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Sydney Doyle

1. Sentence #1 is in Palatino, size 14.

2. Sentence #2 is in Sathu, size 16, and shadowed.

3. Sentence #3 is in Chalkduster, size 11, and wave underlined .

Sentence #4 is in Papyrus, size 9, italic, bold and double strikethrough.

Sentence #5 is in Bradley Hand,
size 18, bold, italic and underlined.

6. Sentence #6 is in Geneva, size 14 and 8pt grey glow.

7. Sentence #7 is in Skia, size 14, bold, shadowed
and center justified.

8. Sentence #8 is in Sign Painter-House Script, size

16, and right justified.
9. Sentence #9 is in Stencil, size 15, bold, italic,
and double line underlined.

Sentence #10 is in
Edwardian Script, size
29, bold, italic, center
justifified and has a


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