Assignment 1

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Assignment 1

CSIT 101
Ben Scesa (online )

a) List the keywords you used to find the articles. (1 point)- I used computer security as my
b) Identify the database you used. (1 point)- I used the library catalog Smart Search website that
EBSCO hosts.
c) Why did you choose this database? (1point)- I chose this database because that was the first
one I saw when I went into the CCBC library website.
d) Cite DB article 1 in APA or MLA format. (2 points)- I copied this MLA format directly from
the cite button in the database.
Denning, Tamara, Kohno Tadayoshi, and Henry M. Levy. "Computer Security And The Modern
Home." Communications Of The ACM 56.1 (2013): 94-103. Business Source Premier.
Web. 6 Jan. 2016.
e) Cite DB article 2 in APA or MLA format. (2 points)- I copied this APA format directly from
the cite button in the database.
Trustworthy Hardware from Untrusted Components. Communications Of The
ACM, 58(9), 60-71. doi:10.1145/2699412
f). Screen Print #1scholarly article #1

Assignment 1
CSIT 101
Ben Scesa (online )
Screen Print #2scholarly article #2

a) Write a paragraph summarizing the article in 3-4 sentences. Include the title of the article.
(3 points)- Dispels Privacy-As-A-Service Platform Keeps Your Internet Connection
Secret And Safe is about a new platform called Dispel. Dispels goal is to give their
customers privacy and security. It has two ways of dealing with this. One way is Invisible
Connections, which routes the customers computers through Dispels servers, so the
customers can be safe. The other way is Invisible Computers which is a temporary
desktop that is destroyed after the user is done.
b) Cite Internet article 1 in APA or MLA format. (2 points) 3. Find one additional Internet
article on the same topic. Answer the following questions: (6 points)
Lardinois, F. (2015, December 14). Dispels Privacy-As-A-Service Platform Keeps Your Internet
Connection Secret And Safe. Retrieved from

a) List the keywords you used to do the search. (1 point)- I used computer security as my

Assignment 1
CSIT 101
Ben Scesa (online )
b) Cite Internet article 2 in APA or MLA format. (2 points)

Hess, K. (2015, December 15). Retrieved from

c) Run the same search (using the same keywords) on two different search engines. Identify the
search engines you used. (1 point)- I used and
d) Create a table to compare the results from the two search engines was one search engine
better than the other, why, how. How many search results did you receive? Etc. (2 points)
How many results
How helpful?
Alternate suggestions
No ( lots of Adds)
Yes ( better then yahoo)

4. TRAAP your sources. (10 points 2 points per section) Evaluate the Internet article you found
step 2 by answering the following questions:
a) Time Dec 14, 2015. Has it been updated? - No it hasnt.
b) Relevance does it relate to your topic or answer your question?- yes it does.
c) Authority who is/are the author(s)?- Frederic Lardinois is the author.
Are they qualified to write about this topic?- yes he is. How do you know?-
is well known and well respected, so they would make sure the authors are qualified. He has
been writing about technology for 5 years.
d) Accurate is the information trustworthy?- yes
Is it supported by evidence? Yes. Other websites have said the same thing.
Has it been tested for accuracy?- The article has said that some users are using it successfully.
e) Purpose why was it written, to inform, sell, persuade?- The article was written to inform
the readers of this new platform.
Is there a bias or is the material objective?- This article is objective. It just describes what the
platform is and does.
5. Compare the Internet and Journal articles. (6 points 2 points per section) Compare the
Internet article 1 and DB article 1 based on the following criteria. Use a separate paragraph

Assignment 1
CSIT 101
Ben Scesa (online )
for each criteria. a) Ease of access- Internet article one was easy to get. I went on and typed my keywords and it came up.
Database article was hard to access. I had to log in my account. Then I logged into the
library then I typed my keywords then it came up on the list.
b) Timeliness- Internet article is current and is less than a month old. The product it
describes is just being shown to the public.
Database article is 2 years old. Some of it is a little old, but most is still very applicable.
c) Authority- Internet article one is written by Frederic Lardinois. He is an analyst for He joined them in 2012. He has been a writer for 5 years. He founded
Silicon Filters.
The database article has 3 authors. Denning, Tamara is an assistant professor at the
University of Utah. She has a PHD and has published a number of scholarly articles.
Tadayoshi Kohno is also an Associate Professor in the University of Washington. He does
many research project in the area of computer security. Levy, Henry M is the chairman of
the department of computer science at the University of Washington. He has many
publication and has taught many students. He has many computer security related
Overall, the database article has much more knowledge and authority behind it unlike the
internet article.

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