worked
hard to make Christmas at St. Peter Claver special. Thank you for your generous
financial contribu ons at Christmas. For the first me this year we are current on
paying our parish bills. Fr. Frank, Br. Paul and I are also very grateful to all of you
who sent us cards, food and even gi s! Well work hard to thank you personally,
but if we dont, please know that we are grateful.
Pax et Bonum

Fr. Bill

All weekend Masses in Church

Saturday: 5:30 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am and 11:15 am
1:30 pm (Spanish)


Saturday: 4:30 pm5:00 pm or by appointment


1st & 2nd Tuesdays: 10:00 am
Saturday: 4:55 pm5:20 pm
Sunday: 8:30 am8:50 am

Email: stpeterclaver@cbi.mgacoxmail.com
Webpage: www.spcccmacon.com
Facebook Page:
St. Peter Claver Catholic Church, Macon
Diocesan Webpage:
Franciscan Webpages: www.hnp.org

131 Ward Street, Macon, GA 31204

Parish Oce: (478) 743-1454
Fax: (478) 743-9868

(January 12, 19. February 2, 9, 16.)

The talks will con nue Tuesday, January 12th, at 5:45 pm in the Social Hall.
Potluck dinner followed by Fr. Franks course. Please bring a covered dish.
The Eucharist cannot be lived in isola on. Like all the sacraments we are called
together and we celebrate with each other. We arm each other as sons and
daughters of God celebra ng with joy who we are as a people of the Gospel. For as
scripture says, all of us are made in the image and likeness of the Creator. The
Eucharist, by our ac ve par cipa on, ins lls in each of us the dignity and respect we
have for each other, the equality that we express in the One Bread and the One Cup
of Christ and the inclusiveness of the table where all are welcome, as we do this in
memory of Me.
Come join us January 12th for the fourth of our eight course series on the
Eucharist. Feel free to come to 1 course or as many as possible. Come and learn,
ques on and deepen our understanding of who we are as a Eucharis c community.

Father Frank

We e k l y O f f e r i n g

Oertory 10/18/2015
Oertory 12/31/2015
Oertory 10/19/2014
Poor Box and
Capital Improvement
St. Vincent 1/3-4/2015
de Paul Fund
St. Vincent de Paul
Food Bank
St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry

St. Vincent de Paul

Southern Cross
CCD Contribu ons
Capital Improvement Fund
Poor Box and Candles


2015 Bishops Annual Appeal - as of 12/30/2015








% Donors





Second Collection next Sunday: St. Vincent de Paul Fund.

First Reading Isaiah speaks of the Servant whom the Lord

upholds; he shall bring forth jus ce to the na ons
(Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7) or Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11.
Psalm The Lord will bless his people with peace
(Psalm 29) or Psalm 104.
Second Reading Jesus was anointed by God with the
Holy Spirit; he went out healing and doing good
(Acts 10:34-38) or Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-7.
Gospel A voice comes from heaven proclaiming Jesus as the
beloved Son, with whom God is well pleased
(Luke 3:15-16, 21-22).

Thank you for your generosity.

Readings for the Week

1 Sm 1:1-8; Ps 116:12-19; Mk 1:14-20
1 Sm 1:9-20; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8; Mk 1:21-28
Wednesday: 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Ps 40:2, 5, 7-10; Mk 1:29-39
Thursday: 1 Sm 4:1-11; Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25;
Mk 1:40-45
1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Ps 89:16-19; Mk 2:1-12
Saturday: 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a; Ps 21:2-7; Mk 2:13-17
Is 62:1-5; Ps 96:1-3, 7-10; 1 Cor 12:4-11;
Jn 2:1-11

