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Herbs the Calm the Mind, Nourish the Nerves, and Purify the Spirit

(Herbs for Stress & Anxiety)

With Nathaniel Whtimore, Herbalist

Ashwaganda ~ This herb is considered to be the "Ginseng of Ayurveda", as it is a primary tonic

of Ayurvedic medicine. It is considered to be one of the best herbs for the mind and is used for a
wide variety of mental and emotional imbalances. As a strengthening tonic that is also calming
to the nerves, it is a specific for those with poor sleep and night and low energy during the day.
Calamus ~ ( Sweet Flag / Swamp Root / Vacha ) Uses by Native Americans and East Indians
are a close parallel. While the Natives use Calamus for giving energy during ceremony, Ayurveda
prescribes it for promoting concentration during yoga and meditation. It helps one overcome
habitual patterns, such as during fasting or recovery from addiction; but it is also used to
stimulate the appetite in the case of debilitation. Both East and West use Calamus as a powerful
herb for digestion and lung congestion. It is also used for poisoning and to revive consciousness.
Chamomile ~ This is a great, gentle herb for kids. It is taken to promote relaxation and for
digestion and fevers. Chamomile is a classic and great-tasting infusion (tea).
Frankincense ~ Used extensively by Egyptians and others, references to Frankincense as a
valued and holy herb are found throughout The Bible. The resin is burned in religious ceremony
and during prayer for cleansing and the creation of a holy environment. It is also used for
inflammatory disorders such as arthritis.
Ginseng ~ One of the most revered herbs of the entire world. Of the several species of Ginseng,
American Ginseng and Asian or Panax Ginseng stand out as the kings of tonic herbs. As a tonic,
Ginseng is used for the creation of overall health and the promotion of physical, emotional, and
mental well-being. Being free of physical, emotional, and mental distractions is one of the
primary prerequisites for spirituality.
Gotu Kola ~ Also known as "Brahmi" because of its association with states of Supreme mind.
Used to promote mental states that are conducive to meditation and for its general nervine
(nervous system balancing) effects. Also used as one of the primary anti-pitta or antiinflammatory herbs of Ayurveda.
Holy Basil ~ ( Tulsi ) This relative of the common culinary Basil is one of the most holy herbs
of Ayurveda. It is used as a general tonic and especially as a tonic for the mind. It is often kept
in the house for its air-purifying benefit and its holy presence. It is also a beautiful and sweetsmelling plant for the garden.
Juniper ~ ( Cedar ) These evergreen species of shrubs and small trees are used as smudge and
incense to purify the air and the person during ceremony. Its cleansing effect is also employed
for externally for the skin and internally for urinary disorders and more.
Kava Kava ~ This herb received some bad press (justified or not) due to concerns of liver
toxicity. It is well-known as an herb to promote relaxation and feelings of well-being, and is
used traditionally in Polynesian countries in social environments. Best form is from Kava bars.
Lemon Balm ~ This pleasant-tasting European herb was one of the classic herbal medicines
for melancholy. It is indicated for stress-related viral infections.

Lotus ~ Various species of lotus from around the world are used in medicine and ceremony.
The flower is considered a symbol for enlightenment in Buddhism, since it arises from out of the
muck. The roots and seeds are used as food, as medicine for the lungs and reproductive system,
and to calm the mind.
Motherwort ~ Used specifically for heart-related conditions, this is also a great all-purpose
nervine. Motherwort tincture is a specific remedy for anxiety.
Myrrh ~ This tree resin has been a part of religious ceremony for thousands of years and is
mentioned throughout the Bible. It is used as a holy anointing, such as by Moses, and is burned
as incense. It was also used for embalming.
Peppermint ~ One of the best-known herbs in general, Peppermint promotes relaxation and
uplifts the mind. As a hybridized, but quintessential representative of the Mint family it share
properties and combines well with other members such as Catnip, Lemon Balm, and Bee Balm.
Reishi ~ ( Ling Zhi / Ganoderma ) Known as "The Longevity Mushroom" or "Spiritual
Mushroom" Reishi is one of the primary Shen, or spirit/mind, tonics of Far Eastern Medicine.
Used for its far-reaching tonics effects on the mind, emotions, and body it is used for a wide
variety of illnesses and is a primary tonic of preventative medicine.
Saffron ~ This holy (sattvic) culinary and medicinal herb is used to encourage the spiritual
qualities of love, devotion, and compassion while also cleansing the blood and reproductive
system. It is also one of the best anti-pitta herbs in Ayurvedic medicine.
Saint Johns Wort ~ This well-known herb has a reputation for treating depression, though it
is perhaps most outstanding as a wound remedy. It has a distinct effect on the nerves and is
used for physical nerve trauma as well as for its nervine properties. In spite of many commercial
products available, it is best as tincture of the fresh herb.
Siberian Ginseng ~ Not a true Ginseng by genus, but this herb is in the Ginseng family and
used similarly. Siberian Ginseng was part of some well-known studies on stress and is often
considered to be associated with the beginning of the word adaptogen.
Skullcap ~ One of the quintessential nervines used to counter stress, for withdrawl, and just
about anytime a nervine is indicated. It is best as tincture made from fresh herb.
Shatavari ~ ( Asparagus Root ) This herb is a primary tonic for women in Ayurvedic medicine.
It is used as a yin tonic to promote healthy moisture of tissue and calmness of the mind. As a
sattvic herb it promotes love and devotion.
Sweet Grass ~ Burned in the Native sweat lodge ceremony for its purifying and spiritual
aroma. Sweet grass is a tonic for the mind and is used medicinally as a blood-moving herb. It is
used as a smudge for cleansing the body and sacred objects and for promoting a state of mind
that is conducive to ceremony and prayer.
White Sage ~ This is one of the most revered herbs for smudging (burning for purification). It
is often used to prepare a space for ceremony or to cleanse negative energy out of one's home or
office. White Sage also has several important medicinal uses.

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