Celestial Sphere Equinoctial System

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Celestial Sphere

Celestial Sphere & Equinoctial system of co-ordinates

In this system the reference great circles are:
(a) the Equinoctial and (b) the celestial meridian through the first point of
Aries or the celestial meridian of Greenwich or the celestial meridian of the
The co-ordinates used are declination, and hour angle.
- SHA when measured from the First point of Aries
- GHA measured from that of Greenwich
- LHA when measured from that of the observer

Celestial Sphere
Is a sphere of infinite radius with the centre of the Earth as its centre.

Celestial Poles
Are the two points on the celestial sphere where the axis of the Earth produced meet it.

Celestial Equator (Equinoctial)

Is a great circle on the celestial sphere in the same plane as the plane of the Earths Equator.
Thus the Equinoctial is a projection of the Equator on the celestial poles.

Every point on the Equinoctial is 90 from the poles.

Parallel of declinations
Are small circles on the celestial sphere, the planes of which are parallel to the of the Equinoctial.
These correspond to parallels of latitudes on the Earths surface.

Celestial meridians
Are semi great circles on the celestial sphere, the planes of which pass through the celestial poles.
These correspond to meridians (longitudes) on the Earths surface.

Is a great circle on the celestial sphere in the same plane as the plane of the Earths orbit around the
Thus the Suns apparent annual path on the celestial sphere is the Ecliptic.
It is so called because the Sun, Moon and Earth must be on this plane for a solar or lunar eclipse to


Obliquity of the Ecliptic

Is the angle between the plane of the Equinoctial and that of the Ecliptic. Its value is approx. 23
If no value is given in a problem, assume 23 26.7


Of a celestial body is the arc of a celestial meridian or the angle at the centre of the Earth contained between
the Equinoctial and the parallel of declination through the body.
Declinations are measured from 0 deg to 90 deg N or S of the Equinoctial.

First point of Aries () and First point of Libra()

The two points on the celestial sphere, where the Ecliptic intersects the Equinoctial are called the
Equinoctial points.
On 21st March, at Vernal Equinox, the Sun appears to cross the equinoctial form S and N. This point is
known as the First point of Aries.
On 23rd Sept, at Autumnal Equinox, the Sun appears to cross the equinoctial form N and S. This point is
known as the First point of Libra.

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