Elizabeth Ministry

(478) 743-1454

Florine Billue, Shirley James, Aaron Wimberly,

Kevin Dockrell, Annie Burnell, Dolores Konke,
Julianne Kandalec, Emma Pa erson, Marie Chatman,
Alma Johnson, Joanne Dockrell, Marie Pacheco,
Kariem Jones, Kimberly Hamilton, Naomi Hicks,
Lea-Ann Fletcher, Chloe Holt, Eden Lee Thompson,
Cle a Wimberly, Andria Ballard Magallano, Charlene Stallings,
Alice Denise Williams, Devin Dayton, Dennis Pennymon, Pearlie Watkins,
Lindsay Banasz, Johnny Roquemore, Cli on Hadley, Kris e Marshall,
Monsignor John Cuddy, Heriberto Bocanegra, Mary Pioli, Mary Cot,
Anne James, Beatrice Jordan, David Maysonet, Fred Grasso,
Michael Craig, Michael Iteogu, Burton Family, Don Heacock,
Don Heacock, Sr., Darryl Newman, Judah White, Quay Wornum,
Hayden McIntyre, Adanma Ekeledo, Chidi Ekeledo, Sharon Johnson,
Corey Flagg, Jr., Carmen Kilgore (baby), Holden Wimberly,
Braylon Andrews, Delwyn Andrews, Jr., Marion Wintons, Domingo
Bermudez, Clara Mahoney , Xavier Green and Anthony McIntosh.
If you wish to have a name kept on the list or removed please
call the church oce at 743-1454.

Virous Caston,


St. Peter Claver thes 10% of our weekly oertory to the poor
in the name of Jesus! St. Peter Claver donates
$500.00 to FAM (Family Advancement Ministry) and
$250.00 to the St. Maximilian Kolbe Center every month.

Todays Readings

Prayer Line

% of

Brittani Caston,

Russell Hill II, Tony Cervantes,

Angel Gomez, Jeff Cooper,
Mishell Sonntog, Gary Oate
If you have a loved one serving in the U.S. Armed Forces,
assigned overseas, please call Marilyn Robinson at the
Parish Oce to add his or her name to our prayer list and please call us
to let us know he/she has returned safely.

Please pray for this expectant mother.

Call the Parish Oce if you are expec ng a child so
that we may pray for you!

Saturday, January 9 - In Honor of our Blessed Mother

(S. Phagan)
Sunday, January 10
9 :00 a.m. - In Honor of the Divine Mercy,
(S. Phagan)
11:15 a.m. - In Honor of St. Anthony,
(S. Phagan)
1:30 p.m.
- Mass for Parishioners
Monday, January 11 - In Honor of St. Anthony,
(S. Phagan)
Tuesday, January 12 - None
Wednesday, January 13- Eugene & Virginia McMahon, +RIP
Thursday, January 14- In Honor of the Divine Mercy,
(S. Phagan)
Friday, January 15 - None
Saturday, January 16- In Honor of St. Anthony,
(S. Phagan)

We Are All Created In the Image of God

The Readings and Their Message

Jubilee Year of Mercy

Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7

In general, Bible scholars believe the suering servant
represents Israel and its role as the people of the alliance. Some
think the servant is Moses and others consider it to be Isaiah
himself, while there are those who think he is a messianic figure
from the future. The early Chris an community believed Isaiah
was prophesying about the Messiah and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Acts 10:34-38
The story of Cornelius was very important to the early church,
since he was a Gen le. His conversion opened the door to a
mission toward gen les and the incorpora on and integra on
of the gen les into the church. A er intense discussion and
discernment, Peter armed that God does not make excep on
of people and does not exclude anyone.
Luke 3:15-16, 21-22
Bap sm consists of being submerged in water and emerging
renewed. The Essenes in the desert were bap zed during
certain celebra ons indica ng their desire to a ain a pure life
for the arrival of the Savior. Here the gospel compares John
with Jesus and Johns bap sm with the Chris an bap sm. John
bap zes with water those who desired to reform their life.
Jesus did not need conversion or bap sm but entered into it
out of solidarity with the gesture, confirming his commitment
to fulfill the mission his Father had given him.

For Reflec on
Do I o en feel inferior or incapable of doing something?
Do I truly feel deeply and uncondi onally loved by God?

2015-Tax Year Church

Contribution Statements
The end of year 2015 Contribu on Statements will be
issued by January 31st, 2016. If you do not receive
your statement by then, please contact Marilyn
Robinson at the Parish Oce at (478) 743-1454.

