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Morgan Marshall

Where I'm From

I am from the art of escapism, the realm of adventure and imagination where
bards and dragons sing together and wars of shadow are fought in far off
futures. It is a fragile place, made of delicate and fine things... Dreams,
hopes and comfort. I'm from a cold place, where Winter rules the land and
the hearts of men. And Winter does not care for fine nor delicate things. I'm
from Anxiety and fear, constantly looking over my shoulder, for fear of
Winters young servants, coming to take my dreams away. How gleefully they
danced, their songs and mockery filled sadistic happiness and spite. How
cold their little feet felt, as they drove them into my sides, one after the
other. The dampness on my face from spit and blood. How cruel, I thought,
how sad, that these young ones would let the chill harden their hearts so.
Though... all was not lost, Winter's domain could only extend so far. I am
from a land of Evergreens, tree's that grow proud, tall and strong, ever
defiant against the battering and unforgiving cold. My place was not
amongst Winter's court, but amongst the saplings. The saplings were told by
the older and kind, Evergreens, "You must persevere, you must press on! Do
this, and the frost of winter will never claim you! You will grow tall and
strong as we!"
And grow I did. I faced the harsh winds, endured the biting chill and ever
growing winter. I even found other evergreens as I, facing Winter alone as I.
We have forged our own grove, and from within this grove, we continue to
grow and learn.

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