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This book was originally dedicated to the sacred memory of my

departed mother, Mrs. Girja K.Parikh, who expired on 22 May 1968. While
these sentiments have not undergone any change whatsoever, with the
passage of time, new sentiments have come into existence, and I wish to
acknowledge them by an additional dedication. Accordingly, I dedicate this
book to my daughter Miss A.C.Parikh and my wife Mrs. C.C.Parikh also.
The former provided continued care, encouragement, and computer help
which enabled me to compile and complete this book. The latter patiently
acquiesced my preoccupation with the project for long hours on most days
which left her on her own in a foreign land with hardly any friend. It has been
in fact my stealing of family time that this project has necessitated. While I
say that it will not happen again, they know my fascination for writing, and
I know that I would not be believed. Despite this, I want them to know
through this acknowledgement how much their forbearance and
understanding has contributed to the creation of this book, and how
essential their spoken and unspoken support has been to my life and work.

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