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SNC1D Physics

Name: _______________________________
Date: ________________________________

Current & Charge

Electrons can be thought of as flowing in bundles called Coulombs
Current can be measured using an ammeter
Current measures how quickly charges (coulombs) flow past each point in a conductor in a second
One coulomb is the charge of 6.25 x 10 18 electrons




Coulombs (C)


Amperes (A or C/s)


Seconds (s)

1 A means that 1 C of charge is flowing past a point in the circuit each second.
The amount of current needed to operate different appliances and instruments vary
Radio needs 0.4 A or 400 mA
T.V. needs 1.7 A

Kettle needs 12.5 A

1.0 4.3 A of current passing through your heart can make it stop!

Sample Problem:
If a 250 C of charge pass a point in a conductor in 5.0 min., what is the current through that point in the
conductor? Use the GRASP method.

Q = 250 C
t = 5.0 min = 5 x 60 = 300s

*make sure values have the correct units!

what equation will you be using?

I = Q/t
I = 250C/300s
I = 0.8 C/s or 0.8 A
When 240 C of charge pass a point in a conductor every 5 min, the current in the
conductor is 0.8A

Practice problems
Find the unknown quantities:
a) I = 0.4 A
t = 20 s

b) I = ?
Q = 240 C
t = 300 s

c) I = 2 A
Q = 400 C

d) I = ?
Q = 140 C
t = 4 min

e) I = 0.3 A
t = 1.5 hr

f) I = 0.9 A
t = 3 min

Word problems use the GRASP method to solve!

1. If there is a current of 10 amperes in a circuit for 10 minutes, what quantity of electric charge flows in
through the circuit?
2. How much current must there be in a circuit if 100 coulombs flow past a point in the circuit in 4
3. How much time is required for 10 coulombs of charge to flow past a point if the current is 2 amperes?

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