Fittingly, this Jubilee Year of Mercy is also the

Lectionarys Year of Luke, for Lukes Gospel
highlights Gods mercy in finding the lost, healing
the sick, restoring the broken, comforting the
sorrowful, forgiving the sinner through Jesus
ministry. But before doing, Lukes Jesus is always praying. As
practical moderns programmed to measure worth by productivity,
we instinctively appreciate the Jubilees call to embrace the
practical challenges of our baptism. But today Luke focuses not on
Jesus being baptized, but on Jesus praying after baptism. So must
we pray to become the disciples we are called to be, that the Spirit
empower us to do what disciples are called to do. Imitating Jesus
openness to the Spirit will enable us to cooperate with the grace that
transforms us into beloved sons [and daughters] . . . in whom the
Father is well pleased, living out, in this Jubilee Year of Mercy, the
extraordinary potential of our baptism.
Peter Scagnelli, Copyright J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

Voca onal Retreat:

Interested in knowing more about the Franciscans?
Young men of African descent are invited to a voca on retreat
in February at St. Joseph Parish, in Delaware, to learn about
Franciscan life and to hear about the experiences of AfricanAmerican friars. The retreat, which will begin with dinner on
Feb. 12 and conclude at noon on Feb. 14, is open to men
between the ages of 18 and 45. It is being organized by the Holy
Name Province African Ancestry Commi ee.
Men interested in a ending the retreat are asked to
register by contac ng Paul at pw4ofm@aol.com by Feb. 1 and
including Voca on Retreat in the subject line. St. Joseph Church,
which marked its 125th anniversary in 2014, is located at 1012 N.
French St., Wilmington, Delaware. It is known as the cradle of
African-American Catholicism in Delaware.

Please contact Fr. Frank or Fr. Bill for more details.

Mardi Gras Party 2016

2015 Christmas
Eve Mass

When: Friday, February 5th, 2016

Time: 6:00 9:00 p.m.
Where: Mother Katharine Drexel Center

Our children
CCD Program.

Admission: $5.00
Sponsored by the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary #258
Purchase ckets from members
R e f re s h m e n t s , F a m i l y F r i e n d ly . F re e m a s k
a n d Ma r d i G r a s b e a d s . C o s t u m e s a re w e l co m e .
C o n t a c t p e r s o n : G w e n B o o k e r (4 7 8 ) 7 4 5 - 1 9 7 0


You may pick up your Life me family portraits at the Parish
Oce, from 9:00 amto 2:00 pm, Monday through

Mar n Luther King, Jr. breakfast will

be held on Monday, January 18th, at
7:30 a.m. in the Saint Katharine
Drexel Center. Dona ons are $6.00
per person. Contact the parish oce
for addi onal informa on.

Join The Kolbe Center as we
stand for


January 22, 2016.

11:00 AM Mass at St. Joseph Catholic Church

12:00 PM Rally at Rosa Parks Square
12:30 PM Silent March to Central City Park
Shu les will be available to return marchers to
St. Joseph Catholic Church.
We will provide signs or you may bring your own

1157 Forsyth Street Suite 201 * Macon, GA 31201 * (478)257-4425 *


SPCC Parish Oce (478) 743-1454

2016 Spaghe


Hosted by the Mount de Sales

Alumni Associa on
Friday, January 15 from 11 am 7pm
McAuley Hall (MDS Cafeteria)
Purchase a spaghe or salad meal and support the Alumni
Associa on Scholarship at MDS. Order meals for your family,
business, or friends. Spaghe meals cost $7 and include
spaghe , salad, bread, and tea. Salad meals include salad,
bread, and tea ($4/small and $5/large). Please contact Lauren
Beaty at lauren.beaty@mountdesales.net or 478-751-3240 x
123 for more informa on or to place an order. Order online at

9th12th Grade
and College
Come Join Us
When: Every Sunday
Where: LibraryUpstairs
in the PRE-K Building

