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Correct Letter Formation

The Basic Movements

First group: straight lines (ALWAYS start at the top)
l, L, i, I, t, T, H, k, K, J, j, f, F, E
All there letters are formed from the top down as straight
lines (with the exception of J j and U u which curve at the
bottom, and f, which curves just before starting down).
After making the straight stick of the k first, the other
lines are added top to middle, and middle down.
F and E start with the first line left to right at the top,
then the stick down.
Second group: straight slanted lines
V, v, W, w, A, Y, y, X, x
These letters are formed with a slanted line, starting from
the top down. V and W then have the line go up to form the
second part of the letter.
X and Y have both lines starting from the top down.
Capital M is formed as a straight line down, the V movement,
then the last line down.
Z is formed with a straight line along the top (left to right),
a slanting line down, then a straight line across the bottom
(left to right). (You can refer to it as a diver walking along
to the end of the diving board, diving down, then swimming

Third group: down, retrace up and around

r, n, m, h, b, p
All these letters are formed in a similar way. The straight
line is formed first, top down. It is then retraced up, and
the curved line formed. If these movements are practiced
consistently, b and p will not be reversed.
Fourth group: curved letters starting with a c
C, c, a, d, G, g, O, o, Q, q, S, s, e
Start the c shape by thinking of a clock face: start at 2
oclock, go up past 12 oclock (to the left) and finish at 4
With the letter o, just finish where you start.
With s, start like the c, then keep the line curving the other
With e, start with the straight line in the middle (left to
right), then continue into the c shape.
Childrens biggest mistake is to start at 12 oclock, then
they cannot achieve the rounded shape. This is important, as
the letters a, d, g, q need the rounded shape before the
stick is added.
As the rounded shape is closed, the stick is added straight
down for a, up, then straight down for d, straight down then

curved for g, straight down then a straight partial line up

for q.
If pre-school children are taught to make circles the
correct way, always starting at 2 oclock then circling
around to the left, they will have the basic movements
learned before having to worry about letter formation.

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