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Krystle Xue
Ms. Gardner
English Honors, 4
20 October 2015
The Heart is A Lonely Hunter
Carr, Virginia Spencer. "The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter." Understanding Carson McCullers.
Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1990. 15-36. Rpt. in Twentieth-Century
Literary Criticism. Ed. Linda Pavlovski. Vol. 155. Detroit: Gale, 2005. Literature Resource
Center. Web. 4 Nov. 2015.

McCullers book starts off with a deaf-mute man, John Singer. Although it does
start with him, the focus on characters change every chapter. Singer is the main
web of the whole book, connecting all the different characters. When Singer had
passed away, the other characters were damaged by the loss of their friend, the one
who had caused them to meet in the first place. The article had stated that Singer
had been kneeling to the gods while the other characters kneeled towards Singer.

McCuller had placed Singer in the book for a certain reason, making the book more
simple. Reading the article, had created the thought of how important he is. Singer
is the web of the story and without him, the story wouldnt exist, or the other
characters wouldnt have met each other.

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Cook, Richard M. "The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter." Carson McCullers. New York: Frederick
Ungar Publishing Co., 1975. 19-45. Rpt. in Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism. Ed. Linda
Pavlovski. Vol. 155. Detroit: Gale, 2005. Literature Resource Center. Web. 21 Oct. 2015.

McCullerss book contains hidden messages, but one main message is a characters
longing of someone to be besides them. Her book contains many characters with different
types of loneliness, from one losing a cherished one to another character having a loved
one taken away from them. Throughout the book, McCullers makes the characters meet
new people, and in the end, find new friendships.

The article helps the reader understand the book by explaining the themes and how the
characters are actually put into action. By using the characters, it enables the
understanding of the messages in the book.

Millichap, Joseph R. "Carson McCullers: Overview." Twentieth-Century Young Adult

Writers. Ed. Laura Standley Berger. Detroit: St. James Press, 1994. Twentieth-Century
Writers Series. Literature Resource Center. Web. 8 Nov. 2015.

Carson McCullers first book was The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, her main
character Mick as herself. Another popular book she has written was The Member
of the Wedding, the main character of the book, Frankie Addams. Using these two
characters to relate to each other and herself.

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Reading the article makes me understand McCullers a lot better. Instead of talking
to people physically, she has written her feelings in a book so people around the
world can understand what she feels. The two characters are said to express
McCullers, which makes the reader know what she was like when she was younger.

Dahl, Melissa. "Why Lonely People Stay Lonely." Science of Us. N.p., 19 July 2015. Web. 08
Nov. 2015.

Lonely people are proven to have lower test scores on tests or being tested on social
skills. Although, when a scientist had told a lonely person to name emotions of someone
on the screen, he/she did get worse than a non-lonely person. But when the scientist had
just said it was a regular test, the lonely person had gotten a better score than a non-lonely
person. But being lonely also affects someones physical body, it increases the risk of
mortality by 26%.

In the article, it explains how lonely people are hurting themselves as they stay away
from others. They may be scared of their appearance or the fact of people judging them,
that is what is keeping them lonely. Although, the article had stated that drinking caffeine
may trick your body into talking to others, but it may not.

"Deaf-Mute, Deaf and Dumb, Hard of Hearing, Hearing Impaired, Disabled, Handicapped,
Hearing Loss, Deaf." Sign Language Interpreters. N.p., 17 July 2013. Web. 08 Nov. 2015.

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Deaf-mutes back in the day were called deaf and dumb. Although is has another
meaning which had meant the inability to speak. The word deaf-mutes arent used
anymore because of everyone had noticed the majority of the deaf could speak. Even
though some people think of deaf-mutes as disabled, they do not consider themselves

The article makes the reader understand what deaf-mutes really are. They arent disabled,
handicapped, they arent even affected by being different from other people. The author
had gotten a quote from a deaf, I was born deaf, so I havent lost anything ( DeafMute, Deaf and Dumb, Hard of Hearing, Hearing Impaired, Disabled, Handicapped,
Hearing Loss, Deaf ). Deaf-mutes are stronger than some people would imagine, they
accept who they are and what they were born with.

Sadler, Geoff. "Carson McCullers: Overview." Gay & Lesbian Biography. Ed. Michael J. Tyrkus
and Michael Bronski. Detroit: St. James Press, 1997. Literature Resource Center. Web. 8 Nov.

Carson McCullers was the eldest child of her family. When she grew up, she had moved
to New York and married a man named Reeves McCullers. During their lives in New
York, McCullers had written about 3 books. Although, McCullers had soon realized she

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had an attraction to the same gender, causing Reeves and McCullers to separate. After
that, she hasnt found any true love.

McCullers had trouble finding happiness after she had realized her true secual orentation.
She had most likely felt lonely or incomplete while she was married, causing her to write
The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter. Reading the article, McCullers probably wrote the books
showing her own feelings or expressing them.

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