Oficina Hispana
Hermana Graciela
478 741-9916
Misa en Espaol
Domingos: 1:30pm

10 de enero del 2016

Grupo de Oracin
Mircoles 7:00pm -9:00pm
en el Saln Social
Grupo de Evangelizacin
Viernes 7:00pm
Reuniones Juan XXIII
lunes de 7:00pm a 9:00pm
Grupo de Jvenes
Mircoles 7:00pm a 9:00pm
en el gimnasio
Charlas Pre-bautismales
Primero y Segundo Sbado
del mes, de 5pm7pm
Clases de Catecismo
Nios y Jvenes
Horario: 11:30am a 1:00pm
Llamar para ms informacin
y registracin 478 741-9916
RICA para Adultos
Clases para adultos que
necesitan preparacin para
recibir los Sacramentos
Llamar para ms informacin
y registracin 478-741-9916
Sacramento de Matrimonio
Llamar a la oficina para hacer
una cita con el Padre.
El 8 de diciembre de 2015 dio
inicio el Jubileo Extraordinario de
la Misericordia, un ao Santo de
gracia y renovacin espiritual.
Como manifiesta el Papa Francisco, la
Misericordia es el acto l mo y supremo
con el cual Dios viene a nuestro encuentro y es la va que une a Dios y el hombre,
porque abre el corazn a la esperanza de
ser amados no empece a nuestro peca-di.
En la parbola del siervo despiadado
Jess afirma que la misericordia no es
solo el obrar del Padre sino el criterio
para saber quines son realmente sus
verdaderos hijos. El perdn de las
ofensas es la espresin ms evidente del
amor misericordioso y para los cris anos
es un impera vo del que no podemos
prescindir. Dichosos los misericordiosos,
porque encontrarn misericordia. (Mt
5:7) es la bien-aventuranza que debe
inspirarnos durante este Ao Santo, para
vivir cada da la misericordia que el Padre
dispensa hacia nosotros En este Jubileo,
dejmonos sorprender por Dios. ngel Carrin


Lo hijo mediante el bautismo, que nos regenera y nos

renueva, por la accin del Espritu Santo. Tito 3:5

Cada vez que tu entras en una Iglesia Catlica, tu buscas una fuente de agua bendita
para bendecirte a mismo. Esta seal con
agua bendita nos recuerda nuestro Bau smo.
La mayora de los catlicos fueron bau zados
cuando fuimos bebs, as que no recordamos
nuestro bau smo real. Nuestros padres y padrinos hablan en nuestro nombre. La bendicin a mismo con el agua bau smal (agua
bendita) al entrar en la iglesia, recuerda nuestro bau smo y nos compromete a nuestras
promesas bau smales hechas hace mucho
Hoy la Iglesia celebra el Bau zo del Seor.
Esta fiesta recuerda el bau smo de Jess y
tambin termina el empo litrgico de Navidad. Hoy, tu puedes decir "Feliz Navidad" una
vez ms. Despus de su bau zo, Jess comienza su misin y ministerio. El pequeo nio Jess ahora ha crecido y ha tomado el oficio de
nuestro Salvador. Mientras que nuestro bausmo nos hace cris anos y borra nuestro pecado original, Jess no tena pecado. Su bau smo
es un ejemplo para nosotros y marca el comienzo de su ministerio pblico.
Como el empo de Navidad termina, otra
vez, muchas gracias a todos los que trabajaron
duro para hacer la Navidad de San Pedro Claver especial. Gracias pos sus generosas donaciones durante la Navidad. Por primera vez
este ao estamos al da con nuestras facturas
parroquiales. Padre Frank, el Hermano Paul y
yo tambin estamos muy agradecidos a todos
ustedes que nos han enviado cartas, comida e
incluso regalos! Vamos a trabajar duro para
darle las gracias personalmente, pero si no lo
hacemos, por favor, sepan que estamos agradecidos.
Paz y Bien,

