GDW2000 - Twilight 2000 - Twilight 2000 v2.2

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rr rrank CnaagwickK | TWILIGHT: = y wT Meet) ChU Iie} See Urs eel SS i part panera 20 Q * | How is this book you are holding different from the previous printings of Twilight: 2000 2nd Edition? Do you have to buy it if you already have 2nd Edition Twilight? No, you don't have to buy it. Twilight: 2000 2nd Edition works fine the way it is. However, Version 2.2 introduces a number of changes to make Twilight: 2000 fully compatible with the new Traveller: The New Era, and you may want to know what these changes are. ‘First, 2.2 takes Twilight from the D10-based combat and task resolution system to the new D20 system. The D20 system allows greater detail in task resolution because the larger number of die roll results allow the number of difficulty levels to be increased from three to five. This update is fully detailed in the Twilight: 2000/Merc: 2000 Referee's Screen. If you already have the screen, you know how to convert from the D10 system to the D20 system. In addition to incorporating these changes into the rules, the combat rules have been reorganized for greater clarity (see the Combat rules, pages 194 to 223). “Second, the Initiative and turn sequence system has been modified for simplicity and speed of play. Rather than having six five-second phases within a 30-second turn, the five-second increments are now called turns, with no intermediate 30-second step (again, see the Combat rules). *Character generation has been modified to provide more-skilled characters, and some of the skill names have been changed to make them correspond to Traveller (see Character Generation, pages 16 10.44), sNumerous other evolutionary improvements have also been incorporated, including all errata. The vehicle data cards are updated and more detailed to show current information and new vehicle variants, and have additional data to make them more useful, including all-new amphibious ratings for all amphibious vehicles, reactive armor, etc. The revised recoil ratings for automatic and semiautomatic weapons from the Referee’s Screen have also been incorporated into the weapons listings. ‘Traveller players will find that the changes in this edition make all Twilight: 2000 vehicles fully compatible with Traveller, providing a representative set of Tech Level 8 combat vehicles ready for use. These changes include the new D20-system ratings for fire control systems and target size classifications. With all of these improvements fully incorporated into the basic rules, Version 2.2 is up-to-the-minute, state-of-the-art Twilight: 2000. Twilight: 2000 GDW ee CREDI Twilight: 2000, Version 2.2 New Design: David Nilsen, Loren Wiseman and Lester Smith. Art Direction: Kirk Wescom. Graphic Design and Production: Rob Lazzaretti. Interior Illustrations: Kirk Wescom and Rob Lazzaretti. Typesetting: Stephen Olle and Jonathan Budi. Proofreading: Anne Bedard. Twilight: 2000, Version 2.2 Copyright©1993 GDW, Inc. Made in USA. Printed in USA. All rights reserved. ISBN 1-55878-070-X. ‘Twilight: 2000 is GDW's trademark for its roleplaying game of World War III. Previous Edition Credits Design: Frank Chadwick. Development: Loren K. Wiseman and Julia Martin. Art Direction: Amy Doubet. - Cover Art: Dell Harris. Pencil ilustrations: Tim Bradstreet Vehicle and Animal Iilustrations: Rick Harris. Vehicle iitustrations: Michael Doyle. ‘Small Arms Illustrations: Kirk Wescom. Heavy Weapons Illustrations: Shea Ryan. Graphic Design and Production: Dan Griffin, Cain Budds, and LaMont Fullerton. Typesetting: Michelle Sturgeon. Text Processing: Eric W. Haddock, Elizabeth Meier, and Stephen Olle. P.O. Box 1646 Bloomington, IL 61702-1646 “WHAT FOOLS WE WERE to allow ourselves to be lulled into a warm sense of security by the events of the late '80s and early ‘90s. How childlike we were in our trumpeting of the newage of Pence, prosperity, tind goodwill. Democracy had come to Europe, and that meant that peace had core to Europe for democ- racies never made war ort other democracies. “What utter rot! “How could we have believed