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This fan compendium was created by Team Li an effort to expand upon the Legends of the Wulin Roleplaying Game System. We are passionate about the system and wish to provide additional resources for prospective Sages and players, especially n a PDF format that will make for easier table play. The Legends of the Wulin Roleplaying Game System has been copyrighted 2012 by EOS SAMA, LLC. This ‘guide will not completely reproduce sections ofthe text it will merely explain, correct, or expound upon it. If you want the original text, go and buy it and support this great game! This fan compendium will include material taken from the Legends of the Wulin fan wiki. Any material presented in this PDF has been explicitly approved for our use by the original author, and are considered to be under GNU Free Documentation License. This means this PDFis fee. If you've paid for this PDE ‘you've been robbed. Team Li Siis composed of several notable members in the Legends ofthe Wulin fan community eS j : katechon zechstyr naldiin tedster Z ear fe (SU (Steg Pl =F Other contributors include: Golden Demon: The River Marshals [pg 23], Moonlight on the River [pq 96 and Old Man of the Sands [pg 100). ae Reyemile: Black and White Stones Style [pg 45]. Sage_Genesis: Grey Dusk Siyle [pg 38] and Three Kings Style [pg 63]. . White Shadows: Devil Body Control Style [pg 50]. Hardkore Keltoid: 4 useful poston character creation [pg 103) All atwork is copyright © 2013 Ryan Le. All rights reserved. Artwork may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted or uploaded in any way without his written permission. It does not belong to the public domain, ERR. Page 52: ‘The Iron Palm technique is a ‘Technique, not a Secret “iat Page 75: The Falling Leaves Society is erroneously called Fallen Leaves Society (and on some other subsequent pages). Additionally, the Falling Leaves Society Kung Fu free bonuses to External Kung Fu and Internal Kung Fu are under the wrong heading; they should be under Falling Leaves Society Kung Fu, Page 76: Sky-Scorching Flight is misspelled. Page 178: Attack folls must alwaypbe used for a basic attack; there are no other options. Page 184: Certain copies of the PDF have the words should be’ during the description of Chi “Aura in the second paragraph, Remove the should be. . Page 186: The Warrior’ Art has no Secret Arts attack; ignore its presence in the chart. Page 210: Prayer of Cosmic Rebirth should have a +25 bonus to Burn, not +20. Page 259: The Priest’ Arts information box lists the wrong Toolset and Manipulation lores. The correct Toolset lore is The Secret Art of Davist Magic (pg 263). The correct Manipu- lation lores are Crafting Curses (pg 264) and Manipulating Influences (pg 265). Page 260: Fire Curses are not related to Benevolence Inspirations ERRATA & HOTFIXES “EE @ HOTFIXES af) Hotfixes are specific, small changes made to clarify, balance, improve, or otherwise correct, portions of the main book. Hotfixes differ from Errata in that Errata merely fixes editing errors, while Hotfixes attempt to present the ‘material as intended and not as written THE BOOK OF WooD INITIATIVE ‘The Initiative roll is treated as Opposed for the purposes of Joss and River use (ie. you may use Joss and your River to affect that roll). Malicious Joss spent during the Initiative phase is treated. as Xia Joss, ie. itadds 1 die to your Lake rather than removing 1 from your opponents. Laueus AT/FEARS Certain Loresheets, Techniques, Legendary Weapons, Transcendent Techniques, and Secrets that automatically grant a Laughs or Fears bonus may conflict with other, similar effects that state an opponent Never Laughs or Never Feats. In this case priority should be given to whoever actively spends Chi firs, then whoever has spent the most Destiny or Entanglement on the bonus, and then whoever has Flooded a Die for a weapon ability (such as the Spear). The reasoning behind this order ts that many of the Intemal Kung Fu techniques that provide these bonuses must be purchased with normal Destiny and then prioritized over others, and then chi must be actively spent to gain these bonuses. This is a significant Jong-term investment that requires ee. to.use. Someone who hhas purchased it as a passive effect with Entanglement not only may always gain that bonus, but this doesn't compete with the Destiny spent on kung fu. Finally, the flooded weapon bonus from the Spear is accessible by anyone (including Lesser Legends) and has little long-term cost besides a flooded die Tee Minority REPoRT \ prefer to use destiny (including entangled destiny) price as the first criterion to resolve these conflicts, with active effects