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Credit Examination General Pathology

( Pathological Anatomy And Pathophysiology)

Batch 202
Duration : 1 hour
Answer all questions
1. A) Describe the term embolus ( 5 marks)
B) Enumerate types of emboli (10 marks)
C) Describe the process of thromboembolism (10 marks)
2. A) Describe the mechanism of the formation of exudates in
acute inflammation ( 10 marks )
B) Enumerate the adverse effects associated with an acute
inflammatory exudates with relevant examples (10 marks)
3. A) What is amyloidosis ( 5 marks )
B) Name 5 diseases that are associated with amyloidosis (10
marks )
C) Describe the microscopic changes in kidney in
amyloidosis (10 marks)
4. A) Define necrosis ( 10 marks )
B) Describe 3 types of necrosis giving examples (15 marks) _
5. A) Define metaplasia ( 5 marks )
B) Give 2 examples of metaplasia occurring in human body
(10 marks)
C) What are the disadvantages of metaplasia (10 marks)
6. A) Describe healing of a clean surgical skin wound ( 15
marks )
B) Enumerate the causes of poor healing in a wound ( 10
marks )

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