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By the time John comes to his sense, it was too late.

RUN JOHN! RUN! that was the last word John heard Linda shout while holding the
laboratory door with the weight of her body. A number of male voices can be heard from behind
the door, each are shouting angrily. One of Lindas staff, a male in his late 30s in white yellow
colored lab coat picked John up from the floor. John wanted to help his wife but his brain and
muscles are disagreeing with one another.
Another one of Lindas staff rush towards her and helped her to barricade the door with
his body.
Go, take him out of here and dont stop running! her voice was demanding. The man
nods at her and drag John out of the laboratory area and into a series of corridors. A sudden
thought flashes through Johns mind.
Well, in movies when someone tells you to run, you run. Usually its the hero who saves
the day by telling that to the damsel in distress. However in my case? My own wife told me to
run away. What a great husband huh?
He feels pathetic, worthless.
The corridors were very long, at the end of one, it leads to another. They passed through
several doors, each are closed. The man who was dragging John was panting, his whole face are
covered with sweat.
Out of nowhere, a dark skinned man with a gun jumped in front of them. He points his
gun towards them and fires his shot. Two bullets pass through both of them. The man in the lab
coat shoves John aside and lunge towards the gunner. The two men struggle with each other.

Run John! You must go now! the man in lab coat barked while throwing punches at the
gunner. Ill hold him, go!
John pulls himself up and started running. It took every bit of his strength just to take a
step and he knows he cant afford to take a rest. He must do it for Linda and her colleagues.
He heard gunfire from the corridor he comes from. Oh no! I hope the dude that helped
me just now manage to escape somehow, he thought to himself. It may be adrenaline and the
feeling of fear, he realize that now he is running faster than before.
He is pushing his body beyond its limit. His legs are about to give off any minute now. A
few more meter and he will be out. Just a few more meters.
His vision start to darken, he could feel a hot and stinging pain at his leg. He stumbles on
his last step and collapse onto the concrete floor. John looks over at his leg, puzzled at his fall.
He could see his pants are now drenched in red, his own blood. The bullet that was fired earlier
didnt miss him completely, it managed to graze his thigh.
Stop what you are doing. It is pointless to run away John the dark skinned man emerges
from the corner of the last corridor that John took. Remorse fills in every inch of Johns body. He
could now tell the outcome of the earlier brawl. The dark skinned man is holding a gun in his
right hand while his left hand is pressing the right side of his abdomen.
The man pointed his gun at John.
John knows he doesnt have much option left. If he run, he will get shot, if he fights, at
most he can score several bruise and get shot. Damn it all! This is not how I pictured my death
would be. He prayed to every single god that he knows of. He wishes for a savior, a superhero

heck even a police officer is enough. He drags his body to the wall and lean while thinking the
best possible move he could make.
Mr. Vlanko wants you alive. He didnt mention anything about getting you in one
piece, the dark skinned man jeered. He moves closer to John. Whatever deity is out there
listening to my plea, please, I beg of thee. Send help! The more he prays the more ridiculous he
sounds. Never before in Johns life have he ever prayed to a god.
In that split second moment his prayers were answered, a hooded figure in jet black
hoodie paired with dark blue military pants appear out of thin air just a few feet in front of him.
This figure presence was so ominous that the air around John feels thin. The figure walk towards
the gunman in a manner one would walk through the park. The gunman seems faze by the
situation and quickly shift his arm that is holding the gun towards the figure and fire three rounds
of bullet at whatever it is.
As how the figure appears, it disappears at the moment the bullets are inches away from
him. The figure reappears right in front of the gunman and takes control over the puzzled man. It
grabs hold of the gun in one hand and knocks the gunman down with a single swift kick at the
back of the gunmans calf. The gunman lay sprawling on the floor, motionless.
The figure, look at John. From under the hoodie, John was unable to tell whether it was a
man or a demon behind it. The figure slowly raises the hand that was holding the gun. I have
summoned the God of Death or at least one of His Angel and now I am going to die. That was
the one thing that comes across his mind. The figure pointed towards the exit and said Go. Its
voice sounded like growling. It then proceeds towards the direction John came through.

Still bewildered by the events that unravel before his eyes, John quickly walks towards
the exit. Half relief he is still alive, the other half unsure if he should be alive.
As he pushes the door he feels the cold night breeze brush over his face. He takes a deep
breath and slowly step out of the building. He could hear men screaming in horror and a couple
of gunfire, what the men are experiencing are probably the same horror he witnessed.
Well at the very least he was out. Now he needs to find a save place. He takes a look back
at the facility hoping that his wife, Linda would somehow survive the madness. Hoping that his
wife would manages to get out as well. He stumble at every step he takes, drained of energy.
The pier is just in front of his eyes. Based on what was planned a boat will be ready for
him to make his escape. Courtesy of his loving wife. A few drop of tears make their ways down
Johns cheeks. Somehow deep inside, he knows his wife is leaving him. The things that his wife
have told him before,
An explosion comes from the facility and before he could turn around to take a look, he
was blast into the cold air. He could feel the heat waves coursing its way around him and then,
his vision completely shut off.

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