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Lesson 7

Strategies to Solve Multiplication Facts 7 and 8

Lesson Overview
Students will complete this unit by learning multiplication facts with factors and 7 and 8. The
teacher will begin the lesson by introducing the concept of the days lesson. The teacher will
review passed taught multiplication strategies throughout the lesson: arrays, groups, skip
counting, repeated addition, and the Commutative and Distributive Properties of Multiplication.
The teacher will emphasize the usefulness of thinking of related known facts to help them solve
problems with factors of 7 and 8. The teacher will model multiplication problems using these
strategies for factors 7 and 8, while the students take notes. The students will solve problems
given by the instructor on their iPads for guided instruction. Next, the students will complete an
assignment through Schoology, on their iPads, for facts 7 and 8. Then, the students will submit
their work back to Schoology for the teacher to assess and give any need feedback. Students will
be divided into their assigned small groups to practice automaticity and fluency using their
assigned strategy: arrays, flashcards, practice drills, and a hybrid.
Materials Needed
Blank Multiplication Table-Complete columns and rows for facts 7and 8 (Appendix B)
Multiplication Song-7 & 8
Interactive Whiteboard
Student iPads
App-Math Fact Master
Individual Multiplication Sheet (7 & 8) (Appendix L & M)
Post-Assessment-(Appendix N)
Lesson Objective
Students will be able to recognize strategies that can be used to solve multiplication problems
with factors of 3 and 6 with 100% accuracy.
One 60 minute classroom session
Classroom Set-up
Five classroom tables with five students per table, Computer, Student iPads, Math Fact Master,
Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activity

Students will get out their math journals to add to the content added from the day before. They
will be asked to title todays entry as, Strategies to Solve Multiplication Problems-7 and 8.
Step 2: Content Presentation
1. The instructor introduces the concept of the days lesson: multiply by factors of 7 and 8.
2. The teacher begins the lesson by introducing the concept of multiplying by 7. They will
review passed taught multiplication strategies: arrays, groups, repeated addition, skip
3. The teacher will also remind students about the Commutative Property of Multiplication,
and how it can help solve multiplication problems with factors of 7; think of a known fact
(3x7=21, so 7x3=21).
4. They will also review the Distributive Property of Multiplication. The teacher will show
on the Interactive Whiteboard, with the students taking notes, how to decompose 7 into
two addends. They will model the different ways 7 can be decomposed; 3+4, 5+2, and
6+1. They will model how to work through decomposing the factor of 7 to find the
overall product (e.g. 7x5=?, 3x5=15 and 4x5=20, 15+20=35, so 7x5=35).
5. The teacher will use the Interactive Whiteboard to display a blank multiplication table for
the class to see.
6. The students will open up to their chart in their math journals.
7. The class will then, together, fill in the row and column portions associated with factors
of 7. They will fill in the product portion of the chart for 7. The students will do this in
their math journals.
8. The teacher will then introduce the concept of multiplying with a factor of 8. They will
review all the strategies that were discussed to solve factors of 7. They will show
students that 8 can be decomposed into: 2+6, 1+7, 3+5, and 4+4.
9. The teacher will write a few examples on the Interactive Whiteboard for the class to see.
10. The teacher and students will fill in the Blank Multiplication Chart with the all factors of
11. The teacher will then model few examples with multiplication using the two strategies for
7 and 8, and have the students complete a few sample problems as a class on their iPads,
using Doceri.

12. Students will talk with their tables and tell them the two new strategies they have learned
with one another.
13. The teacher will then introduce and have the students listen to a song to help students
learn the 7 and 8 multiplication facts. The class will then practice the song together.
14. The teacher then have the students complete the individual multiplication worksheets for
facts 7 and 8 (Appendix ), that have been assigned on Schoology. Students will complete
their worksheets on their iPads, and turn them into Schoology for the teacher to assess.
15. The teacher will grade the students work and return it back to them with any feedback
needed using Schoology.
16. The teacher will then meet, small group, with the assigned multiplication strategy groups.
They are arrays, flashcards, practice drills (using the app, Math Fact Master), and a
hybrid group. These students will be given problems involving 0 & 1 multiplication
factors and asked to solve them using their assigned strategy. This is the time the
students are building automaticity and fluency.
17. Students will take the post-assessment on Schoology.
Step 3: Learner Participation
1. Students will take notes on multiplication strategies to solve the 7 and 8 facts.
2. Students will fill out products associated with the factors of 7 and 8 on their Blank
Multiplication Chart (Appendix ) in their math journal.
3. Students will solve problems using taught strategies on their iPads when given by the
teacher as a formative assessment.
4. Students will learn and practice a multiplication song on the multiplication facts 7 and 8.
5. Students will complete the individual fact worksheets for facts 7 and 8 on Schoology in
their assigned multiplication strategy group.
6. Students will take the post-assessment on Schoology.
Step 4: Assessment
Students will complete two worksheets for the 3 and 6 facts on Schoology independently.
They will be evaluated by the teacher and given back for feedback.

Step 5: Follow Through

Any unfinished problems from the independent works will be taken home and completed
as homework, accessed through Schoology. Both assignments will be due the following day.

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