Padre Bill

Panormica de la
liturgia de este mes
Al final del tiempo de Navidad, y
ya en enero, aun hay algunas
fiestas navideas
llenas de signiicado. El 1 de enero,
Solemnidad de la Maternidad de
Mara, es tambin la Jornada Mundial de la Paz, que en
estos aos se hace particularmente urgente y significativa.
El 3 de enero se celebra este ao la Epifana,
con su llamada universal a una comunidad total donde
no hay extranjeros y donde Dios se puede revelar a todos.
Sigue el 10 de enero con la Solemnidad del
Bautismo del Seor, el recuerdo de la llamada a la santidad de todos los bautizados y tambin la llamada a la
evangelizacin y a la defensa de la dignidad de todos los
hijos e hijas de Dios, es decir, de todos los seres humanos.
Las siguientes semanas de enero representan
el regreso al Tiempo Ordinario, que es un momento de
gracia para reflexionar sobre los misterios de la vida de
Cristo, sin las muchas celebraciones de los tiempos
especiales. El Tiempo Ordinario contiene una buena
llamada a relexionar sobre la vida diaria y lo que signiica
el seguimiento de Cristo en las circunstancias de la vida.
En enero tenemos tambin varias conmemoraciones especiales, como la Conversin de San Pablo,
que marca el fin de la Semana de Oracin por la Unin
de los Cristianos. En cuanto a las celebraciones marianas, la Repblica Dominicana celebra a su patrona,
Nuestra Seora de la Altagracia, el 21 de enero, y Panam celebra la suya, Nuestra Seora de la Antigua, el

tercer domingo del mes, que este ao es el 17 de


Los Tres Reyes Magos

Vinieron a Visitarnos!

Para Nuestra Reflexion...

Es frecuente encontrarse con personas que piensan

muy poco de s mismas. Piensan que son ignorantes y se
sienten avergonzadas. Son pobres y no creen que puedan
aportar mucho en ningn lugar. Las circunstancias de la
vida quiz no les haya dado muchas oportunidades de
estudiar ni de tener una posicin alta. Quiz nunca les
hayan pedido que hagan nada, tambin por el prejuicio y
por pensar que no son capaces de mucho. Es posible que
en sus familias o en la escuela si es que alcanzaron a
asistir algn tiempo les hayan considerado intiles,
poco inteligentes o capaces.
Es normal que, en circunstancias as, algunas
personas puedan tener un cierto sentimiento de inferioridad. Ese sentimiento de inferioridad a veces se traduce
en una especie de humildad excesiva que paraliza e intimida, mientras que otras veces se trata de superar
abusando de otros y tratando de controlarlo todo, como
para asegurarse un cierto sentido de identidad. en la fiesta de hoy se nos recuerda la ms profunda e importante
verdad. Por creacin, todos fuimos creados a imagen y
semejanza de Dios; y una imagen de Dios nunca es algo
Cmo nos parecemos a Dios? Ciertamente no
en nada fsico, porque Dios es espritu, pero s en la capacidad de amar y de comunicar. Hoy se celebra el Bautismo de Jess, en el que se oye la voz de Dios decir:
ste es mi Hijo amado, en l me complazco. Por nuestro propio bautismo como cristianos, nosotros tambin
fuimos hechos hijos en el Hijo; y si somos hijos de Dios,
tenemos la mayor dignidad a la que pudiramos aspirar.
A los prncipes, a los herederos de grandes fortunas, se
les trata con todo respeto y reverencia. Seremos nosotros menos, siendo hijos de Dios?

Con Padre Bill

Comienza mircoles,
20 de enero, 7:45pm
en el Saln Social.
Costo del libro: $10.

Pregunta de la Semana
He dedicado un tiempo aparte para mi oracin diaria,
en la maana y en la tarde, como parte de mi compromiso
bautismal? Cundo oro espontneamente durante
el curso de cada da?
En la colecta
del domingo,
3 de enero
Recaudamos un
total de:
Muchas gracias por su

Enero 13: mircoles,
Hora Santa a las 7:00pm
Enero 15: viernes
Reunin en preparacin para el
Encuentro Diocesano
En el Saln Social a las 7:00pm
Enero 15 a 17: (viernes-domingo):
DYC para jvenes en Perry
(Conferencia Diocesano de los jvenes)
Enero 20, mircoles, Misa a las 7:00pm
Enseguida el Curso Biblico