taking precedence over passive one only where price is equivalent or nearly so. Under this approach, if an attacker should use the level 2 Fox Spirit Song technique Mirthful Fox Plays with her Shadow against an opponent who uses a Legendary Weapon (costing 10, destiny) that makes its wielder's defenses. never fear or be laughed at by attacks asa | passive effect, then the attacker would not laugh at the defense, nor would the defense fear the attack, The hotfix suggested above seems to me to deprecate the narrative significance of things like (e.g) being the descendant of the Sword Spirit because it does not require chi use— even as it prioritizes that effect over one (viz., the Spear's ability) that requires a flooded die, a cost that is everywhere else roughly equivalent to 2 chi. | prefer consistency, and _ consistency in favor of price as a measure of narrative weight. gh | THE BOOK OF FIRE Tobit Att Loresueets All Transcendent Techniques and Legendary | Weapons have a base cost of 10 Entanglement Any Secret that mimics a Secret Arts-related ‘effect that would belong to a character's archetype provides cultivation. This may include Secrets stich as Eagle Defends the Nest for Warriors, Mohist Wits for Courtiers, the __ Secrets of the Black Lotus Pills for Doctors, | and any Secret that provides your archetype with an additional Tool. Heaven Sworp ALLIANCE Secrets of Destiny: Heaven Sword Alliance Kang Fa Streaming Dragon Blade: This technique provides the Strike bonus to the Secondary Strike as well. Replace the first bullet point’ effects with the following: If you're in the Great Ultimate Dragon stance and use Dragon in Flight, you have a +5 bonus to Break an opponents Shaping and Cover Ground Waves. ‘Sword Spirit Replace the fourth bullet point with the following: O Secret: Whenever you behave as ifyour ‘main reason for fighting is the pure joy of the fight itself and regard your opponent as a kindred spirit instead of an enemy, you caharpatielly Laugh Atmy style Gubhas swords as its preferred weapon poe Escue Taons Gallant Eagle lant the Eyes of the Fiery Raptor technique! Did Gallant Eagle somehow teach you this unteachable technique, or did you rip the information from his dead body? Yun CLAN * Secrets of Destiny: Yun Clan Kung Fu 0 Bonus: Green Jade Horse (see Chapter 3: Additional Homebrewed Material, pg 37) qualifies for the Yun Clan External Kung Fu discount. ; 5 Technique: You learn the lost Black Glacier Charge technique. If you're in the Green Jade stance and use Heart-Chilling Frost, you have a +10 bonus to any Disrupt or Disorient marvel that exploits the use of cold or freezing. > + Ifyou're in the Green Jade Horse stance and use Devastation of Black Ice, you also have a +5 bonus to Damage. . RESPLENDENT PHOENIX SOCIETY Secrets of Destiny: Resplendent Phoenix Society Kung Fu 10 Technique: You learn the yin-oriented Transcendent Technique, Thousand Phoenix! You must be trusted highly by the Phoenixes | ES] BEGGAR FRATERNITY Secrets of Destiny: Beggar Fraternity “Kang Fu A World Without Dogs: Replace the technique’ effects with the following: + you're in the Divine Pastern Long Strokes stance and use Reflexes Like Lightning, you ‘may use this technique to improve every ‘Marvel you maite or every attempt to Break a Wave you make. + Ifyou're in the Divine Pattern Long Strokes stance and use Five Elements Supreme Combination, you may boost this technique {o make an auto-selective Area Attace when You make your Attack. You must still boost {his technique an your Initiative FAuuNG Leaves Society Secrets of Destiny: Falling Leaves Society Kung Fu, 10 Technique: You learn the Confucian Transcendent Technique, Pillar of Heaven! This is the great secret of a true Gentlemen, supposedly invented by Confucius himself Dracon We1t Sect Secrets of Destiny: Dragon Well Sect Kung Fu Harmony Towards All Things: This technique provides the Strike bonus to the Secondary Strike as well ‘The Dragon Well r inking the Jade Water isa Technique, not a Victory Ligurp Meat DELEGATES a of Destiny: Liquid Metal Delegate 8 Swirling Shadows: This technique also allows the use of Paited weapons. The Liquid Shadow Magistrates 5 Fortune: This is a Fortune and not a Disadvantage. Hunprep Guost FAction Secrets of Destiny: Hundred Ghost Faction Kung Fu 0 Bonus: Royal Tiger (sce Chapter 3: Additional Homebrewed Material, pg 43) qualifies for the Hundred Ghost External » Kung Fudiscount, You learn the dark 10 Technique: Transcendent Technique, Stalking Specter Text! Let all your former enemies tremble as you stalk them from beyond the grave. The Restless Ghost Scroll "This Technique costs 10 Entanglement, tia As a clarification, a character with the Restless