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The Boring But Big Training Program

In 1966, the worlds most famous bodybuilder (Arnold Schwartzeneggar) enter the Mr. Universe
Amateur competition (talll division).

He took 2nd place.

The man who beat him? Chet Yorton.

Heres some incredible details about the man who defeated the Austrian oak the and unusual
training program he followed:

Chet didnt have the perfect starting point for bodybuilding. In fact, he started with slashed up left
eyeball, gashed up forearm, dislocated hips and shattered leg bones!

You see, Chet was in a serious car accident after high school. While he was recovering the hospital,
he spotted a pair of dumbbells in the corner and went to work. Hes never done any weight training
before and 7 months later he was 55lbs heavier.

Almost more incredible than that is the training program he used outside of the hospital.

Its not the most glamorous routine youve ever seen. In fact, it looks quite boring. But the results
speak for themselves.

Heres Chet Yortons boring but big training program:

Perform just two sets of each exercise listed below. Complete both sets before moving on to the
next exercise.

Heres the kicker: You will do 22 reps per set. Yes, 22.

Here are the exercises:

Overhead Press
Bench Press

To really appreciate just how strong this man was, consider this: Chet Yorton did 22 reps with 225lbs
for his first set of bench presses and 22 reps with 325lbs for the second set.

Switching to a high rep program is a great way to pack on incredible amounts of muscle size and
volume in a very short time. Plus, it can work wonders for your conditioning and endurance.

If you decide to give this program a go, just use it for 4 weeks and then switch back to a more
traditional strength program.

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