La costumbre del bautismo infantil debe ser mucho
ms que un acto social o una tradicin cultural, donde el
ropn y los regalos son ms importantes que la doctrina
cristiana, y los padrinos se escogen no por su buen ejemplo sino por su cuenta bancaria.
Segn los Hechos de los Apstoles, familias enteras
se bautizaban cuando el padre de familia decida hacerse
cristiano. Esta prctica de bautizar, no solo al nuevo creyente sino tambin a su mujer y a sus hijos, poco a poco, qued solo
en bautizar los nios del original creyente. El mundo en aquel tiempo
estaba basado sobre la familia as como muchas culturas latinas de
El bautizo infantil naci en la Iglesia primitiva y al pasar de los
siglos lleg a transformarse en un rito religioso muy importante en la
catequesis del nuevo cristiano. El nio viste de ropita blanca que recuerda la presencia de Cristo en su alma, se le regala una vela que lo
invita a brillar con la luz de Cristo y se le da una madrina o un padrino que le ensear a vivir en Cristo.
Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM,


Las personas que par ciparon para las fotos del directorio
de la parroquia, ya pueden recoger sus fotos en la
oficina de la Iglesia en este horario:
de lunes a jueves de 9:00am a 2:00pm
Si no puede recoger su foto en este horario puede llamar a la
Puedes compar r con los ms necesitados trayendo
algunos alimentos que nuestra despensa necesita?:
Arroz, Harina de maiz, frijoles en grano,
Cereales, jugos, pasta, salsa de tomate,
pasta de dientes, jabon de bao, latas de tuna,
(Depositar su donacin en el contenedor en la Iglesia)

Upcoming Ministry Schedules for January 16 and 17, 2015




Altar Servers


Eucharis c Ministers


5:30 pm


Mr. Moran C


Kiernan, Kiernan

9:00 am


T. Vickers A
D. Mixon C


Reichert, White

11:15 am


M. McCullough A
J. Howel C


Owoho, Russell


St. Vincent de Paul Society Mee ng

Please join us-new and returning volunteers alike-on
Monday, January 18, 2016, at the Daybreak Center on
Walnut Street.
Wherever you live, there are poor families within
walking distance of your home. When they ring the
rectory bell, they are in eect ringing all our bells.

FAM Book Club

When you fill your pantry,

please dont forget ours.

The FAM Book Club will be reading in January 2016:

St. Peter Claver Food Pantry is in need of the

following dona ons:
pasta, pasta sauce, canned meats, macaroni and cheese,
juices, cereals, canned fruit, soups, and rice. Toiletries
such as (food stamps do not cover these items):
toothpaste, toothbrushes, bar soap, and toilet paper.

We meet on the second Tuesday of the month,

January 12th at 1:30 at FAM's Orange Street site,
(538 Orange Street...across from the
Washington Library parking lot). All are welcome!
Contact persons: Rena Waller or Sr. Roberta at 746-9803

*Pro-Life Center* Crisis Pregnancy Assistance *

Natural Family Planning
Visit our website at: kolbecentermacon.org
or call us at: (478) 257-4425
The Saint Maximilian Kolbe Center for Life
1157 Forsyth Street Suite 201
Macon, GA 31201

January Wedding Anniversaries

`t Zw

Kevin and Trina Dobson (10)

Truong and Kim Nguyen (46)
Charles and Ann Hill (51)
Bill and Tracy Coyle (56)
Lenton and Shirley James (51)
Sam and Marilyn Mandel (43)
Chukwuemeka and Elizabeth Nwabuebo (24)
Walter and Pamela Burnell (14)
Charlie and Lolea s Green (45)
John and Alexis Ma hews (41)
Reggie and Kendra Russell (12)

Toxic Charity by Robert D. Lupton

Family Advancement
Ministries needs your
As the weather gets cooler, the
families we serve need warm clothes for
their young children. We would appreciate dona ons of boys
clothes, sizes 12 months to size 10; and girls clothes, size 2
through size 8. We are especially in need of pants for boys (and
girls too).
If you do not have gently used clothes to donate and
would like to help otherwise, we suggest diapers sizes 4 and 5
and pull ups. Thank you for helping those in our community who
need our assistance.
Name _________________________________________________
Street _________________________________________________
City _______________________________ZIP _______________
Phone ____________________________
Please check:
_____Wish to register
_____ Moving out of Parish
_____Change of Address
_____ Want Tithing Envelopes
_____ Temporarily Away ( I will call Parish Oce upon return)
Drop this completed form in the Sunday Collec on Basket.

