Info Ocecoin Eng 1

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OneCoin Info

The growth of the new cryptocurrency OneCoin has been enormous depart from the
preliminary calculations. During the first 10 months over 400.000 paying members
have joined in with OneCoin. At the end of 2015 the number of members is estimated
to be over 1 million.

Information about cryptocurrency

OneCoin Ltd. has chosen network marketing as their marketing strategy because its one of the most cost-effective
forms of marketing. At the moment, OneCoin is the fastest grown network marketing company in the world. OneCoin
is using the power of people to create the coins. The goal of the company is to build rapidly a larger network (the
ownership of the currency) by network marketing professionals and more market places (stores, online stores and the
own MasterCard of the company etc.) than Bitcoin has.
In order to achieve this, the company has created globally a legal and unique concept and its product is network
education as compensation for your money. The education will give you skills how to trade with cryptocurrency and
online trading in general (for most of the people cryptocurrency is an unknown type of value). When you purchase the
training you will also have free tokens (options) for mining OneCoins.
In practice the currency is going to be created with the help of the network (group funding method) and the value of
the currency is going to be determined purely according to the demand and supply as well as the value of the mining
options (tokens), too. Members are going to decide whether to sell their options forward or escrow them in to the
mining and having OneCoins in return.
Company doesnt recommend trading, but will provide education with e-learning and gains you the skills you need
with interactive materials like videos, presentations and online quizzes. It is designed to make you profit from owning
and trading cryptocurrency. The members can run the course and also can have a certification of it.
All OneCoins are going to be created for the miners in real-time. OneCoin is not a premined currency. This way the
ownership of the value is going to be expanded globally in real-time. The goal of the company is to decentralize the
ownership of the currency as wide as possible with the help of the network marketing and all the trading with coins
will happen at the own exchange of the company and that is how the exchange rate fluctuations are going to be
OneCoin Ltd. will open the internal exchange for the members of OneCoin on June 15, 2015 and later this year also
for outsiders, but the mining of coins is going to stay in the hands of the members for several years. All and all the
process of creating this value is going to take approximately 3.5-4 years.

The rise of the value of OneCoin is based on three things:


Speculation - how much members are willing to pay for it

The preservation of the value - coins will be created only a limited amount, 2.1 billion and all of them are
transparent in real-time = published block chain. For every coin there will be an outsider audition monthly
(Morison International). OneCoin is the only cryptocurrency in the world having this outsider audition.
Usability - in the first step there will be own market places for the members, later online stores and next year
we will have a MasterCard converting OneCoins to different currencies. OneCoin Ltd. has been awarded the
EU-wide e-money licence online banking licence allowing to import MasterCard in to the market.

The source code is closed until further notice to enable the company to pay bonuses of the recommendation and this
way also enables also the growth of the ownership for OneCoins. The Code will be released later and the network and
bonus system are going to be melted away.

Presentation materials
English 20.5.
English 7.4.

Finnish 4.4.2015, 18 min

How to start your business

Option 1: Purchase of package only
By purchasing a training package, you will receive mining options, free tokens.

Submit these tokens into the mining

Tokens (options) consist OneCoins into Your account and whenever you want you can realise and transfer
money in euros into your own bank account or withdraw them with your credit card out of the ATM machine
In practice: If you now buy the cheapest OneCoin package (price 130 ) you will currently receive about 167
OneCoins altogether. The starting value of OneCoin at the exchange is 1,25 euros and the direction is only up

Many people confine themselves just to wait for the probable increase in the value of OneCoin in future. After all, the
starting value of Bitcoin was in 2009 0.10 USD and at the end of 2013 the value at its best was 1203 USD.

Option 2: You want to recommend OneCoin to others

You can also recommend OneCoin to others, because this is precisely the way how OneCoin is going to be funded
together as a group and this is the fastest way to receive rapidly a large amount of users for the currency. What else
would be a better way to spread this kind of value for a great amount of users than testimonial marketing! It is very
difficult to find any other more effective way to do that. The recommendation is not mandatory, but theres a great
possibility to have good bonuses if you do so.
By purchasing the suitable training package, you can immediately start to create the network of your own by
recommending this concept to others.

