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The Match-up Numbering Game

1. Teach the children a set of sentence structures according to you topic. For example:
Unit 10: A Ride in the Safari Park
Question: What animal is this?
Answer: This is a _______________.
Question: Where can you find it?
Answer: You can find it _______________.

2. Give each child one number.

Let's say there are 28 children in your class. Start a child off to say '1' and the others should follow suit.
3. Write the numbers on the board.
If there are 28 children, write 1,2,3,4 and so on up to 28.
4. Explain the rules.
The teacher will call out two numbers. The first number will ask the questions and the second number
will provide the answers.
5. Have a try-out round. Call out two numbers so that the children can see how the game is played. The
first number to be called will ask the questions and the second number will provide the answers.
6. Always cross out the numbers you have called out. Make sure you call out random numbers so that it
will be more interesting. My children found this part fun because they could not expect the person they
would be partnered up with.

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