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Topic 1 - General principles of control theory, servo mechanicanism, gain

Control theory deals with the behavior of dynamical systems. And

maintaining Homeostasis - the property of a system, to regulate its internal
environment and to maintain a stable, constant condition.
Control process there are two basic types of control. These are feedforward
and feedback. Components:

Control system
Disturbance - a temporary change in average conditions that causes a change in system
Control signal
Controller - a device that monitors and affects the operational conditions, referred to as
output variables of the system
Referentia signal (setpoint) - target value the system will aim to reach

Open loop (also called a non-feedback controller), is a type of controller

which computes its input into a system using only the current state and its
model of the system.
close loop - where the system doesn't rely on matter exchange with outside of
the system. Feedback controller.

Decrease in aorta pressure

Transfer function of aorta pressure (closed loop)

Servomechanism - a type of feedback control system for close loop system.

Set point can change

Feedback - arrangement for the automatic selfregulation of a system by returning part of its
output as input.

LH, oxytocin

Almost all systems are negative feedback

Gain the quotient of the effect of control

(correction) and the deviation from the set-point
(error). In other words gain is the ratio between
the value of a given parameter of the system when
there is no control and when control is in effect. Thus it reflects the 'strength'
or effectiveness of control.

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