such naive rubbish with the lesson of history so plainly before us? De- mocracies have qlsuays made war on other democra- cies; it has been a fact of life since the earliest democ- racies: flourished in Greece, and wa rred continuously upon each other. vrHotw could we have forgotten that in the War of 1812 the two great western democractes made enthu- siastic, aggressive war on each offer? “How could we have forgotten that democracies represent the will ofthe people, ‘and that the will of the people is often for war? = Texow could we have forgotten that Hitler was elected?” Janosz Skrivkin Chancellor of Croatia 1999 Twilight: 2000 GDW TABLE OF CONTENT Countdown to Armageddon ee 9 1990... 1991 .... 1992... 1993 1994 1995... 1998 1997 1998 1999 2000... Character Generation .. Die-Rolling Conventions, Overview Background Attributes Experience Background Skil List. Military Careers Rank NCO Skills. ‘Arm of Service Secondary Activities Reserves... 2 Secondary Activities... Obtaining Skils .. Languages... S Additional Notes OM SKIIS -nn-24 Contacts... Welcome to Hell. Initiative one Skill- and Attribute-Derived Values...24 Equipment... Vehicles Table : Lite in the Service «.n Miltary Terms & Expressions . Equipment Diagrams . Typical Experiences Careers Career List Education .. 84 Undergraduate University .......30 National Military Academy .....34 Graduate University Law Sch0Ol en Medical School Technical School ivan Occupations Military Occupations ..... United States Army... United States Marine Corps. United States Navy United States Air Force .. Other Armed Forces ... Equivalent Ground Forces Ranks Character Generation Tables... Language List 31 Vehicle Cards -31 Weapon Cards “31 The Referee “n81Deseribing the Worl. .95 Structuring the Game... “35 Some Advice For Novices 39 Rewards and Experience... 40. Skills and Task Resolution “at Overview 142 Mechanics enn 45 Character Attributes and Skils ... Tasks Task Difficulty Levels Table . Skill List Skils and Associated Tasks Personal Weapons 2... Skill Improvement .. Character Record Sheet Nonplayer Characters .. Equipment List NPC Stats Table. Melee Weapons S1OCK NPCS wenn Firearms on Sample Contacts ‘Autocant Detailed NPCs... Large-Caliber Guns NPC Motivation Howitzers. NPC Motivation Table Tripods Gotting Started ..m Small Arms Ammunition Player Briefing... ‘Small Arms & Machineguns ......53 ‘Types of Rounds Hand Grenades Grenade Launcher Rounds Rockets ... Rifle Grenades Antitank Missiles. ‘Autocannon Roun LLarge-Caliber Rounds Howitzer Rounds Mortar Rounds.. Explosives stills Generators .. 149 150 Fatigue Effects on Fire Table . Heaters and Coolers Vehicles. 150 Hand Tools ..... Travel... 150 Radios Special Note—Bicycles 150 Vision Devices Vehicle Cards. 150 Radars Fuel .. 150 Laser Designators Fuel Energy Table... 151 NBC Equipment. Vehicle Maintenance 151 Body Armor .. Repairs 152 Medical Supplies Maintenance and Repairs Boats 15 ther Equipment . Maintenance—Animals.. Personal Gear Encounters 158 GDWw Twilight: 2000 ————————— ee 154 155 Random Encounters .. Encounters Table Group Encounters Table tem Encounters Table . Territory Types Territories Table Group Encounters .. Encounter Statistics Table... Encounter Equipment Table. ‘Group Encounter Descriptions Etite Groups..... 3 ‘Animal Data Charts Animal Encounters Navigational Hazards....... ‘Navigation Hazards Table Item Encounters... tem Encounter Descriptions Item Information Tale... Settlement Size Table Settlements... Settlement Aititudes Table Urban Government Table Settlement Crisis Tabi . Urban Encounters... Urban Encounters Table Expanded Encounters ‘Sample Encounters. ‘ Downtown, Waiting for You Stout Yeomanry Chaos Deathspike Megakillers... Home, Home, I'm Deranged.. Bar/inn/Roadhouse Map ‘Subway Station Map .. Police/Fire Station Map ‘Suburban Townhouse Map Old City House Map.. Bank/Otfice Building May Cheap Warehouse/Dock Map.. Damaged Buitding Components Map. Combat Rules... Basic Concepts... ‘The Combat Tum Initiative oa. NPG Initiative Table Movement. Personnel Movement Animal Movement... Grid System Football Fiekd Two-Meter Grid AGHONS nn ‘Combat Actions .. Involuntary Actions ..... Combat Resolution .. Melee Combat Unarmed Melee Combat 198 ‘HumarvAnimal Hit Location Table ..198 Armed Melee Combat ‘Animals in Combat Fire Combat. Weapon Parameters... Direct Fre 2 Firing Range Difficulties Table Automatic Fire Movement and Fire Ammunition ‘Special Cases .... Indirect Fire .. Scatter Diagram... ‘Thrown Weapons. Grenade Deviation Tabie ... Effects of Fire and Combat Explosions........ Concussion Example Fragmentation Attack Table. ‘Submunitions ‘Submunitions (ICM) “Attack Tabie 207 Wounds and Damage. Gunshot Wounds .. Burns .. Body Armor Protection Table. Burn Damage Table. Falls .. Wound Effects and Healing Wound Etfects Immediate Effects Wound Severity Healing Medical Care. Vehicle Combat .. . Vehicle Movement. ‘The Drive Action Sailboat Movement Diagram. Navigation Hazards Table. Boat Collisions Diagrar Vehicles and Fire......... - Fire From Moving Vehicles .. Firing at Vehicles .. Tapet Mover uly Modis 215 Damage From Vehicle Target Size Table... 201 202 203 Vehicle Hit Location Table 17 Vehicle Damage Tables 218 Armor Equivalency Table Collision Damage Other Combat-Related Issues .....221 Demolitions 224 Mines 221 FASCAM Density Table... Chemical Warfare Encounter Ranges Table Tactical Visibility ‘The World In AD 2000 General Conditions Trade and Commerce Equipment Availability Table Miltary/Civiian Relations .. Global Conditions... Europe .. Brilish Nuclear Targets. Western Europe Map The Balkans Europe Map The Military in Poland Poland Map... North America... North America Map ULS. Nuclear Targets orn Canadian Nuclear Targets... Tee USSR. Nuclear Targets Map USS.R. Nuclear Teas Middle East. Alica ... Central and South America Australia Pacific islands Environmental Hazards . Radiation . Radiation lliness Table... Disease .. Disease Descriptions... Desoription of Treatments PRICE LASt en Charts. ‘Combat Charts. ‘Ammo Record Forms NPG Record Forms. ‘Small Arms Firing Charts . Directional Mine Burst Templates Heavy Weapons Firing Charts... ‘Sample Burst Diagrams... & Vehicle Combat Damage Tables. Character Generation Tables ‘Character Generation Worksheet (Character Record Sheet Encounter Charts New to Old, Old to Now Travel Charts Referee Charts. Equipment Availabilty Table. Combat Task Summary. Designers’ Notes. Index... The Twilight GPS Survey GDW Twilight: 2000 GDW Twilight: 2000 COUNTDOWN TO ARMAGEDDON What follows is an outline chronology of the events leading up to the current world situation. Obviously, we cannot deal with ‘every evant in every country in equal detail Instead, we have presented a rough outline ‘of major world events, and concentrated on the major campaigns of the war after 1995. 1989 ‘The year the Cold War ended. All across Europe, communist governments toppla in response to pro-democracy demonstrations ©, in the case of Rumania, armed insurrec- tion, Voting with their feet, East German ct zens flood into the west. In Poland, anumber ‘of Gorman ethnic organizations form in re- sponse to West Germany's policy of accopt- ing as a German ctizen anyone who can prove themselves of Germanic descent (itis ‘umored that membership in ethnic clubs will be good enough), The Soviet Union's new policy of encour- ‘ging politcal pluralism in Europe makes the ‘ond of Bureaucratic Communism a certainty. Mao Tse Tung's forgotton maxim, “Let 10,000 towers bloom,” becomes reality as dozens of ‘new partes spring into being. The only Euro- ‘poan communist governments which survive the Revolution of 1989 are those outside the Warsaw Pact: Yugoslavia and Albania. The Berlin wallistorn down in spots, and German reunification is now spoken of openly: The question is no longer "if," but rather "When?" Riots ininthe Soviet republicof Azerbaijan (over alleged repression of Armenians) re- {Quire intervention by Soviet troops. As a re- sut, the republic remains a powdarkag for months, Elsewhere, the Chinese political reform movement is brutally crushed by govern- ment military forces. An attempted coup against Prosident Aquino of the Philippines isfoiled (withthe helpof American air cover), and the republic of Panama is invaded by the U.S. to remove the governmentof Manuel Noriega. 