On all personally generated sales, you will receive 10 % as a direct sales bonus
You get paid 10 % of the Business Volume that you accumulate on your weaker side as network bonus
Depending on the package you have you can earn up to 4 Generations and up to 25 % level as matching bonus,
which is designed to help you to grow your team and make you successful. This bonus can be a very powerful
and a big part of your overall bonuses
During the first 30 days after you join us you will receive additional 10 % of all direct sales you generate during
this period
This bonus system is very simple and clear and generally used in network marketing companies all around the
world; this is so-called binary system you build up two legs or teams under your OneCoin account

We are still in a very early stage with this business. This mining project will last about 4 years and until then all OneCoins
(2.1 billion) have been mined. At this stage it is very easy to find people who havent heard about this concept yet and
if you know potential people abroad who would spread the message of this great opportunity, the growth of your own
network would actually explode.
In principle, you need to know only two people who are starting to spread the message eagerly forward making result
nothing else is needed.

Training packages

100 Starter Package

500 Trader Package
1000 Pro Trader Package
3000 Executive Trader Package
5000 Tycoon Trader Package

In addition to the product packages, a one-off registration fee of 30 is charged.

The tokens in the packages of 100 3000 will split (double) once. For example, the package of 500 includes 5000
tokens and they will split once and then you will have 10 000 tokens altogether.
Tycoon Trader Package 5000 includes 60 000 tokens and that is the only package that will split two times and after
the first split you will have 180 000 tokens and after the second split 240 000 tokens.
The coins are going to be created by mining them and the company is taking care of that on behalf of us with their
own servers in large mining pools. Because we are still in a very early stage, there will be generated 10 000 OneCoins
approximately in every 10 minutes. The mining of Bitcoins is harder because you have to mine them yourself with your
own computers and that requires specialized expertise.
Currently the difficulty of mining (extraction ratio) of OneCoins is 12:1, but that is going to raise according to the mining
which is getting harder and harder and this is going to raise the value of OneCoin. When there has been mined about
200 million OneCoins the difficulty of mining is going to raise again.

The mining process of OneCoins could be compared to the gold mining knowing that there is only a limited amount of
gold in this case exactly 2.1 billion gold nuggets. In the beginning, nuggets can be found easily but the mining
becomes more difficult during the extraction progress and the extraction of gold nuggets will be increasingly more
difficult to get up.
Since the mining will be more difficult, it will also take more and more energy and time. Nuggets cant be found
anymore as easily and effortlessly as in the beginning. This leads to the rise of the difficulty of mining and you are
going to need more and more tokens to have 1 OneCoin mined.
As a result of this, the value of 1 OneCoin will increase in the same proportion as the increased use of the available
resources (time, energy, expenses etc.). The speculation and in future also the usability will strongly influence the
value of OneCoin.
A major event was held in Dubai on the 15th of May 2015 and there were launched many interesting things concerning
the currency and our business.

