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Running head: Advertising on prime time TV

Advertising on prime time TV is a great way to attract customers.

Yu-jou Lee
Mahidol University International Demonstration School

Running head: Advertising on prime time TV

Nowadays, people love to watch TV for releasing their stress from their daily lives ,and
the things that always come with TV is advertising. Advertising is a public announcement such
as poster or film through newspaper, internet, TV, radio or magazines (Morgan R. ,n.d) . in order
to sell goods, but the best way to attract costumers is advertising on prime time TV. Most people
at all ages like to watch TV when they have free time, and the time when they want to be relax
from the stress (Ali L. ,2011). For example; when officers/students have a lunch break, they usually eat their lunch, and at the same time they will watch TV too. So, its mean that the advertising on prime TV is a great way to attract costumers. Furthermore; On average, the general
population spends over four and a half hours a day (Editors, A. (2013))

In the introduction it has been talk about officers like to watch TV when they have a free
time, and they also like to watch TV after their stress work (Ali L. ,2011). Most of people like to
watch live TV, but it does not mean that people only watch live TV. They also can record their
favorite TV shows because of some of the show time maybe are at the same time(,.
2013), and the every age of people are able to record their TV show can be every age likes children,workers and etc. , and you also can watch TV from your phone,laptop and others too (Frost,
V. ,2013). Even if you do not have an interest of TV show, in real life you can not avoid TV because TV is everywhere in your life e.g. TV can be at street side, schools, offices and etc. When
you watch TV the things that you can see all the time even you do not want to is Advertising .
That mean people can not avoid the advertising appear on their favorite show that they are looking forward to watch it. therefore, that make advertising on prime time TV is the great way to

Running head: Advertising on prime time TV

approach to the target customers and also the most easy way because advertising always pop up
when the break time of TV program .

Thus, when we watch TV we can not avoid the advertising which always appears during
the break of the TV program even we are not willing to watch them. The advertising repeatedly
appears all the time. However, the prime time is depend on the target group, there are different
groups of target customers. For example; If the target group is children and the prime time of the
TV will be on Saturday morning (Morgan R. ,n.d) which is the cartoon showtime, and if the target group is housewives and the prime time TV will be the time that housewives have the free
time to be relax and lie down to watch TV such as when they finish housework or finish cooking
dinner for their husband and children and the time should be 19:00 - 21:00. As a result all of the
prime time TV advertising are all high price (Entrepreneur ,n.d),but the most expensive prime
time TV advertising will be 20:00-23:00 (Steinberg, Brian ,2015),.Sometimes people might think
that advertising is boring and do not give them any benefits, but in fact advertising on TV have a
lot of benefits, and also the longer you watch TV, the high frequency of advertising will be appear, so that will make you recall the advertising that you have been watched all the time.

The reasons why advertising on TV have many benefits are because: firstly, A big number
of people can watch the advertising at the same time, therefore people can discuss about the
products that they are interested with other people(Think ,2015). Secondly, the advertisement will inspire people to try new products such as those smartphone advertisement which al-

Running head: Advertising on prime time TV

ways invent new functions (Steinberg, Brian ,2015), and make people want to change new ones .
Thirdly, by repeating transmitting the advertisement in order to keep deep impression of the
product as long as you watch TV, it will make you recall the advertisement that you have been
watched (Think ,2015). Fourthly, deliver the new concepts through the advertisement, For
example; the health care medicine advertisement will tell you to absorb vitaminE is good to your
skin and red blood cell. Above of all the reasons that have been told, the conclusion is the advertising on prime time TV is a great way to attract customer than other types of advertising because
TV can show how the products work by the motion and sound at the same time.(Kathy ,2013)

TV involves our life in many ways.We get knowledges from discovery channel, fun from
some game show or relaxation from musical program and of course drama,too. In every break of
your favorite program will have many commercial films appear (Editors, A. ,2013), the films are
trying to persuade you to buy their products, like things to eat, to use, to wear or even places to
visit (Maha M. ,2011). You can see so many commercial films about food such as Red
bull,Pepsi,Pizza Hut and etc. And the commercial films about things to use such as Honda,Pilot
pen,Sony and etc.And the commercial films about to wear such as Uniqlo,H&M,Optical88 and
etc. (Commercials, 3 ,2014). The last but not least is the commercial films about places to visit
such as Dream World,Cartoon Network Amazone,Phuket and etc. Above all not only TV program are interesting, and also commercial films/Advertising will bring you happiness of shopping.

Running head: Advertising on prime time TV


Editors, A. (2013). Television Advertising Pros and Cons Retrieved, from
Frost, V. (2013). 10 reasons why we're watching more TV. the Guardian. Retrieved, from,. (2013). Why people watch television. Retrieved, from
Think,. (2015). Press Office. Retrieved, from
Morgan R. (n.d), What Are the Benefits of Advertising on TV Ahead of Any Other
Medium? .Retrieved from
Kathy (2013), The Advantages and Disadvantages of TV Advertising. Retrieved from
Commercials, 3. (2014). Top TV commercials. Retrieved, from
Entrepreneur, (n.d). 'Television Advertising Definition. Retrieved, from
Steinberg, Brian, (2015). Time May Be Running Out For Primetime TV. Retrieved from
Ali L. ,(2011), Why You Should Keep Watching TV. Retrieved from
Maha M. (2011), TV commercials: Inform, remind and persuade!. Retrieved from

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