Family Advancement

Bible Study
Meets on Thursdays, at 6:00 P.M., in the

570 High Place, Macon GA 31201

Sunday School Registration

Our Sunday School (CCD) classes
began in September, 2015. Please call
Be ye Middlebrooks, at the Parish
Oce (478) 743-1454) if you have any
ques ons.
Diocese of Savannah webpage:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
webpage: www.usccb.org.
Traveling informa on:
www.mass mes.org

Knights of Peter Claver

meet the third Sunday of every month
at 10:00 am in the Parish Oce conference Room.

Knights of Peter Claver

Ladies Auxiliary meet the
first Sunday of every month at 10:00
am in the JPII Social Hall.

The VIRTUS "Protec ng God's Children for
Adults" is required for all who provide either
paid or volunteer ministry in our Diocese
who in the course of their ministry come into
contact with minors. This includes parish
ministries such as Sacristans, Lectors,
Ushers, and Eucharis c Ministers. Space is
limited and registra on is required by
registering online at www.virtusonline.org.
If you do not have access to a computer,
please call the Parish Oce at (478) 7431454 and our Parish Sta will assist with
your online registra on.

Mission Statement
St. Peter Claver Church is a mul cultural
and well-integrated Catholic Parish graced
with the gi of Gods presence. Together
as church we form a faith community where
no one just adds up to the number but
everybody is important because we cherish
the potency and gi of everyone. It is our
desire to constantly nourish our faith in the
soil of Gods Word and at the table of the
Eucharist, to be a credible witness of Gods
presence in the world and each others
companion on our journey of faith.

Parish Oce (478) 743-1454

Oce Hours (January-May, AugustDecember)
MondayFriday: 8:30 a.m.4:30 p.m.
Summer Hours (JuneJuly):
Monday - Thursday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Parish Oce will be closed on Fridays

Our hours of opera on are Mondays

from 10-12, Tuesdays-Fridays 9-12.
Anyone interested in volunteering
please call 745-7165 and ask to talk to
the oce manager, Chris McKowen.

Pastors Announcements

Registra on for Parish and School

REGISTER We are very glad you are here at
St. Peter Claver. If you would like to make St. Peter
Claver your home Parish, please complete a Parish
Census Form (available in the parish oce and
ves bule in back of the church) and either mail or
place in oertory basket at Mass. Persons wishing to
transfer membership from another Catholic parish are
also asked to complete a census form.


school accommodates children from K3 through 8th
grade. If you would like to register your child in our
school, please call (478) 743-3985.



SICK Please contact the parish oce at

SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Diocesan regula ons

require that you meet with the priest at least
4 months prior to wedding date. Please contact the
parish oce at 743-1454.

SACRAMENT OF PENANCE 4:30 to 5:00 p.m.

Saturdays or by appointment.
HOLY ORDERS Any man who thinks God might be
calling him to be a priest should contact Father Bill at

Bulle n/Announcements
At 12:00 noon on Monday, for the next
weekend. Submissions should be
emailed to
Marilyn Robinson at:


Please make sure all pagers and cell

are turned o for the
dura on of the Mass.
Mass Inten on requests are to be
sent to the rectory oce in wri ng
and/or envelopes are available in the
back of the church.
Please do not block anyone in the
parking lot or obstruct trac flow.
If you have recently changed your
status, married, moved out of your
parents home or graduated from
college, you need to re-register.
If you move we would appreciate a
call to the church so that our records
will be in order .
1-888-357-5330. Copies of the policy
on sexual abuse of minors is available
online at:
should be the last one in and first one
out of the church.
ILLNESS IN OUR PARISH FAMILY Is someone in your family or our
Parish in the hospital? Please call
743-1454 and let us know.
VISITORS - We welcome you to
St. Peter Claver Church. Thank you
for worshipping with us and please
come again.

Oertory Envelopes - 2016

The Oertory envelopes for St. Peter
Claver Church - 2016, were mailed to your
homes in December. Envelopes were only
issued to Parish members that u lized their
envelopes during 2015. If you are a
member, and would like to start u lizing
Oertory envelopes, or if you are not a
member and would like to join our Parish,
please complete the form included in this
bulle n and drop it in the oertory, or the
mail, addressed to the Parish Oce.

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