1990 Ina major upset for poltical pundits in the United States, a coalition of opposition par- ties headed by Violetia Chamorro defeats Daniel Ortega's bid for re-election in Nicara- gua, ‘Spring elections in the Soviet republics of Byelorussia, the Ukraine, and the RSFSSR ‘sweep local roform candidates into office. Before, during, and after these elections, ethnic unrest continues to simmer in Azotbaijan, and spreads to the minority re- publics of Tajikstan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, ‘mostly in the form of ethnic damonstrations ‘and occasional riots. Low-level armed vio- lence spreads throughout the Moslem parts of the Caucasus and Central Asia, although ‘most ot fails to come to the attention of he resto!theworld, who are distracted by events in Germany, Iraq stuns the west by invading Kuwait in ‘August. With the Soviet Union indisarray, tho world ralies behind US leadership in rasist- ing raqi aggression, and troops from adozen ‘counties, a few of them stil formally mem- bers of the Warsaw Pact, pour into Saudi ‘Arabia. ‘Thelong awaitod (andiong feared, insome Circles) reunification of Germany becomes reality in October. The four power conter- ‘eneas (representing the United States, the United Kingdom, the USSR, and France) that Tecognize the inevitable, also guarante Poland's teritorial intogrity. As a part of th agreement, NATO troops will maintain apres- ‘enco in the newly unified republic (the only way some European nations will agfee tothe dood). Thenewiy united Germany renounces any teritorial claims outside of ts post-WWII ‘boundaries, but asserts continued interest in the welfare of ethnic Germans living outsida of Germany. Membership in German ethnic organizations in western Poland grows, par- ticularly in Silesia, where the floundering ef- forts ofthe naw (non-Communis) Polish gov- ‘emment to convert from acontrolledto aires ‘economy result is only a partial success. Poland attempts to negotiate a border treaty with Byelorussia, but is rebuffed and the oficial Byelorussian statement describes the city of Bialystok as “occupied” by Poland. Later in the year, Romania refuses a summit offer by Hungary to discuss the condition of ‘thnie Hungarians living in Romania. By the end of the year, Soviet troop with- drawals are under way trom Germany, Po- land, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia. 1991 In January, the Gulf Coalition began a stunning aerial offensive against Iraq and {ollowed it up with a blitzkrieg ground war in February which liberated Kuwait anderushed the lowarofthe lragiArmy. Although Saddam remained in power, his authority was reduced {0 the central thitd of his nation and his military was no longer capable of aggression against neighboring states. In March, both Croatia and Siovenia si cede from Yugoslavia, and Bosni: Hercegovania followsinshortorder. Violence '300n broke out between the Serbian-domi- ‘ated federal government and militias of the breakaway states. Ethnic and religious violence inthe Central Asian republics of the Soviet Union esca- lates, and the Soviet Union increases its ‘troop withdrawal schedule in order to use the. forces inside iis own borders. Fighting is particularly heavy betweon Armenians and ‘Azeris in the enclave of Nagorno Karabak. As the republics seize greater autonomy, Gorbachevcontinuedto vacillate betwoonan all-out drive for reform and an all-out commit ‘mentto astrong contral governmentinthe old style. The result is an accelerating slide to- ward chaos. On July 1 the old Warsaw Pactis formally abolished, the last straw for many ‘Moscow hardliners. In August the hardliners seize power in a bloody coup. (On August 19th, elements of the Taman Guards and Kantomir Motor Rifle Divisions move ntothe center of Moscow and seizethe ‘most important public buildings and radio stations. An eight-member Emergency Com- mittee doposes Gorbachev ((or "reasons of health”) and bans strikes, protests, or pubio. ‘assemblies. Dofiant protesters gather at the ‘Soviet Parliament building, along with a few