Ghost Scroll may switch between Extiving Corpse Techniqtie@tha Bone Devil Claw at the beginning of every round. ‘The Bone Devil Claw gets an additional ability ‘The-Fear Passion Breath penalties inflicted by the Bone Devil Claw are increased by 1, as ifehey were inflicted by a Poison. (A Trivial inflits a Breath Penalty of 1, a Minor of 2, etc.) Bick Lotus Sociery Black Lotus Society Kung Fu Stainless Black Feathers: Replace the second bullet point of this technique with the following: Ifyou're in the Graceful Crane stance and wsticcessfullyDodge an'attack by 10 or more } points, you may choose to use a Petal-inflicting technique on your opponent as a Reply. cannot inflict both Petals and a Ripple (if You are capable of doing so). f Black Lotus Pills pee 4 Secret: The Doctors of the Black Lotus Society are feared for a reason. Their Unstained Lotus Mastery and their knowledge of the Black Lotus Pills has led to surprising advances in the medical field. You lean the Blood-Spotted Lotus secret, which allows you to use Unstained Lotus Mastery techniques that inflict Petals on. your opponent when you make Doctor’: Quick Work attacks. i +4: Your mastery is coi The Wulin shudder at the sound of your name, you nefarious doctor. The Doctor’ Quick Work can now make ust of techniques that use and expend petals, such as Lotus Seeds Lotus. he Buave Docs ‘ Blade Dog Kung Fu Wy Asa clarification, a player cannot purchase more than 5 points of their Techniques. As 4 further clarification, these Techniques provide cultivation as if they were = normally spent destiny (so 1 Entanglement buys 1 Technique, and that provides a rank 2 Internal Technique that provides 2 Cultivation) The Sword Bastard ‘The Devil-Saint Apotheosis costs 5 Entanglement, not 10. Baneful Humans do not gain a -5 discount towards the Devil-Saint Apotheosis. Everyone who does not possess the Baneful Human loresheet increases the cost ofthis technique by +5. —— - ES THE BOOK OF EARTH ~Marveis AND Waves Marvels and Waves that have been created with Skills are best defended against (or Broken with) other narratively appropriate Skills, Using a combat statistic in place of a Skull levies a base -10 penalty to the result. ‘The Sage should shift this penalty up or down based on the way the narrative is framed, ‘Similarly, Marvels and Waves that have been created with combat statistics (such as Heart-Cutting Strike or a Cover Grotind wave) are best defended against (or Broken with) the relevant combat statistic. Using 4 Skill in place of a combat statistic levies a base -10 penalty to the result. The Sage should shift this penalty up or down based on. the way the narrative is framed Comprar Statistics Toughness ‘The Toughness statistic does not require the tise of Chi Aura Energy Attacks _ Energy Attacks are explicitly Minor “Actions, You may perform as many Energy Auacks as you have techniques and sets of dice, Team Li Sis rationale is that this provides more use for extra sets beyond the usual Marvels and it provides a use for the level 1, +5 Energy Attack techniques. The Burn effect acts like a Freeze effect, but provides an Action Penalty instead of a Breath Penalty as it dries up the opponent’ River, Energy Attacks are not Physical Attacks, E they can Take Out an opponent. THE BOOK OF METAL WEAPONS Spears (qiang) You may also use the Spears defensive | Flooding ability while you make a Dadge, allowing you to dance out of aiode reach, keeping them at bay with your Spear. re Improper and Improvised Weapons Asa clarification, a character is not limited in the use of their external kung fa style by the kind of weapon they're wielding. If a character is wielding the ‘wrong’ type of wearer inde leads all the techniques of that style and benefit from all ofits statistics, but they do not gain stat bonuses from the weapon nor ‘use its special abilities. For example, ifa characteris using a Ranged Weapon while in Eight Legends style, the +5 Strike bonus from the weapon does not apply, the attack a, Meee - © Rlee 2014 cannot automatically be extended into another zone, and they cannot flood a die to attack opponents farther away. This means that if, for whatever reason, a character is without their weapon, they are always better off attempting to improvise a weapon that works with their external style, since at least then they can potentially make use of the weapon's special abilities, if not its stat bonuses. (But see the Player's Guide section on Shaping Waves for examples of how a character might try to improvise effects that aren't compatible with their styles weapons.) Special Weapons and Armor may be purchased with Entanglement, not just normal Destiny, so long as it makes sense- its very likely