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With the exis(ng processes seen in PMA or CCAFP that you want to
automate or computerize (given your proposed Informa(on Systems),
iden(fy the problem/s that your Informa(on System could address and
prepare an Informa(on Systems Project (ISP) Plan with the given format.

ISP Plan Format

IS Project Name (1pt)
Introduc(on (2 pts)

Give a descrip@on and discuss how an informa@on system could help

resolve the problem

Capabili(es (3 pts)

State what the IS project will be able to do specically, e.g. Compute

averages, provide user-friendly queries

Methodology (4 pts)

Choose from any of the 4 approaches or combina@on Tradi@onal Life

Cycle, Prototype, Applica@on Package, End-user development.
Explain the selected approach for building the IS project and give at
least three (3) reasons for your choice

ISP Plan Example

Company Equipment Inventory System

Cadet Snap-I AKO I

Sec U

India Company has in its inventory various equipment that are not properly documented. The
Company S4 has a lis@ng of equipments that were turned over by the previous S4 but keeping this
lis@ng updated and complete is quite tedious since it has to be done manually. As a result, losses were
common, borrowings were not properly tracked and documented and there is no proper accoun@ng of
items in the companys possession.
Developing an informa@on system that will keep track of the current inventory of equipment of the
company would be of much use to the company. It will be par@cularly helpful to the Company S4 who
will be responsible in maintaining the system.

Capabili(es of the IS Project:
The proposed IS project can do the following:
1. Produce the following reports:
a. list of equipment owned by the company
b. list of equipment that have been borrowed
c. status of equipment
2. Accept the following queries:
a. status of equipment
b. quan@ty per equipment
3. Add, delete, edit equipment aZributes.

We intend to develop a prototype of this project. A prototype is a working model of the system that we
have in mind. We chose this approach for the following reasons:
1. Developing a prototype will help us verify the feasibility of our design
2. Developing a prototype will also promote genuine user par@cipa@on in the design
3. The system that we will develop will be based on what the user really want

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