Roads and Wes Woooord Not Newspaper

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Michael Breen

Ms. Schmidt
English 9

Article One
I have read many books and poems in my life, however these two will stay with me for a
while. The Other Wes Moore and The road not Taken are very different but even more similar in
many ways.
The Other Wes Moore was a very moving book. It showed me that choices matter, and
one right choice can make your life successful, and one bad choice can put you in prison for life.
In my opinion, this book was about the knowledge about who you hang out with and who you
receive help from. Author Wes has a determined mother and great, supportive friends. The other
Wes had a mom who tried not to believe the obvious, and friends who were already criminals.
Essentially, I feel like this book can show you what you need to do in order to be successful.
The Road not Taken was another moving piece of literature. It described the journey of
the traveler. When he came upon 2 paths, he decided that one was worn down. This was an
example of the choice most people make. The other path looked newer, and, less travelled by.
This was an example of the unusual choice to make. He decided to take the newer path, and it
turned out he was very relieved with how it ended up.
The Traveler and Author Wes both had to
make decisions. They both happened to like their good results, proving they made the right

decision. The only difference I found between both pieces, was the way the authors set up their
books. In The Other Wes Moore, there were 2 people with two different lives. In The Road Not
Taken, there was one person with a possibility of 2 different lives. Depending on how you
interpreted the poem, I think that the traveler and author Wes, are completely different than other
This book and poem both relate and differ from each other. These literary pieces are both
great examples on how to do the right thing. Without a good role model or education, your life
might not have the outcome you were hoping for.

Article 2
Reading the Other Wes Moore was very exciting, although not keeping me in much
suspense. In my opinion, it shouldnt give away the ending of both Wes lives at the beginning of
the book. The Author Wess section wasnt as exciting as Other Wess, however both were
enjoyable to read. Although we knew how both of their lives ended up, it was still a great journey
to find out the details of their experiences. I would recommend this book to people who have had
troubles with crime but still have an opportunity to succeed in life.

Article 3
In The Other Wes Moore, the author Wes was a lucky and hardworking recipient of the
Rhodes Scholarship. The reason I say he was lucky is because he didnt have a noticeably high
GPA, however I say hardworking because there are at least 200 scholars from over 300

universities who apply for this scholarship, and he was 1 out of 32 young students to be selected
for it. The Rhodes Scholarship was founded by a man named Cecil John Rhodes in 1902.
The applicants of this scholarship must meet 4 criteria: Literary and scholastic attainments;
energy to use one's talents to the fullest; truth, courage, devotion to duty, sympathy for and
protection of the weak, kindliness, unselfishness and fellowship; and moral force of character
and instincts to lead, and to take an interest in one's fellow beings.

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