Peer Evaluation For Uğur Tomuş

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…It was seen that he was really affected. Yet he was pretty good at the
stage, he didn’t reflect his bad mood to his teaching.

…In order to elicit the topic he asked ‘’what did you do at weekend?’ the
class answered and uğur went on asking ‘what else? what else?’ until he
took the answer he wanted: shopping  I couldn’t decide whether it is
good or not? 

…When someone was telling something, he didn’t hear very well and he
showed his ear saying ‘sorry’. Again I couldn’t decide whether it is good or
not?  (please comment on it guyyss)

…During elicitation of functioanl language, he showed the functional

language items of ‘apologies & responses’ and then asked to us. There
was no brain storming or sharing idea, because we already saw them. May
be he wasn’t aware of that.

…He used Turkish name for the hypermarket gülsen hoca doesn’t
approve such kind of things. According to her, if we teach english , we
should use english names. I don’t agree with her in that point. If it makes
the class more involved, if it creates a warm class atmosphere, we can use
such kind of things. ( what do you think about it guuyyss?)

…I really liked the activity. It was very appropriate to use the functional
language. Role cards were well prepared, They included enough
information for students (nazlı-musty) to carry out the role play.

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