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How do you typically manage negative emotions?

For me, managing negative emotions is difficult although I have 19 years old because
are a type of emotions that I usually try to do not have it.
However, sometimes when I have negative emotions I try to control myself. A trick that
I use is go alone in some place and think about the problem or listen some music to
relax and then be able to negotiate and talk with the person that has created this
negative emotion without alterations. Nevertheless, I have to admit that often is difficult
to do not react at the moment in a not correct way because it is, in my opinion, as a
When is an object or an action that makes me feel have negative emotions I try to skip
it. For example, if it is a project advance as many as I can or if it is an action that I do
not want to do try to do not do it.
To sum up, when I have negative emotions I try to find the think or the person that has
created it and skip it through being alone or doing what I can to solve the emotion. In
addition, it is very difficult because sometimes the negative emotions flow on you and
are very difficult to forget about it and do as if all was right.

Describe several recent examples. How might you early experiences,

gender, and cultural background have influenced your style of emotional

I am going to explain two examples one with a person and the other with an action.
The first one (that could be apply in the majority of the cases related with people) it
happened today. I was doing plans for the weekend with a friend and we have not
agreed in a plan for the Sunday morning. She did not want to listen my point of view
and she only wanted to do what she thinks that is the right option. That had made me
feel bad emotions as disappointment, bad mood and disillusioned. I try to negotiate and
arrive to a consensus. However, as she does not want to listen me I finally do not
response to their messages (it was by the mobile) until some hours later proposing the
consensus point of view. During all that time, to regulate my emotions and do not feel
disgusted (because the friend knows that this plan really illusion me) I have
concentrate in other thinks and try to understand her point of view.
Negative emotions also affects to me when in group works someone does not do
anything. In those cases what I do is try to speak with the person to know if something
is happening.

Of course, that my gender and cultural background has influenced to my emotional

regulation. For example, as for my aunt the education about the emotional control is
very important, since I was born she tried to make me external all my emotions with
words and understand the other and try to keep away all the negative emotions.

How would you describe your temperament or your personality traits

as a child? Do you think it has remained stable, or has it changed? What
factors might be involved?

My temperament when I was a child it was sociable, playful, smiling and laughing all
the time, calm, participative, autonomous (When teachers or parents order something I
had usually done, however, when it was a classmate or a friend that ordered to me
doing something or playing to a game that I did not want, I was really autonomous and
I preferred to play alone before do what they told to me).
I think that my temperament has remained stable, at least the big traits. Nevertheless, I
have had different emotional periods during my life. Sometimes, I have been more
laughing or sympathetic and I have had times with more bad mood, bad answers,
stress moments or a little bit more rebellious. However, all that times with bad moments
the factors that have involved where bad moments with my family (as for example the
divorce of my parents) mixed with the adolescence and the typical irritability that
characterised that period.
In conclusion, I can say that I am an autonomous, calm, smiling and sociable person.
Nevertheless, I also have moments of bad mod which I prefer to be alone. I could say
that for the moment, during all my life I have had a stable temperament except in some
difficult or characteristics periods or moments.
4. How would you characterize your internal working model? What factors in
addition to your early relationship with your parents, might have
influenced you?
As the reading say internal working model, or set of expectations about the availability
of attachment figures, their likelihood of providing support during times of stress, and
the self s interaction with those figures. The internal working model becomes a vital
part of personality, serving as a guide for all future close relationships (Bretherton &
Munholland, 1999).
I believe that the good relationship with my mother has influenced a lot on my
temperament because as a child I was very happy. Never has miss something during

my infancy and my mother has always made as a support point in my life. I can say
that my relationships with close friends or familiars have some common points as the
relation that I have with my mother, I suppose that because the relationship that I have
with my mother has serve for me as a guide during all my life.
However, with the years I also use other methods or internal working models with
different relationships. For instance, is not the same the family relations than friends
relationships. And all my closest relationships have affected to my internal working
model and I have expended the methods and ways to interact with others. Like my
cognitive, emotional and social skills.
In conclusion, I suppose that my mother close relationship is the relation that most
affected to my internal working model. Nevertheless, all the close relationship that I
have had during my life has made that my internal working models have expanded and
improve. I expect that the relationships that I would have during all my life, would made
my internal working progress greater.
5. What have you learned for your teaching practice from emotional
I learned that the emotional regulation is very important for the life of people because
we have to learn how to regulate our emotions (positive or negative) since we are
children. It is important to take into account all the factors that influence the children (as
gender or culture) to understand the temperament of each child and be able to teach
how to regulate and improve the relationships with the others.
According to the reading, I think that it is very interesting because it makes reference to
important emotions as happiness or sadness that emerge to us but any time we have
asked for how they emerged to us and here it is explained and how we show during the
first months of our lives. Furthermore, divides between basic emotions or selfconsciences emotions and make clear the differences and the common points.
The part that I found more intresting it was the page 402 where there is an article
realted with the parental depression and the affects that has in child development. I
was really surprise to know that several parents also have a depression after the birth
of the child because I know the phenomena with mothers but not with parents.
Moreover, I did not know that this affected to the child behavioural development make
them more antisocial and have emotional and behaviour problems more often than
children which their parents does not have depression. Therefore, it is an important

factor (the relationship with parents and their health) for children correct development
during the first months.
In conclusion, I find the reading very interesting because the theme it is really useful

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