your society may provide : you witha Special Wedpon, But why would the Falling Leaves Society provide you with a sickle and chain? Additional, non-Special Weapons may be purchased for 1 Entanglement or Destiny. ES] Externat Kune Fu ‘Twin Tiger-Subduing Talons saying 2 fw ERiaeal kung RegTER Asa clarification, this technique acts as ifit pe ae “ete a normal physical attack that results in a Passion. It adds Damage and subtracts Toughness, and Armor provides additional Destiny Croup Fist defense. costs 7 destiny. } Guarding the Sun and the Moon ‘Asa clarification, this technique’ penalty Great Uttimate Dracon St¥te also applies to anyone attempting to Great Ultimate Dragon Style, while flavorful ‘Analyze your Destiny Cloud Fist kung fu. and evocative, is widely considered to be unplayable by the Wulin community. We have Divine, ParrEey Done STROKES provided our own homebrew redesign of the styles techniques in Chapter 5: Sages Guide epee ron Wi ‘dnder Houséruling [pg 149] nan tH6# to ‘Asa claniication, this technique can only makeit playable be used to stop people from Covering 7 Ground into and out ofthe zone, Itdoes | not protect you or others from Knockback Murperous SHAapows 7 marvels z Void Nature Sweeping To All Sides Replace the effects of this technique with Replace the effects of this technique with, the following: the following: Fm Opponents who would normally get bonuses Opponents wha would normally get bonuses against you for having a higher initiative must against you for having.a higher initiative must exceed your initiative result by 15 or they are exceed your initiative result by 15 or they are denied those bonuses against you. denied those bonuses against you Ravenous Wincs i Gracerut Crane STYLE ~ Heaven Darkened By Wings ‘ ‘ ‘ Patient Crane This technique provides a -10 penalty to Replace the effects of this technique with an opponent’ attempts to recover from the following: Disrupts or Disorients not a -5. Opponents who would normally get bonuses , against you for having a higher initiative must Storm Gop’s Fury _ exceed your initiative result by 10 or they are ‘Thunderclap denied those bonuses against you As a clarification, this technique levies a-5 ; penalty to an opponent’ Speed INTERNAL KuNc Fu Ape: that provides a bonus to cls only provides that bonus to a single Marvel, no matter how many Marvels are made © on anattack, unless the technique is explicitly stated to have a Round-Long duration. Similarly, any technique that provides a bonus to defense against Marvels only provides that bonus to a single Marvel defense Bounp1ess Prosperity MANUAL Five Elements Supreme Combination This technique and its boostable effect ‘must be activated while rolling Initiative Fire SuTRA « Fusing Flames Replace the effects of this technique with the following t f e. You have a +10 oni to Your Chi Aura when rolling to protect against Burn damage. ‘This may also provide limited protection against the environmental complications of fire made by Round-long duration. Biz Shaping Waves (including secondary effects such ‘as smoke inhalation) at the Sage’s discretion. one or more fighters other than you within ‘your zone use any points of Fire Chi or you use this technique to defend against any kind of Burn effect (ncluding from environmental complications), you regain one additional point of normal Chi atthe end of this round. You can gain only a single point this way, regardless of the quantity or quality of the flame. “Your opponent can no longer negate this ae Hlusive Desert Being ; | technique’s bonus to your Dodge with their © attack roll, This negates the need to Boost this technique. \e-Fire Seal Replace the effects of this technique with the following: Round-long duration. Your normal attack may inflame an existing Buh condition instead of an Injury Condition Tete docrnct Ghote Armazo Megs but it does apply your normal Damage bonuses {from other kung fx and your weapon. You haye a +10 bonus to a single Rippling Roll ‘made to inflict a Burn effect. Aura of the Qili Replace the effects of this technique with the following: Round-long duration You have a +30 bonus to your Chi Aura when rolling to protect against Burn or Freeze damage ‘You have a-+10 bonus to any Burn effect you make. Prayer of Cosmic Rebirth Replace the effects of this technique with the following: 2 You can use the Burn effect as a Minor Action % on your attack with a +25 bonus. If it forces an immediate Rippling roll, the roll receives@ 415 bonus. © If the Burn effect of this attack hits, the target "must spend 2 Chi per de of Chi Aura purchased to defend against Burn damage for the rest of 4 the fight. \ .

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