The main things

Trading with OneCoins will start on June 15th, 2015 and the starting value of OneCoin is 1.25 (we heard also some
interesting reviews about the price development of OneCoin). Now we can start also using them and start trading with
USA registrations will open soon. The official launch will be on July 4th, 2015 on their Independence day but there will
be a soft launch earlier.
OneCoin market Capitalization - One cryptocurrency exchange has started listing our coin
we are listed currently the third largest cryptocurrency in the world.
Coin Vegas a new cryptocurrency casino will be opened the members will be able to play there
with their OneCoins and also Bitcoins. OneCoin owns this company.
Aurum Gold Coins please visit the new website or click on your updated AGC account.
can also get there through your own back office or The new cryptocurrency AGC (Aurum Gold Coin) was launched in Dubai. AGC is the
first cryptocurrency backed up by real assets: 10 mg Gold and 0.01 OneCoins. For every coin issued, the company
stores solid 999 gold in the Gold Vault in Dubai. OneCoin owns this company, too.
One World Foundation you can find this at your own back office and there you can
donate OneCoins and cash. Join to help children to improve their health and their lives. Sebastian Greenwood and
many other members have donated to the Foundation 650 000 OneCoins and 50 000 in cash. The foundation is
helping for example the victims of the earthquake in Nepal
Soon the company will have the EU-wide Legal Opinion for the cryptocurrency and bonus plan. OneCoin Ltd. and its
products have already been certified as legal and legitimate by an established German law firm.
There has been mined approximately over 192 million OneCoins that is 9 % only of the total sum. Currently, OneCoins
are generated daily over 1,4 million.

OneCoin is better than Bitcoin

OneCoin is challenging the first cryptocurrency of the world, Bitcoin. OneCoin provides to the users of OneCoin prepaid
MasterCard and you will be able to globally make your normal purchases with that and also raise money out of ATM.
In the contrast to the Bitcoin, OneCoin is centralizing the mining and the exchange to the own servers of the company
and this way all kinds of scamming and hacking are a lot more difficult to do. Bitcoin is using an open source method
in mining and it has exchanges all over the world.

OneCoin is one of the safest cryptocurrencies in the world and its usability will be in a class of its own. When all the
plans of the company will be realised, it is quite possible that OneCoin will be one of the greatest breakthroughs ever
in cryptocurrencies and one of the most used cryptocurrencies in the world.
When the vision above is going to be realised, the value of OneCoin is going to increase considerably. If everything
happens according to the plans of the company we can wait for the similar increase of value of OneCoin as happened
with Bitcoin a couple of years ago. This means good for the members who bought their packages at an early stage it
means that they are going to multiply the increase of the value of their OneCoins.

Information of the company OneCoin

The Head Oce of the company is located in Soa, address is Tsar Osvoboditel 12, 1000 Soa, Bulgaria. There are 50
employees right now (the amount of them is going to be increased) and there is working space more than 300 square
meters. All who are interested to visit there, are welcome to do that.
Other oces are located in Gibraltar, Dubai, HonKong, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines and Helsinki will be opened in
autumn 2015.
Dr. Ruja Ignatova owns 95 % of the whole company and her scores have a erce category:

Degree in Law (M.Jur) from the University of Oxford

Masters Degree in Economics from the University of Konstanz
Ph.D. in Law from the Universities of Oxford and Konstanz, Thesis on Corporate Litigation within the European
Former Associate Partner with McKinsey & Company
while at McKinsey worked for Sberbank, UniCredit, Allianz, Raeisen and other nancial institutions
projects with Deutsche Bank Frankfurt, setting up Russian Investment Banking operations
several projects for Texas Pacic Group (TPG), one of the biggest Private Equity Funds in the world
the businesswoman of the year 2012 and 2014 in Bulgaria
founder of the One World Foundation

During this spring OneCoin has asked Semper Fortis, an independent audit company, part of Morison International to conduct an audit of its block chain. Morison International is a global
association of leading professional service rms, established to meet the cross-border accounting, auditing, tax and
business consulting needs of clients. It is important to ensure the investors that the block chain of OneCoin is consistent
and that the number describing the amount of coins mined, seen on the front page of, is true. There
will be a monthly audit of the OneCoin block chain and they assist the consistency of the block chain and they verify
that no coins are mined outside the block chain.

Is it useful to buy OneCoin package?

This is a question that we are not able to answer on behalf of you. You have to decide it yourself the responsibility
of the decision is totally yours. You can explore the system by registering in as a member with the assistance of your
If you got interested, sign up at the link below and the payment is easy to take care through the website and also
your sponsor will help you and guide your way to success.
Joining (Registering) in is free - Explore with OneCoin rst and make your decision after that.
Thanks for reading!
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