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Thank you for purchasing Accent Your Character.

We are certain it will

bring more life to your characters for whatever your needs. This CD is
designed to give you an introduction to the dialect and inspire you to put
Here are some of the catch-phrases, insults, and idioms that Paul
some kick in your character. Paul Meier takes a humorous and entertaining demonstrates as he explores the above scenarios and encounters.
approach, reacting to a wide range of encounters with a variety of characters.
Use this document while you listen to the CD, or consult it afterwards.
Ere guvnor, give us a break!
Gotta get ome to me trouble and strife (wife)!
Be sure to look for our other audio products at For
Apples and pears (stairs)
more in-depth dialect training visit You may also find
Barnett Fair (hair)
real-life speakers of this dialect at Paul's online archive of dialects and
Plates o meat (feet)
accents, the International Dialects of English Archive (IDEA), at
You stupid pillock (oaf, moron, etc) .
oo do you fink youre dealing wiv?
You got bad breff you stupid oaf!
Blimey, you stink!
Ill get my bruvver to wallop you!
You gotta face like the back of a bus!
The following are the encounters or scenarios explored on this track.
Stop wavin that sword at me and put it where the sun dont shine.
I was ungry; dont ang me!
You are stopped by the guards.
I aint no tea leaf (thief)
You are caught stealing bread.
We was ungry; me muvver, and me brovvers, and me sisters!
You are insulted by the queen.
Im too young to ang!
You are trying run while holding a full bladder.
Didnt mean no arm.
You are buying an ancient sword from a magical arms dealer.
Your ighness.
You are taking being scolded by a priest who finds your brutality
Blimey, I better get ome quick or Im gonna bust!
Wheres the jakes? (toilet)
The stench of a close companion forces you to say something.
Im only gonna give ya ten bob (ten shillings)
You are trying to catch the interest of a bar wench.
I need this for the battle.
A bar wench is trying to catch your interest.
Ill give a quid (a pound) and not a penny more.
10. You meet someone previously unknown to you in a tavern about a
This sword is bloomin eavy, thats what it is.
job, probably a shady one.
Just one swing itll tike off is head, right?
11. The king pleads for you to help.
Five quid, thats me last offer.
12. You are trying to talk an assassin out of killing you.
Frow (throw) in a love potion.
13. You are trying to convince a guard that you are on the guest list.
I need all the elp I can get.
14. You are dueling with someone who you want to believe has
Im down on me luck.
inferior fighting skills.
Blimey, youre marvelous, you are.
15. You are selling to a slave merchant.
Eres your money.
16. You are buying from a slave merchant.
Youre a scallywag, you are.
17. A farmer catches you looking at his daughter.
You pretend to be so oly.
18. You try to think of something nice to say to a bad cook.
I give as good as I get.
19. You are trying to force information from a rival gang member.
So buggar off out of it.
20. You are trying to learn to sail when the captain yells.
I might just tike your ead off.
21. You are caught stowed away on a ship.
Fink I was born yesterday?
22. You are looking for passage on a cargo ship.
Nuffink on my conscience!
23. You are looking for a job from anyone willing to keep you fed.
Nuffink (nothing) anyfink (anything)
24. You are trying to convince a traveler to give you money.
Youre a bit on the nose, as we might sigh.
25. You hungrily stumble upon the campsite of some other travelers.
Ave you ad a whiff (smell) of yerself lately?
26. A hungry traveler stumbles into your campsite.
What the ell you been eatin out in the forest?
27. You find that you have been followed by a leprechaun.
Yer breff stinks.
28. A leprechaun tries to pull a fast one on you.
A pint of your best ale.
29. An angel comes to you in your sleep.
Ow about it then? You and me.
30. A demon comes to you in your sleep.
Just some ale and some cold venison.
31. You catch someone with their hands in your pockets.
Theres a duchess whats innerested in me.
32. You are preparing to do battle with a mythical beast.
Whats that you slipped into my ale?
33. You are shocked to see recently dead rise from a battle field.
Me legs is turned to jelly.
34. You instruct an apprentice to gather firewood.
Me names Norman.
35. You are renegotiating your split of the treasure.
What sort o job is it youre talkin abaht?
36. After years on a desert island you finally decide to open a
I never eard a you.
dialogue with a coconut.
Ow do I know youre on the up and up, on the level?
Wheres ya bona fides?
Did you ever work for the jook (duke)?

Just a small jookdom (dukedom).

Dont be asty (hasty).
Dont do anyfink youll regret in the mornin.
I know the king, and several jooks.
I could put in a good word for yah.
I give you fair warnin.
Can I offer you my orse, ector (horse, Hector).
Aint e a beauty?
es the dogs bollocks (a compliment!)
Ta-ta for now. Cheerio (Goodbye)
Adieu to you too.
Cant you read?
Do you need glasses?
Im Sir Oswald.
Swords or pistols?
I ope your aim is as good as your eyesight.
Look at the quality.
Perfectly ealfy (healthy).
Good fighters.
es only got one eye.
I ave honly honourable intentions.
Dont get on yer igh orse.
No offense, mate.
So spill the beans.
Fumb screws (Thumb screws)
angin, drawin, and quarterin.
avent got me sea legs yet.
Keel aul me?
Do a number on me (stitch me up, frame me)
Im andy wiv a cutlass.
ow much?
Anyfink to be useful.
Never forget a fiver (favour).
Im an ard worker.
Dance wiv my pet bear.
An angman.
Choppin off eads.
Cant yuh spare a bob or two, spare change?
Fank you squire.
ello, mates!
Warm me tootsies.
Got anyfink to eat?
Fanks, mate. Cheers.
Oy, oo jew fink you are?
Buggar off!
You little devil.
Squeeze froo (through) some small spaces.
Last time you pull a fast one on me.
Can you grant wishes?
You look like my dead muvver.
Dont urt me!
You little tea leaf (thief).
Ill ave your guts fer garters!
Ave a taste of my sword for starters.
Blimey, ghosts! Spooks!
You little beggar.
Dont aunt(haunt) me, ghosts!
Gavver (gather) some firewood.
oo found the treasure? oo did the diggin?
oo got mud in is eye? arry!
oo knows best ow to spend it? Me.
Did you sigh (say) somefink?
Fief (thief) turned soldier, turned pirate.
Me own bad breff, for compny.
I might eat your bruvvers.
Dont sigh (say) much.

Dialect features

Dropped h in home, hat, etc.

Glottalized t in matter, water, etc.
No r-colouration in burn, barn, born, mother, etc.
th. Change them to f or v, as in uvver fings (other things)
Different vowels in water, lot, bath, tea, etc.

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